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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. Good article, they've blown through a massive stockpile of equipment and are down to the bottom of the barrel What remains are the worst in storage, looking like what is shown in the picture, not salvageable or repairable. Next up from NK, tanks
  2. “Russia has paid a staggering price for Putin’s folly,” Austin said. “It’s squandered more than $200 billion and suffered at least 700,000 casualties.” The unprecedented spending underpins the Kremlin’s aggression but has dealt severe economic damage domestically. 2022: $86.4 billion, a 31% increase from 2021, comprising 4.4% of GDP 2023: $109.5 billion, a 26.7% rise from the previous year 2024: $112 billion, sustaining a high allocation for military purposes 2025: Projected to soar to $142 billion, accounting for 32.5% of government spending
  3. Took possession of a brand new custom designed and built house that took almost a year to build. I paid for it cash, and that is a mighty fine feeling right there. Best year ever.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  5. And a Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you transam A photo from my home office window, it's looking a lot like Christmas in Alberta
  6. How long are you on the front untill relief/time off? Stay safe to you and your brothers
  7. And as usual the top covid conspiracy adherent shows up. I read your link yesterday. I got the tubo cancer from the clot shot says one, well sir I heard my sister's nephew got the turbo leukemia, cuz it done altered his DNA don't ya know. So many experts
  8. Pretty well the whole country knows he's done and will loose massively when the election is called. The only person he's fooling is himself. About time, he didn't win the last election and the NDP have been propping him up for the last 4 years.
  9. But where O where are the maga's outraged at Hunter for working at Burisma and 10% for the big guy now that it's all fallen apart. Should Jim (Gym) Jordan take off his coat and roll up his sleeves and look angry for the camera and do an investigation. CRICKETS
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