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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. fgmr, on 13 Apr 2015 - 00:11, said:

    I have witnessed a young Thai man being chased along a water canal with nose to tail traffic on both sides of the waterway. He was pushed in by four others and when he tried to lift himself out of the water he was clubbed unconscious. Floating face down and obviously unconscious his attackers continued to beat him around the head with some wooden poles. This occurred at 13:30 hours on the 2nd day of Song Kran, three years ago. I did not see any farangs about these pr**s were Thai. This occurred deep in the countryside with hundreds of Thais watching and nobody went to the young man's assistance


    I have seen farangs enjoying themselves in a boisterous and jokey way; have never seen malice,vindictiveness or violence..

    Don't blame farangs just because they stand out from the crowd of locals.

    That would appear to be a separate personal incident and not an act related to Songkran.

    I have witnessed ..................................................................... I did not see any farangs about these pr**s were Thai.......................................... with hundreds of Thais watching and nobody went to the young man's assistance

    Obviously as a witness, that would include yourself that did not go to the young mans assistance.


  2. If your one of the unfortunate that applied online but never got an 'approval' and have since completed your 90 day report by another method, don't forget to CANCEL your existing 'pending' application, otherwise you won't be able to access the system next time.

    Go to the link http://extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do

    Check the box *I have read and fully understand the above terms and agree to accept them

    Then press the ACCEPT button

    Select the 3rd option: Cancel your application (terms and conditions)

    Your pending application will be viewable. To the right of the information is the symbol of a 'bin'

    Press the 'bin' symbol and an onscreen message will ask you to confirm the deletion.

    Confirm the deletion and another message will then confirm your action.

  3. sinbin, on 12 Apr 2015 - 13:21, said:sinbin, on 12 Apr 2015 - 13:21, said:
    Faz, on 12 Apr 2015 - 13:05, said:Faz, on 12 Apr 2015 - 13:05, said:
    sinbin, on 12 Apr 2015 - 12:28, said:sinbin, on 12 Apr 2015 - 12:28, said:sinbin, on 12 Apr 2015 - 12:28, said:

    Faz you need to change your 'reliable source'. She's/He's 'unreliable'.

    Wait and see!

    At the moment only areas in the Central regions of Immigration offices have any reports of approved applications.

    None for North, North East or South. (Although a lot have been pending for several days)

    The new online system is centralised and aliens personal information from individual Immigration offices cannot be transferred from their local database to the new systems database.

    Information for the new system is therefore having to be manually imputed from individual offices and that will take time, hence the estimated date of July before it is functional nationally.

    My guess is that all personal information from aliens registered at Central region Immigration offices will be inputted first. Thereafter other regions will be added.

    So far we have Bangkok, Pattaya and Surin as working online...........all Central region.

    Faz you are talking rubbish. Stop spreading doom and gloom. My report was 'approved' by the Kap Choeng office, NE Thailand, not central. The officer who approved my report also provided his name. rank and the office which he works from.

    Not spreading doom and gloom, just trying to realistic for those who are making complaints on TV about the new system not working, when they can quite easily get of their chair and make a few enquires elsewhere. Just give it time is all I'm saying. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    For my part, my application has been 'pending' since 2nd April.

    I did my report in person on 8th.

    Amnat don't even have access to the new system so cannot remove or 'approve' my 'pending' status.

    I cannot get back into the system to cancel my 'pending' report.

    I previously stated not to panic. If you get through the system and are 'pending', but don't get an 'approval within 3 days, my advise would be to contact your Immigration office and be prepared to make a personal visit as it will be to late to use the postal method.

    I also stated it would be considerate of members if and when they get an approval to notify at which office, so other members registered at the same office will be aware of the situation.

    • Like 1
  4. sinbin, on 12 Apr 2015 - 12:28, said:
    Faz, on 10 Apr 2015 - 19:22, said:
    digitalchromakey, on 09 Apr 2015 - 15:32, said:digitalchromakey, on 09 Apr 2015 - 15:32, said:

    Word from an officer at Phuket Immigration is that they will be supporting the online 90 day reports from July this year onwards.

    I was also informed by a reliable source that the new centralised online reporting system, is being trialled and is only available in the Bangkok catchment area at the moment. It isn't expected to work nationally until July.

    Faz you need to change your 'reliable source'. She's/He's 'unreliable'.

    Wait and see!

    At the moment only areas in the Central regions of Immigration offices have any reports of approved applications.

    None for North, North East or South. (Although a lot have been pending for several days)

    The new online system is centralised and aliens personal information from individual Immigration offices cannot be transferred from their local database to the new systems database.

    Information for the new system is therefore having to be manually imputed from individual offices and that will take time, hence the estimated date of July before it is functional nationally.

    My guess is that all personal information from aliens registered at Central region Immigration offices will be inputted first. Thereafter other regions will be added.

    So far we have Bangkok, Pattaya and Surin as working online...........all Central region.

  5. DLP, on 12 Apr 2015 - 12:01, said:
    nchuckle, on 09 Apr 2015 - 10:04, said:

    I don't still have details of my flight number even though it was only October. If I make an educated guess ( I think airlines use the same number for daily flights,although mine was indirect with jet airways via Delhi) and I was wrong would immigration have a record of the actual number and get rejected? Or any way of retrieving the information from immigration?

    I do not know my flight details, just left it blank & i am through to the pending stage.

    Your flight arrival number should be written above your entry stamp.

    Because the Immigration take your arrivals card, leaving you with the departure card, they hand write the arrival number above the entry stamp

  6. Nah! Thanks Nong but I wouldn't fit the following criteria for a politician.

    You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

  7. Little of that proof of documents would apply to us pensioners, other than proving you have a UK address and that wouldn't be hard for the majority of us.

    The hospitals now have self admission computers where you input your data.

    White - British - Proceed.

    They really are a joke!

  8. Kenny, as a Father who also raised 4 children alone from the ages of 3 -11, I find your opening post quite contradictory.

    I have no intention of shirking responsibilities later on

    Then you go on to say

    I was under the impression in Thailand child support wasn't enforceable but I read somewhere on TV if you are verified as the father a maintenance payment will be awarded by a judge? Is it true? If it is true is it based on your wealth or ability to pay or a set amount?

    So, what you mean is you want to be responsible, but also want to limit the financial responsibility to your child if it goes pear shaped.

    I wont marry because I don't want to lose control of my future or finances. Have been to the cleaners twice now and just can't afford for it to happen again.

    You've just answered your own question!

    Sorry, but it comes across as what about Me, Me, Me and not the Mother and Child. That's a selfish attitude.

    There are ways to protect your finances, mostly common sense, but if you are concerned about maintenance of a child that you made a responsible decision to bring into this world, then you shouldn't proceed unless your prepared to meet the financial support of that child, regardless of your status with the mother.

    That would be an irresponsible decision.

    My girlfriend has 2 children to a Thai man who refused to legally marry (village marriage). He also spoke about responsibility, then vanished into thin air.

    I help her to financially support her children. That was a responsible decision I made when we got together. If it goes pair shaped, I can walk away without any regrets or guilt.

    If you have any doubts Kenny, either financially or otherwise then I wouldn't proceed. Having a child is a big responsibility for the next 20 years.

  9. digitalchromakey, on 09 Apr 2015 - 15:32, said:

    Word from an officer at Phuket Immigration is that they will be supporting the online 90 day reports from July this year onwards.

    I was also informed by a reliable source that the new centralised online reporting system, is being trialled and is only available in the Bangkok catchment area at the moment. It isn't expected to work nationally until July.

    It would be really helpful if those who get an 'approval' confirmed they are in the catchment area of Bangkok.

    Meanwhile, I would advise those in other areas to contact your local Immigration office if you haven't had a reply 3 days after your application was submitted and are still in the 'pending' status. Sending your reports by post may be the best alternative for the moment.

  10. DM07, on 10 Apr 2015 - 15:45, said:
    Brit_Doggie, on 09 Apr 2015 - 19:48, said:

    I agree with the OP the thais are not so over the top as much as the drunken farangs are,i remembr last year walking down soi 7 and every bar had a fricken load of farangs with those high powered water guns and yeah you get an earfull from one of them it does hurt,so hope the police will ban the use of these guns completly.

    Are you staying in another Thailand than me???

    If it's Pattaya or Phucket.....................then probably!

  11. Chicken George, on 10 Apr 2015 - 09:35, said:Chicken George, on 10 Apr 2015 - 09:35, said:Chicken George, on 10 Apr 2015 - 09:35, said:

    Its just not worth the risk doing it on line if you are close to immigration. I most certainly welcome being able to do it on line but I would want an instant email reply saying your report has been accepted. I see it takes a few days to get confirmation. If you do it on the due date and you get no confirmation you will be on late payment fine time. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    You don't get a confirmation e-mail when it's accepted because when you get to step 4 of the application it will either state 'pending' (you can print that confirmation), or 'contact your local immigration office', suggesting there is a problem with the details you entered and the details immigration hold on their database.

    If you get a 'pending' confirmation, then your application has been accepted and is now awaiting 'approval'

    As long as you have that 'pending' receipt I fail to see how you could be fined for late reporting, regardless of how long it takes them to approve your application.

    You get an e-mail when your application is 'approved'. You should print of the receipt and affix it into your passport. It will tell you when your next report is due.

  12. KhunBENQ, on 09 Apr 2015 - 11:16, said:KhunBENQ, on 09 Apr 2015 - 11:16, said:

    Here then:


    Degrees Minutes 15°54.125', 104°37.315'

    Decimal: 15.9020833, 104.6219167


    Yep, right at the side of the stairway entrance.

    Don't bother with their website though. Wrong address, never been updated since they moved in 2011.

  13. Posted for the attention of Maestro.

    Amnat Charoen Immigration office is located at the rear of the Civic Hall, 4.6Km along the 212, on the left, from the junction with the 202.

    The entrance to the grounds of the Civic Hall are opposite a large Mitsubishi dealership.

    Upon entering the entrance, follow the road around the large Civic Hall building to the rear at which point a smaller attached building becomes visible, which houses the Immigration office. It is well signposted from this vantage, however it is only accessible via a large set of steps.


    Immigration Office

    2nd Floor
    Amnat Charoen City Hall

    Tambon Non Nam Thaeng
    Amphur Mueang
    Amnat Charoen 37000



    ชั้น 2

    .อำนาจเจริญ 37000

    Phone: 045 523 239
    08:30–12:00, 13:00–16:30
    Service Area: Provinces of Amnat Charoen, Yasothon, Roi Et
    [email protected]

    GPS Co-ordinates.

    N15- 54.125'

    E104- 37.315'

  14. NE1, on 09 Apr 2015 - 06:50, said:NE1, on 09 Apr 2015 - 06:50, said:

    Faz , all those that are pending , will they remain in that status or can the office manually over ride that and do the 90 day report as before ?

    If you leave the " pending " till they fix the glitch and you are refused , will you get fined for not reporting on time ?

    I would advise anyone who has had an application in the 'pending' status for more than 7 working days to contact their local Immigration Office.

    Amnat Charoen cannot access anything and said other offices are affected.

    As long as you have your application approved and pending, I don't see how Immigration could penalise you for late reporting for a situation that is beyond your control and theirs for that matter. Don't take my word on that, but that's my opinion.

    Don't forget that even though you have to submit your application 15-7 days before your due report date, you still have 7 days after the report date before being considered late. I wouldn't panic, I expect they'll be an avalanche of 'approved' applications either the end of this week or next week.

    It would be helpful if maybe those who get an 'approval' state which office they normally attend.

    • Like 2
  15. Went to Amnat Charoen today to do my 90 day report and a friend doing his marriage extension.

    They couldn't do the marriage extension.

    Amnat cannot access the system, there is a major fault and they don't expect it to be repaired until at least Friday.

    They said other offices have the same problem, so with Songkran around the corner a lot of 'pending's' may still be pending for another week.

  16. kennw, on 07 Apr 2015 - 17:50, said:

    Sorry Faz if I did not make my point clear, the "example" seems to me to be what the "actual" list will look like. And if so, your name, passport number and DOB will be on a list along with other applicants when you check the status of your application. Ie pending, approved, rejected. Of course it may be you will be able to check only your own status and thus not have access to other applicants information, but that is NOT what the "example"shows. Hence my decision to wait and see.

    Hi Ken, I'm in the 'pending' status having completing the application. (See post #33)

    You do not have access to anything other than your own submission. The information you supply to Immigration is nothing new.

    The details you enter must match up with the details they already have or you will get a 'contact your Immigration office' notice.

    Once your application is accepted you are given a unique reference number.

    To check your status you must either enter the URN that they gave you, or your passport number, DOB and nationality to access your information.

    Only Immigration will have a list of applicants information.

    You do not see a list and cannot access anyone else's details.

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