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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. After 25 years of Thailand and working in the Middle East and other too hot places, I love it here in Alberta. It's where I was born and raised It's nice to have real seasons again. I've got an attached heated 3 car garage, that takes a lot of the bite out of winter.
  2. Each state would be different though. As a Canadian working in the US I've had drivers licenses in Texas, Mississippi, and West Virginia and have never been asked if want to register to vote. or organ donation for that matter.
  3. I moved back to Canada and built a new house backing onto a ravine/protected reserve. The only thing I hear is the coyotes howling sometime, a natural sound that makes me smile.
  4. Left 3 years ago with my son so I could raise/educate him in Canada. Just moved into our new custom build house and life could not be better. Thailand was fun until it wasn't, and that happened in a day, July 1 2013, the day my ex-wife was arrested from our house and sent to the monkey house.
  5. I used to live on a private street in Udon Thani 8 identical house's to a side, with a vacant area outside our walls. Man moves in, builds a shack up against the wall and opens a business installing those ultra high wattage sound systems you see in trucks and cars. Of course he has to advertise and has mates into the same things and they get together and drink every night and blast airport level of noise, with extreme bass. The walls on my house would shake from the bass My neighbor whose house is directly across from all this is a very high ranking policeman in Udon along with his 2 sons who are also policemen. I talked to the elder cop, and I ask him why he doesn't do something about the noise His reply is " that man crazy about loud noise" and smiles and walks away. So what can you do about the loud noise? SFA
  6. Well for me it's not the dancing it's because they are smoking hot, especially the one in Charlies clip
  7. Not suspected voter fraud, CONVICTED of voter fraud by a MAGA election official
  8. I notice on some networks they edit out the Alzheimer's shuffle dance move. Good thing that there was a garbage truck handy.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 93 seconds  
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