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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. Andre0720, on 12 Mar 2015 - 19:04, said:
    Faz, on 11 Mar 2015 - 17:30, said:
    KarenBravo, on 11 Mar 2015 - 17:03, said:KarenBravo, on 11 Mar 2015 - 17:03, said:

    The proof of address must be a letter from the Immigration department.

    You can't turn up with a Tabien Bahn, or a bill with your address on it.

    A Tabian Ban is ultimate proof of address. You need a C of R to get one.

    What do you think Thais use; ID card and Tabian Ban. No different for farangs.

    Transport departments should accept one of 3 possible methods of proof of address for a farang;

    1. Certificate of Residence (available from Immigration, Embassy or Police Station).

    2. Tabian Ban (obtained from local Amphur)

    3. Work Permit.

    ''You need a C of R to get one.''

    What if what I have is a T of V, I wonder.

    Or perhaps a simply a D of S

    If you have a T of V, plug it in, switch it on and watch it.

    If you have a D of S, seek immediate medical attention.

    Really Andre, if you bothered to read all the posts you'd know what we were discussing and what C of R is an abbreviation of.

  2. Rancid, on 11 Mar 2015 - 18:47, said:
    Faz, on 11 Mar 2015 - 10:01, said:

    The number for the Consumer Protection Board is 1166.

    I had an issue recently with a Home Shop depot. Paid 110 baht for a 4m board that I wanted cutting into 8 pieces of 495mm. I was charged 25 baht for the cutting service. After cutting every piece was cut at an angle, not straight, the saw wasn't obviously set at a 90 degree angle.

    I immediately complained and they offered to cut me another piece, free of the cutting charge, but 110 baht for another board.

    It's not the cost, but the principal at times. I've spent over 257,000 baht at that store. I didn't bother with reporting the issue to the Consumer Protection Board, instead choosing to withdraw any more purchases from that store. I made it very clear to the manager it was their loss and Home Pro's gain.

    Sometimes it's easier to 'bite the bullet', walk away and hit them where it hurts......in their pockets.

    Looking at my house there doesn't seem to be a right angle anywhere, the walls are crooked, as are the doors, the kitchen, the roof, the curtains, the TV, the windows etc.

    Why do you feel that you can should, against all cultural norms, get anything cut straight or at a right angle?

    Because that's the service I paid for. Nothing to do with culture, just failure to check the angle of the saw before cutting and then expecting me to pay for their mistakes. Poor workmanship and lethargic attitudes are one reason Thailand is falling behind the rest.

    • Like 1
  3. Time Traveller, on 11 Mar 2015 - 15:21, said:
    Luxfare, on 11 Mar 2015 - 15:11, said:

    Carrying a knife on one's person if it's over a certain size and not required for work IS ILLEGAL. It's classed as a concealed weapon.

    And yes protecting ones life IF IN IMMEDIATE DANGER is a human right but that doesn't give people the right to walk around with weapons INCASE they need protection, if that were the case then I'd choose a gun as the range is slightly superior don't you think.

    I'm 36 and have never once thought I needed to carry a knife around....I guess either I don't frequent places that I feel intimidated at or that I don't suffer paranoia. If anyone thinks Thailand is so violent they need a sharp potentially leathal weapon on them at all times, then maybe it's time to move somewhere else.

    Your argument is so stupid. It's like saying if you feel the need to wear seatbelt at all times, then it's time to stop driving anywhere. (Do you wear a seatbelt?)

    If you don't agree with other people taking prevention then that's your problem.

    Carrying a knife isn't taking prevention...........it's taking intention.

  4. Somtamnication, on 11 Mar 2015 - 19:35, said:

    Ok, that covers that. Thanks for all the replies. For the cert of residence with immigration, what do they want (paperwise)? Passport and?

    Passport and copy of homepage, entry stamp and current Visa/Extension.

    Copy of your landlords ID card and Tabian Ban. Copies must be signed by your landlord and include their tele number.

  5. falkan, on 11 Mar 2015 - 22:11, said:falkan, on 11 Mar 2015 - 22:11, said:
    KarenBravo, on 11 Mar 2015 - 18:28, said:KarenBravo, on 11 Mar 2015 - 18:28, said:

    All I know is that at the Phuket Licencing office, they want a Certificate of Residence from Immigration if you are a foreigner (if you don't have a work permit).

    I have no idea about the yellow Tabien Bahn, but, I do know that they won't accept a Blue Tabien Bahn from a foreigner, even though you have to show this to Immigration to actually get the certificate.

    “In general, a foreigner listed as the property owner with a yellow tabien baan does not need any proof of address from Immigration.

    However, a foreigner listed in a yellow tabien baan only as a resident at that address, not as the property owner, definitely does need the letter from Immigration.

    In your case, there might have been a mistake somewhere. It is possible that, in the past, our officers did not check carefully enough to see whether or not your name was listed as the property owner, or just as a resident at the address for which the tabien baan was issued.

    However, if you are listed in the yellow book as the “owner” and our staff still asked for proof of address from Immigration, please come and see me and I will take care of it.”

    Friday, November 14, 2014 3:55:55 PM Konlayut Jattutasri, Registrar of the Licensing Division at the Phuket Provincial Land Transport Office. - See more at: http://legacy.phuketgazette.net/issuesanswers/details.asp?id=1547#sthash.J5csVn72.dpuf

    The requirement is for proof of address, not ownership.

    If that were the case a lot of farangs wouldn't be able to get a Thai Licence.

    Quote: However, a foreigner listed in a yellow tabien baan only as a resident at that address, not as the property owner, definitely does need the letter from Immigration.

    That's the only proof requested...........resident at what address.

    My yellow Tabian Ban was accepted by the Tax Office, Immigration and the Transport Office as 'proof of address'

    Furthermore a C of R only has a validity of 30 days from issue. A Tabian Ban has no expiry date.

  6. MAZ3, on 11 Mar 2015 - 17:42, said:

    A Tabian Ban is a valid certified document of proof of address.

    I guess when they write these things in English they don't know their own laws allow farangs to obtain a Tabian Ban as well as Thais.

    I often get an 'Ooh' when I use mine (in some kind of disbelief) but it's always gratefully accepted, just as it is for any Thai.

  7. dutchweller, on 11 Mar 2015 - 16:51, said:

    Did mine in BKK took 2 hours arrived at 2pm left by 4pm

    Application ( picked up at desk when you enter)

    Doctors cert

    Passport + copies (including Visa and Entry stamp)

    Proof Of Address (Affidavit From Embassy)

    Pay the fee...(No Bribe got a receipt)

    Did the Silly "Test" line up the sticks, Press break peddle, red, green, yellow lights ...Pass Watched one guy try the reaction Test and he failed about 6 times the meter went off the carts before he reacted to the light change..."Tester Passed him anyhow" (shook my head in disbelieving)

    Got to the last window and noticed they were only going to give me a 1 year when should have been a 5 year...

    Talked to the grumpy lady that spoke English she said because my extension expire in 2 months...

    I explained that is the first of the extensions and you receive a 1 year after that...

    She was not going to change it

    But Fortunately I had a copy of the requirements in Thai and English from the government website and pointed out that the only Visa requirement for 5 year is must have Non O nothing more..

    She unhappily gave me the correct form

    Had my photo taken with a happy fat lady and got my card

    Then noticed they gave me an expire date that matches my Birth date so got a 5 year 8 Month Driver licence... YAY..

    It's usual practice to use your birthday as the expiry date after the 1 year licence expires, which not only works to our advantage, but makes it easier to remember the renewal date in the future.

  8. KarenBravo, on 11 Mar 2015 - 17:03, said:

    The proof of address must be a letter from the Immigration department.

    You can't turn up with a Tabien Bahn, or a bill with your address on it.

    A Tabian Ban is ultimate proof of address. You need a C of R to get one.

    What do you think Thais use; ID card and Tabian Ban. No different for farangs.

    Transport departments should accept one of 3 possible methods of proof of address for a farang;

    1. Certificate of Residence (available from Immigration, Embassy or Police Station).

    2. Tabian Ban (obtained from local Amphur)

    3. Work Permit.

    • Like 1
  9. Daniel Ingalls, on 11 Mar 2015 - 17:03, said:

    500 baht for the Certificate of Residency..................oooops we already covered that....Its free supposedly .....but thats another repeated topic!

    Free and available from your local Police Station as well.

  10. mrfaroukh, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:41, said:
    Vallon66, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:35, said:

    The heck with the villagers.. you killed a dog man.. Tim sharkey is on his way and wants to have a word with you.

    Is this the way they behave with dogs in your own country?

    Tim Sharkey or the 4 legged one?

  11. ghworker2010, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:39, said:
    Faz, on 11 Mar 2015 - 10:01, said:

    The number for the Consumer Protection Board is 1166.

    I had an issue recently with a Home Shop depot. Paid 110 baht for a 4m board that I wanted cutting into 8 pieces of 495mm. I was charged 25 baht for the cutting service. After cutting every piece was cut at an angle, not straight, the saw wasn't obviously set at a 90 degree angle.

    I immediately complained and they offered to cut me another piece, free of the cutting charge, but 110 baht for another board.

    It's not the cost, but the principal at times. I've spent over 257,000 baht at that store. I didn't bother with reporting the issue to the Consumer Protection Board, instead choosing to withdraw any more purchases from that store. I made it very clear to the manager it was their loss and Home Pro's gain.

    Sometimes it's easier to 'bite the bullet', walk away and hit them where it hurts......in their pockets.

    ha ha Mr faz. I dont think homepro will notice.... 257k is penuts to them pal.

    members of this forum crack me up

    Was the pun intended...........peanuts.......crack me up.

    You should see a doctor

    Principle dear fellow, not cost.

  12. BeforeTigers, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:02, said:

    Oh, TV

    Day and night this forum sounds off about what a violent hell hole Pattaya is.

    Now this dude has a little blade on him and suddenly he's a pussy just for having it?

    What's wrong with carrying a knife?

    Knives aren't for fighting. Nobody would say they were. What do you think; he was videotaping a fight in public just so he could assault someone?

    If I ever felt the need to carry a knife in Thailand for self protection or to be used in self defence...............then I'd also know it's time to leave.

  13. manarak, on 11 Mar 2015 - 10:10, said:
    Faz, on 11 Mar 2015 - 10:01, said:

    The number for the Consumer Protection Board is 1166.

    I had an issue recently with a Home Shop depot. Paid 110 baht for a 4m board that I wanted cutting into 8 pieces of 495mm. I was charged 25 baht for the cutting service. After cutting every piece was cut at an angle, not straight, the saw wasn't obviously set at a 90 degree angle.

    I immediately complained and they offered to cut me another piece, free of the cutting charge, but 110 baht for another board.

    It's not the cost, but the principal at times. I've spent over 257,000 baht at that store. I didn't bother with reporting the issue to the Consumer Protection Board, instead choosing to withdraw any more purchases from that store. I made it very clear to the manager it was their loss and Home Pro's gain.

    Sometimes it's easier to 'bite the bullet', walk away and hit them where it hurts......in their pockets.

    any shops around Pattaya with cutting service?

    All the hairdresser shops offer a cutting service cheesy.gif (Sorry, couldn't resist)

  14. The number for the Consumer Protection Board is 1166.

    I had an issue recently with a Home Shop depot. Paid 110 baht for a 4m board that I wanted cutting into 8 pieces of 495mm. I was charged 25 baht for the cutting service. After cutting every piece was cut at an angle, not straight, the saw wasn't obviously set at a 90 degree angle.

    I immediately complained and they offered to cut me another piece, free of the cutting charge, but 110 baht for another board.

    It's not the cost, but the principal at times. I've spent over 257,000 baht at that store. I didn't bother with reporting the issue to the Consumer Protection Board, instead choosing to withdraw any more purchases from that store. I made it very clear to the manager it was their loss and Home Pro's gain.

    Sometimes it's easier to 'bite the bullet', walk away and hit them where it hurts......in their pockets.

    • Like 2
  15. I had a text message from DTAC last week, in English, reminding me to register my SIM before July 1st.

    Took 2 minutes at one of their stores in Big C yesterday.

    They only need your ID number, not your actual passport. I used my Thai driving licence, no problem.

    Received an immediate text to confirm the registration.

  16. Just paid 4,500 baht for the bedding........not to mention the bed and mattress, table and chairs, or the sofa!

    Maybe it's doable for 10,000 baht but you'll get what you pay for and be replacing it in 12 months.

    I've recently been furnishing my new home;

    Sofa 18,500

    Bed and Mattress 26,000

    Table and Chairs 13,500

    Middle of the road prices, not cheap, but not expensive given the choices. I expect to get at least 5 years wear before replacement.

    The heat, humidity and bugs have an effect on the life of furniture in Thailand.

    The wood beetles just love the cheaper softwood furnishings.

  17. Robby nz, on 08 Mar 2015 - 12:24, said:


    A hailstorm that ravaged Chaiyaphum's Kaeng Khro district from Friday evening until yesterday morning killed one resident in her 40s and damaged 100 homes, four schools and state offices, an informed source reported.

    So the weather people were right, hands up those who didn't believe.

    Hardly the disaster to 40 provinces as reported.

    Roi Et 38C sunny and hot.........praying for rain.

  18. WhamBam, I must say your being very rational and level headed in this matter.

    The g/f obviously saw an opportunity to make a little extra on the side............they never miss an opportunity where money is concerned.

    What the mind doesn't know the heart doesn't greave, so to speak.

    She may be a good woman, who made a mistake out of necessity.

    Of course her lack of communication is because of her loss of face. She probably feels very embarrassed.

    You naturally feel betrayed and the trust has diminished, However from what you've previously said about the care she gave you, maybe you need to consider her situation before you cut her off. There are always two sides to a story, although she acted inappropriately as far as our culture is concerned.

    As far as her culture is concerned she did little wrong except for confiding in you first.

    • Like 2
  19. uptheos, on 08 Mar 2015 - 15:17, said:

    I'm not a plumber so I'll ask.

    What special (plumbing) thing needs to be done in order to have one of these installed in UK?

    Does it have to be inspected (like everything else)?

    Visitors have fallen in love with them!

    No they don't have to be inspected. It's no different to installing an extra tap.

    Tee of the incoming water supply for the toilet flush.

    It's a standard fitting for many Asians in the UK.

  20. KittenKong, on 05 Mar 2015 - 06:07, said:KittenKong, on 05 Mar 2015 - 06:07, said:

    Confusion between retirement visas and retirement extensions happens daily and is very boring for all concerned.

    Why isn't there a pinned topic just explaining this?

    There is no 'Retirement Visa' offered by the Thailand government.

    The confusion comes from the Thai Embassies in other Countries, USA in particular where they describe the O-A as a long term (retirement) Visa.

    In effect a Non Imm O or O-A Visa are usually sought for the purpose of retirement in Thailand, but they are not 'Retirement Visas', they are Non Imm Visas which can be converted to an 'extension of stay' permit.

    The Non Imm Visas have an expiry date after which they are dead. You actually extended your 90 day permission to stay in Thailand by way of 90 day reports for the 12 month period of the extension . You are not extending the old Non Imm Visa as many seem to think.

  21. Several years ago, Great Britain funded a study to determine why the head on a mans’ penis is larger than the shaft. The study took two years and cost over $1.2 million. The study concluded that the reason the head of a man’s penis is larger than the shaft was to provide the man with more pleasure during sex.

    After the results were published, France decided to conduct their own study on the same subject. They were convinced that the results of the British study was incorrect. After three years of research at a cost of in excess of $2 million, the French researchers concluded that the head of a man’s penis is larger than the shaft to provide the woman with more pleasure during sex.

    When the results of the French study were released, Australia decided to conduct their own study. The Aussies didnt really trust British or French studies. So, after nearly three hours of intensive research and a cost of right around $75.00 ( 3 cases of beer), the Aussie study was complete. They concluded that the reason the head on a man’s penis is larger than the shaft is to prevent your hand from flying off and hitting you in the forehead

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