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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Why didn't Spain work out? We quite liked Portugal, but the southern part is very quiet during the winter months. Most places just close up.

    We liked Lisbon quite a bit. Somewhat similar to Madrid. For better or worse.

    Spain was never particularly on the map for me,been there a few times last few years,but bit dissapointed,can speak and read Spanish (or used to) thought it would smooth the process of moving and living there, but no

    Looking at various ex pat web sites and the southern part of Portugal not far off the Spanish border looks particularity attractive,but got loads of baggage here,dog, girlfriend etc. Dogs OK, but may do a Thai wedding ,easy to get them into Europe ,not UK ,but work for her was a guessing point.

    Yes beautiful house here(renting) but with so many empty around me and others trying to get away gets the thinking box moving,and age is another factor to weigh up,cost of pro-longed medical care in Thailand is daunting

    Have been here and nearby country for quite a few years ,and I do get a bit homesick nowadays too,not to live in the UK, but a couple of hours away would do

    Thanks for the responses, I have been in contact with a German who lives here and there,just tapping his brain at the moment. May throw the question up generally bit later.


  2. Its by no means a Pattaya topic.

    I remember news about a late (and catastrophic) monsun with flooding in India (where it appears earlier than in Thailand).

    More big rain potentially on the way too. June 21 st India rubber boots on for at least 4 months, so pi..ed off wish I had drowned at times

  3. Numchai is about the best there is. They charge a bit for the eval if they can't fix it. I had a 4 year old Samsung that started getting lines across the screen. Said to just buy a new one. So we did.

    Do not know if they send their stuff for repair to Father Rays but PowerBuy do, used to be 300 baht a repair just had my DVD repaired there 200 baht

  4. Like a great deal of questionable Internet offers. I've seen them all.

    Go to holidayPirates go back to 29/11 Cheap flight to Thailand £268 return Probably need an app because they will sell out quick. £238 or something to Goa from Manchester now its VOA there that is a bargain

  5. 10 years ago Walking Street was full of American / European / Scandanavian / Australian people. Now it's full of Indian / Arab / Chinese people.

    Maybe that is the answer to your question OP.

    unbelievable racist comment. Though i dont fit in any one of those group mentioned but here is something pattaya28 should know that in this downfall of Thailand's tourism industry at least those Asians and Middle eastern are keeping the business alive by coming here. Bare in mind the selected group that you criticized I bet any given day they are much more educated and well off than you are.How sallow you are its proven.

    Being educated and well off has nothing to do with the discussion. Do you think a bar owner cares how educated or well off an individual is? Do those qualifications help support the tourist industry? NO. What supports the tourist industry is spending money. And the group of people mentioned above, no matter how well off they are, do not spend that much money, especially on walking street. They are there more for free or cheap entertainment.

    Too true.Asian (not Indian) are usually in packs,guided tours etc. they are shepherded into wherever the guide gets most commission ,be it massage parlours,souvenir shopping,parascending .

    Now as for Indians,used to live there for years,heard it say from more high up Indians that the general mass should never be let out of their country. As for racism,in that country try a little white skinned mixing while there,especially during monsoon period,now I am sure you would be the first in line to start bleating reverse racism in action (I think not)

  6. I believe units at vt1 and VT2 are also above the 49% foreign threshold because of the 1999-2004 exemption for Bangkok and Pattaya condo projects. It was always my understanding these units were grandfathered and could be resold to a foreigner. It would be interesting to know if that is the case and if that is the situation at Chateau Dale.

    Yes. This is the situation at Chateau Dale. The Condo has been over 49% since the exemption ended in 2004. Previously foreigner to foreigner transfers were permitted by the Land Office but this stopped without any warning earlier this year.
    Hopefully, this is some kind of clerical or bureaucratic error that will get sorted out and is not official Land Office policy. As others have mentioned a farang unit has greater value and I personally would not use a Thai-company structure.

    Thought the link would be removed,if there is much interest in this thread I will type it out word for word. For sure no clerical error,just another tightening of whatever,could,would possibly lead to something else

  7. so is this topic implying that some condos won't let you sell your unit because there are clauses in the original purchase agreement that say something like you can't sell to foreigners if certain percentages are not met? Another very useful piece of information. Thanks

    Was not a clause in the contract,just a blanket refusal to allow foreigner to foreigner sales,and not part of the quota system either

  8. Theres still few old decent gogos in walking street.

    And for younger guys disco clubs are orite for fun and can pick up hot girls there...


    I realy hope that is not your pic, dear boy

    So do I hope urs not real 2 555

    Mine is real kind sir, used to be a singer, many years ago, made millions

    Bernie Flint Hughie Green talent show

  9. Interesting article in (deleted) today under the headline "cannot sell my condo in Jontiem to a friend."

    Quoting the source the quota is now up to 53% and irrespective of anything else it is the dates 1999 to 2004 that matter when purchase took place. Anything over the quotas will be terminated,starting with the latest working backwards until the required quota is reached,or setting a company up or selling to a Thai which would considerably reduce its worth.

    Ill PM anyone interested with the source if required Thought it was April the first when reading it

  10. maybe time for immigration upon arrival, to check why they are here , have enough cash on them, have confirmed hotel bookings ...

    Maybe for immigration to check upon arrival of any white falang if he is genetically a pedophile? How this sounds?

    How does this sound? you do not get over 100 whites barricading themselves into an establishment and accused of being Peadofiles,but you do get Nigerians doing the the barricading in because of criminality.

  11. After watching Nigerians completely trash lower Sukumvit, it is a sad

    trend to see them start showing up here. Pattaya would be wise to

    bring this threat to an early close.

    Quite a bunch of them around that soi 17 south Pattaya. they could be starting another branch of New Life Ministries church though,praying for more mugs to be scammed,or into drugs more than likely

  12. Try and be a bit more adventurous when in Kan.

    Waterfalls and caves are great,really good,but the Hellfire Pass is without doubt the saddest and most remarkable.

    I did the tourist trail,pushed on further to the Hintock road,crossed over the rd and did the remainder,pack of cards bridge etc,some walk,take plenty of water.

    The cable swing bridge over the Kwai close to the Hintock Rd resort is quite something along with the temple.

    The Pink Panther bar I miss in Kan after a day out

    Pack of Cards bridge is where around 65 POWs were beaten to death by the Japs,along with 13000 other allied troops died along that line

  13. That is not exactly what I call well-managed villages. Have a look for example at Green Field Villas - you won't find any empty houses there.

    By the same token Phil, compared with about 2 years ago (the last time I was earnestly searching house listings in Pattaya), there were zero properties from any of the Green Field villages. Now there's at least 4 popping up on realtors listings and I have seen a couple that have 'For Sale or Rent' signs hanging over a back wall so they can be seen from the main road.

    Sign of the times maybe but I don't see it as 'the end is nigh' scenario yet. More like the average punter is doing a fiscal downsize, either selling up and leaving the country or moving himself to a cheaper, secondary property and renting out the 'palace' depending on how HIS arse bones are looking. Broke bloke goes home, savvy bloke downsizes and switches to drinking Archa. For every single well-managed village, there must be at least 10 ghettos especially among the older developments either side of Nernplubwan and Khaonoi.

    I have no clue what the perpetually moribund but allegedly vibrant condo market is like. I mean there's loads of new shiny towers attracting lots of attention but there's still megaloads of crumbling, mostly empty edifices to remind us of the shoddy construction and zilch city planning that still prevails.

    12 months ago,the property Im renting there would be no chance at what I am paying,and looking around a good third,or even half are empty up for rent or back to the bank owned. beautiful 4 and 5 bedroomed detached. Sure has made life in pats more enjoyable,thoughts of moving diminished for the time being.

    Cannot help feeling sorry for the mainly farang who bought in the first place, one neighbour has serious cardiac problems besetting him,another struck down with cancer,the decisions made for them,they have to go back permanently to wherever they came from,probably countless in the same mode. They cannot sell with whatever they bought it for in the first place,has to be left to rot or rented out with whatever they can get.

    Signed a 3 year lease,whether I complete 3 years is another matter ,that place in Portugal beckons and the thought of stumbling into a serious medical condition in Thailand frightens me with the costings. One thing I did not reckon on the dog I adopted will have to be taken to Portugal eventually

    quite happy at the mo tho

  14. That's some optimistic pricing.

    This their prices five years ago:

    Studio 8,000

    1 Bed Room 13,000

    Have they updated their accommodations commensurate?

    The location does not appear auspicious.

    Think that may have an extra zero ?? Jui Jitsu ---

    Latest Agoda quotes 900---1300 baht---

    Don't care about auspicious----that's the area I want to be in thumbsup.gif

    Monthly prices five years ago.

    It does seem as if the have redecorated/refurbed the rooms. But still....

    Had a massage few doors up from SC,came out few girls from the bar opposite(not there anymore) looking up to second floor,staring away intently.

    asked one what the attraction was,the door opened on the balcony just as I asked and a guy ,youngish one, was hanging by his neck from a doorknob

  15. There are buses depart daily from 3rd road direct to Kanchanaburi, as you head down 3rd road from North Pattaya just before you get to the junction of 3rd road and Central Pattaya road on the right there is a small office.

    Bus at 9 30 am VIP one too another about 5 pm 315 baht on the corner of 3rd road and pattaya klang return at 8 am ,do not know the later timing

    kwai Ok but hellfire Pass is the one to see about an hour further up if you hire bike bus about every hour taxi I guess about 1500 baht

  16. The pile drivers could show up at any time.

    You'll be singing the pile driver blues.

    That's exactly want I want to avoid Will facepalm.gif

    I very much doubt it,been like that for 2 years and from the buzz its not going to be built on the the near future with a downturn in the condo market Pity about the green though was a nice place for sure

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