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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Anyone taking this course is a choice,their choice. We all die,we all catch up,just is there anything after it all?

    Guy years ago threatened this off tall building in the UK. took quite some time for him to decide. Three machines at local station , all went out in turns with big ladders,standing by as the incident was taking some time,eventually he did jump,the static involved crew returned soon after shovelling up the remains,put them right off their lunch,more for the remaining crews.If there is a humorous moment ,that was it

  2. loppylugs1, I have no intention of selling. I have been married to my wife for 12 years now and unlike in 2004, I would now be quite prepared to put the land in her name without the 30 year lease if need be - If that were the only way I could stay living here as I love it here for sure.

    Mind you, my naturally cautious streak would mean I would try to put the house in my name if possible. Still I will cross that hurdle if and when it arises.

    I am not sure the military are against the farang. The military crackdown seems to be simply implementing laws that were already in place.

    No new laws have been added as such. That is not quite true now I come to think of it, as the overstay punishment has become more severe and the Ed Visa seems to have been tightened up, however the visa rules 'crackdown' actually started under the previous government. Still this is all off topic so I won't comment further.

    Have a read of the Bangkok Post,today's issue The country does not just appear to be becoming unfriendly,it is

  3. Pup ,all black,about 10 weeks old,dumped in traffic earlier today.

    Was chasing anybody on a bike wearing a plastic raincover,as the individual who dumped it probably was. Was in the middle of heavy traffic and only one outcome if not rescued.Has bit of mange on back but given medication that will get shut of it

    Think a male ,but if not will pay for operation at govt vet and will pay for innoculation

    Nice and quiet ,will make good pet for someone In Condo cannot keep Attached collar to give idea of size

  4. I am in Bombay now, en route from the UK. I stayed at an airport hotel that was OK (Suba International), it cost about £38. Bombay is OK, especially if you like Victorian architecture. How about Madras/Chennai? Airasia flies from there to DMK and there are BA flights to LHR (BOM-BKK flights are pricey). I saved a lot of money by routing this way in the high season (business class).

    Not so bad if a yank,but UK those visa fees are a put off.

    thought the 30 day VOA was going to be up and running this month,have to check another 10 years or so

  5. There appear to be many posters here who display an extreme form of Racial Discrimination on this Forum. This is loathsome - and says very little about the subjects of their scorn, but speaks volumes about the very low standards of the Posters ! ! ! ! For a minute or so, I thought I had strayed into a KKK-meeting and I felt dirty ! ! ! !

    Discrimination is, by definition, a disgusting & unacceptable practice and I sincerely hope (and trust) that George's Boys will nip this in the butt; sooner rather than later !


    My junk folder is full of Nigerian scammers,few russkies ,but mostly Nigerian.

    Presume the are asylum seekers,looking at family members,learnt to destroy identity documents too,no doubt. but they are now getting entrenched in Pattaya,quite a few shopping today,fellow Thais scowling at them. Knowing how Asians dislike them,and the Japs do not let them into their country ,save for necessary.

    Were you not the guy commenting on WW2 thread a while ago that was offended by the term "Jap" instead of Japanese?

  6. This might help ...


    A condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment - a time of stagnation - accompanied by a rise in prices, or inflation.

    Stagflation occurs when the economy isn't growing but prices are, which is not a good situation for a country to be in. This happened to a great extent during the 1970s, when world oil prices rose dramatically, fueling sharp inflation in developed countries. For these countries, including the U.S., stagnation increased the inflationary effects.

    Technically the new FM Sommai Phasee is not using the term correctly as although spending is weak and inflation is higher there is not relatively high unemployment.

    Yet,give it time

  7. Not one of them joined the long waiting queue at BKK immigration,and I was there all day in various interviews. Just strolled out from of out of view offices with loads of kids,weird

    scenes there ,never would be possible at Soi 5,not explaining here

  8. I went into Pattaya Saturday morning to do some shopping, and as I was driving down South Pattaya Road, it struck me just how ugly Pattaya is. I'm not bashing the place, but it really is an amazingly ugly city. The infrastructure is badly decrepit with a jumble of wires, signs and nothing of interest or attractiveness. Not to be insulting to its residents, both long and short term, but I just can't understand why anyone would choose to live there. I'm happy that it has the shopping I want and that I can scoot in to grab what I want then get back out.

    Maybe its very run-down appearance and gross overcrowding are contributing a little more each day to keeping people away. Its substantial amount of crime doesn't help, either. Unfortunately, the Pattaya local government has let it go for so long without any planning or improvements that making it an even tolerable place to live for many of us is beyond hope.

    A visit from the Whinging Police is in hand for you

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  9. August 28 Can book the time and date on line Morchit bus station about the nearest but still long way. Get ticket in hand ASAP top priority, as will be bundled out at 12 ,long long queue forms at 1, get another tix later if you miss first slot, if you miss through being sent for copies

  10. The problem is, it's not a number. It's some sms service and it cannot be blocked.

    I once had the number of a place in Bangkok that kept spamming me, first call was very friendly, second call less friendly and on my third call I threatened to come over and beat the pulp out of him, convert his place into a roller coaster etc. This one did the trick.

    "Thai visa rules..no threats,thuggery etc." Consider yourself suspended for 14 days

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