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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Whenever a a real estate agent suggests that I buy off plan in order to flip it for a higher price I just want to cringe.

    This creates an artificial demand which causes even more unoccupied units to be built. It's the same greater fool mentality that led to the collapse of the US housing market.

    What you see and what you get are two separate entities. Amazed at the artistic masterstrokes that occupy off plan selling,... looks as if there are two,if not three that have blown a gasket or two in descriptions recently, nobody in their right mind would buy into the trash nearing completion if fully aware of what was coming their way

    Two to three years ago passing a booth selling the SS project, well heeled guy attempted to hold selling pitch ,just felt totally insulted, and by that time the cat was truly out of the bag at what was being delivered. Stuck with me for some time that incident,just how anybody could be talked into that rubbish is beyond belief

    Just a form of smash and grab off plan selling

  2. All I want is to go to a shop ( 50% off at times for frames, this particular shop) do a decent and guaranteed ,fitting and testing,and that is what I got,and it was at least half the price as to the Euro glasses place, did try there before First Optic,and was not impressed

    First Optic guy did look over the lenses of competitors I was having trouble with, I sent them back and new lenses issued. Could not thank that guy in First Optic enough (did too ,few 100 baht)

    Alright already loppy. Nobody is saying First Optic do bad work. There's only you carping on about how Euro Optic didn't fit you budget. Both shops seem to be good choices for the product they deliver so as they say around here, "Up to you."

    PS. Never felt the need to tip an optician before.

    Was not tipping,just showing appreciation for what after all was of no benefit to him,fact is I may well have ordered a pair off him there and then if the error was not highlighted,thats is one honest guy

  3. All I want is to go to a shop ( 50% off at times for frames, this particular shop) do a decent and guaranteed ,fitting and testing,and that is what I got,and it was at least half the price as to the Euro glasses place, did try there before First Optic,and was not impressed

    First Optic guy did look over the lenses of competitors I was having trouble with, I sent them back and new lenses issued. Could not thank that guy in First Optic enough (did too ,few 100 baht)

    • Like 1
  4. From August 28 some things have been hived off to BKK,and that passport office in BKK is massive,along with the rest of the building Soi 5 Jomtien is a serene backwater in comparison,and the all white customers. BKK would be likened to Calais,they sure are pouring in there,asylum seekers too by the look of it, makes me wonder just where Thailand is going to draw the line. That place does have me worried to my existence in Thailand

    "Soi 5 Jomtien is a serene backwater in comparison,and the all white customers. "

    "That place does have me worried to my existence in Thailand "

    Frightened by all the "white customers" are you? Maybe your comment should have been posted in the KKK forum.

    Funny. Well I can say that the White Russians are so incredibly super white that on average they cancel out the more tan ones in the office. whistling.gif

    You ever looked at the place?,ever seen the clientele?. This is what you will be rubbing shoulders with,....me? no thanks,not in a million,trillion years

  5. From August 28 some things have been hived off to BKK,and that passport office in BKK is massive,along with the rest of the building Soi 5 Jomtien is a serene backwater in comparison,and the all white customers.

    BKK would be likened to Calais,they sure are pouring in there,asylum seekers too by the look of it, makes me wonder just where Thailand is going to draw the line. That place does have me worried to my existence in Thailand

  6. Today put dog to sleep that obviously had tick disease that went to the brain,pity really nice dog,but lost all co-ordination. Kept it going for a few days on medication,but once established in the brain nothing to be done. Just waiting for rigour mortise to set in as no stethoscope,then bury it

    That is one tough thing to do. Condolences and heartfelt sympathy to you there.

    Thanks,but I look after quite a few soi dogs,just one of the pack,but a nice young dog,no biting when giving medication,just know its better off..

    Almost put another one down with severe distemper couple of weeks ago,shaved the leg in readiness,really bad dose of it,held off for a few more hours ,but a miracle it pulled through,that was amazing

  7. For those travelling the Kanchanaburi line ,over the bridge etc,best not to join the gathering and waiting clan on the platform,probably japs and chinks as you will get a right battering on trying to get on the train. Walk a hundred yards or so off the platform towards the direction of the oncoming train,it slows down considerably as it comes out of the bend,jump on as it comes to the halt and grab your seat on the left side of the train,other side all you will get is a good view of rock face,throw a jacket or something to put down on the opposite seat for your partner

    A treat to see the oriental faces as they are denied the best seat of the house,especially as it goes over the river

    thanksfor the heads up just to clarify is that the left hand side in the direction of the train as it pulls into the station and or the same side of the train as you board it. Do not want to get on the wrong side and have the Japs laughing at me lol

    Thats it the direction of the train as it approaches the bridge

  8. Today put dog to sleep that obviously had tick disease that went to the brain,pity really nice dog,but lost all co-ordination. Kept it going for a few days on medication,but once established in the brain nothing to be done. Just waiting for rigour mortise to set in as no stethoscope,then bury it

  9. loppylugs, back in 2005 when this company nominee/land investigation possibility was first posted on TV, there were many threads and dozens (hundreds?) of pages posted from all kinds of people. Many like me, who had land under the company nominee umbrella were really concerned about the consequences. I think you can see how we 'landowner's' don't really care much now, simply by the lack of interest in this thread and the updated post I submitted earlier today. Back in 2005, this thread would be a 'hot' topic for sure.

    I think the lack of interest is due to several reasons. To begin with, I know people who have closed down their company and taken up the 30 year lease option on the land, so they are no longer concerned. Others like me, have checked out the law and know that the 'punishment' will most likely to be given 12 months to close down the company and put the land in the name of our spouse and then do the 30 year lease. A nuisance, but hardly the end of the world.

    From my point of view I am inclined to think that if 'landowning' companies like mine are not investigated during this 'crackdown', then I don't suppose we will have any problems for some considerable time to come. I mean, if the junta don't feel like cracking down on us now, then who would be inclined in the near future.

    One other thought crossed my mind. If the government were to reclaim all this 'illegal' land, what exactly would they do with it. No one wants to buy any land near where I live (towards Laem Chabang near Pattaya), the only house/swimming pool/land sold recently in my village was a repossession via the bank that went for about 80 percent of the cost to build in 2004 - and it took 18 months for it to be sold at that knock-down price !

    From past experience of what would happen the land registry would not recognise your purchase ,or more importantly allow to sell it. Yes,happened to me,not this country,but shaping up the same here,and it will happen here without doubt.

    As stated ,something is happening since the military crackdown as I found two days ago with visa issuance,just appears to be a general resentment of farang resident

  10. I think perhaps people should clear their system cache.... this sometimes resolves slowness....

    I like Poorsucker, am having no problems with 3 BB at least on Samui ... 13 Mbs package.

    10 or 13 Mbs seem to be the same, except I hear that the 10 Mbs package does limit you to use... but 3 BB do let you know when limit has been exceeded.... unlike True who just slows things downbah.gif

    See if emptying the Cache helps! wink.png

    This could well be the problem,did report the problem a couple of weeks ago and the lady at 3BB told me to switch the comp off,and not leave it on all day,so maybe a limiter on my comp,never knew that.

    do not download much these days but I switch on in the morning and leave it on all day,switching off at night time.

    Maybe lesson learned Thanks

  11. Yes heard of the cable thing,but wanting local information the comp is slow.

    Will try the DNS changing,but if I change with the link supplied will computer restore to previous date put me back in original DNS setting? Not too comp savvy


  12. I thought you may be interested to see some correspondence I had yesterday. I would rather not say who sent this email to me as I have not asked their permission to publish it. However, it was certainly disconcerting to find the DSI were actually doing what they said they would be doing. Will us 'land owners' be next?

    The email that I sent:

    Hi *****

    I don't wish to take up a lot of your time with this.

    It was nearly 2 months ago that the DSI 'crackdown' on nominee companies in Pattaya was announced.

    I have looked on your website (****.com), but I could not see any update on this.

    Could you just give me an update, tell me yes or no, if your company has been contacted to provide names of companies that you deal with to the DSI ?

    If 'no' then just 'NO' would do as an answer.

    If 'yes', then I would appreciate just knowing if they are targeting 'land owning' companies like mine, or are they after bigger fish ie: like those

    in the travel industry 'abusing' the rules.

    Like I say, I am not expecting a long reply, but a very short update via email or on your website would be appreciated.



    Their Reply:

    Dear <dsfbrit>


    However for the time being they are targeting running business's like go go bars, restaurants, real estate agents and basically any business where they think it is being run and owned by the foreigner 100% yet using the Thai limited company to do this with the 51% nominee Thai's holding the shares on behalf of the foreigner.

    No one has been prosecuted yet however cases are in the process.


    Was the case methinks of shutting the eyes and the problem would go away.Was always the rumour mill, and that seems to be spreading to the O visas as well

    The Thais are getting far more assertive these days ,not only on this issue but many others.

    Made me laugh when a farang poster referred to "his land",right,just hope the guys that bought previously have had their moneys worth out of it


    Me too. Do not know what is wrong with these people,they just presume farang is there for the taking.

    Got three here now,they will be kicked out soon enough if they persist in overstaying,the long time g/f will be joining them as well.

    have not one jot of compassion,do not know or want to know anything of their culture. Had one studying for the monkhood,thought he could unload himself with me while he studied away,he got the boot to the monkeyhouse PDQ


    not only bought a new pick up,got a car on payment plan that is not paid for,no jobs either just plain nuts,the country is full of them. I'm encouraged to look for bigger house,yes I know why ,but I will downsize to make it even more difficult for them,just the dogs will having a problem as well.

    wish they would all end it all by jumping in the croc pit,humans that is,not the dogs

  14. With 3BB 10 Mp service.

    Been OK up until few weeks ago,first thought rain was the problem.

    Had the 3BB guy take a look routers OK the Ethernet switching seems OK (lights blinking) but pages slow to load and text missing ,keeps re-setting as well.

    Would go with 13 Mb ,but would this solve anything?

  15. Me too. Do not know what is wrong with these people,they just presume farang is there for the taking.

    Got three here now,they will be kicked out soon enough if they persist in overstaying,the long time g/f will be joining them as well.

    have not one jot of compassion,do not know or want to know anything of their culture. Had one studying for the monkhood,thought he could unload himself with me while he studied away,he got the boot to the monkeyhouse PDQ

  16. You want to try ChinaEastern for flights from hell,including the baggage. SFO to BKK via Shanghai total crap,baggage thieved etc.

    Thought I would give it a spin in the county court in UK,even if it had nothing to do with them,only the credit card booking was UK linked,they paid up pronto

  17. Probably heavy rain last few days would have contributed to contamination of water mains.Surface water ponding over existing leaking water supply,entering the system,thus used for ice making.

    probably could get away without getting poisoned most times,

    Wouldn't a more plausible explanation be that the water is normally contaminated? You really don't need to come up with an explanation that defies the laws of physics.

    No I think not.Agree the water is polluted 24/7/365 but as soon as an inference of this the Whinging Police come out of the woodwork The place is a dump,polluted to high heaven,so there, no physics intended

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