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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Turning the question around to suit a female I couldn't say that I could fall in love with two males. However I could lust over two males anyday. Notice the words I've changed?

    I think if I was in love with one male I'd be able to lust over another but I'd always know who came first. The male I loved. I would never let the lust ruin my love for the other male and I'd always know lusting was a fantasy and love was a reality.

  2. Only yesterday a pickup had an accident outside our home. They had a dead buffalo in the back and it had fallen on the road. The driver ended up selling half the buffalo to my Step-mum's family for a small price once the deal was done they cut the buffalo in half and took the insides out on the road :D

    Then that night all the family tucked in to buffalo and rice....yummy :o

  3. Seeker - I'm not sure really but I agree with you, the thread has turned into one more suited in the health forum so if the mods agree with us then they shall move it. More males would read it then, well if the title was changed :o

    I have problems sleeping so I'll try the ghee during the night then. I think I'll buy it rather than attempt to make it. That would be a kitchen disaster! Once again thankyou for your comments and advice.

  4. I'm learning Thai and at the moment I can talk basic TH to my Step-mum and her family, also my brother.

    My brother is 15 and all he did to learn TH was no school he just learnt from his friends. He has a very good TH accent and speaks TH like a local which is quite rare. And no one yet has not understood him.

  5. You've always liked it rough  :D

    Welcome Lezzer I'm Ice Maiden and I only bite on weekends  :o

    hey, icey. thanks for the heads up; i'll confine my posts to midweek!

    i loved it that your flashy pink icon went so well with your user name, but you have done an excellent job in finding another perfect fit. the eyes have it from this vote. the heart is open for interpretation? kayo sees it as a part of, i see it as a possible reflection....

    this is my first foray into the world of forums. my 18-year old thinks i'm a total dunce when it comes to anything to do with computers. she's 60% right, me thinks. nevermind. i am enjoying myself thoroughly watching 'those who know' swim about with such abandon, content myself to wiggle a toe in the fast moving liquid....

    leez :D

    Possibly. Your 18 year old is older than meeee! Well anyway I'm looking forward to seeing you contribute on idle moment.

    Kayo - You see it!

  6. On waking up this morning I had a mossie bite on my eyelid it was only slightly raised so I didn't worry about it and went back to sleep. I then woke up a few hours later and it has gotten a lot worse to the point where my eyelid is half closed. I'm not sure if I should go get medical help or if it will heal in it's own time but it looks pretty harsh.

    I remember a friend telling me a while back the eyelid was a dangerous place for poison to be (I'm assuming the raised redness is caused by poison and a reaction) but I am not sure what I should do about it.

    Thankyou in advance.

    Me and mossie bites, I hope I get immune to them pretty soon.

    The concern about an eyelid infection is that it might spread and become endophthalmitis. If it were me personally I would probably just ice the swelling and take some antihistamines. As a doctor, I would suggest you to see an eye doctor in order to differentiate it from possibly dangerous problems.

    As long as you have no fever and your vision has not been affected substantially (although the swollen eyelid and tearing may decrease vision somewhat), you are probably not in immediate danger.

    It is always safer to get a competent medical opinion after examination though.

    Thankyou :o

  7. I noticed a comment in one of the other threads along these lines and it struck me as I had just had this same type of conversation with a friend. I think I have changed a lot since coming to live here. Don't know how much is Thailand and how much is expat life since this is the only place I have lived abroad. I think my views on many subjects have definatley broadened. How can it really be any other way when I now socialize with people from many different countries and backgrounds. I find myself referring to my countryfolk back home as a separate group from myself. Some say when you become an expat you can reinvent yourself anyway you choose. No one has to know anything about you other then what you want to tell them. I don't look at it that way, but definately I feel no pressure to be any way other then exactly as I want to be. At home while I was my own person I still felt pressured at times to conform to certain things. Some times the pressure coming from family, friends, or co-workers. I feel the relaxed lifestyle enables me to be more of the type of wife and mother I have always wanted to be. What do some of the rest of you think? Have you changed?

    I think no expat can get away with not adjusting to a new enviroment.

    Have I changed? I'd say since seeing such things as poverty I have learnt to be more grateful of many things. Talking about poverty is one thing but actually being a witness to such an enviroment is a different aspect all together. It is also daily in which I see many different nationalities on the streets of Pattaya so it is only natural I would find myself speaking to some of the many cultures and each time I have a convosation with one of these people I learn something new everytime. Depending on how I use this newly learnt knowledge decides if I change or not. I guess I do have a headstart in life living abroad at my age because there are so many possibilites over here.

    So I'll now answer you question. Yes, I believe I have changed but it will be a benefit to me so early in my life aswell as to anyone else regardless of what age too. Managing to be an expat is such a great, positive experience.

  8. Hey Ice, that's great!

    I hope it is also not unwelcome for me to post here.  I just ran across this thread when doing a search in TV on ayur.

    In addition to turmeric, one other miraculous and simple substance for the skin is ghee (clarified butter).  It is very cleansing and healing and gives the skin a very healthy glow.  A quick search on skin, ghee, health will yield up lots of interesting info.

    When I was married, my wife had a mole on her face that went quickly from the size of a small pea to the size of a quarter.  It was rough and multicolored and a doctor friend told her she should have a biopsy as it might likely be cancerous. 

    Then another friend told us that he had had a nasty mole and an ayurvedic doctor told him to gently apply a small amount of ghee at least 3 times a day.  He said in 3 weeks the mole was gone without a trace.  Despite being strong believers in ayurveda we were skeptical, to say the least, that simple ghee would do this.  However my wife decided to give it a try as it would be a while before she could get an appointment for the biopsy.

    We watched in amazement over the next three weeks as the mole shrank and finally disappeared with no sign that it had ever been there.  No scar, nothing.  And she had had the original mole for more than a decade.  To make a long story short, 6 months later I thought why not try it on a cyst I had had on my eyelid for years.  Also, gone within 3 weeks.  And finally a friend with a large, marble sized cyst on his back.  Also gone in weeks!

    Ghee helps get rid of all kinds of complexion problems and wrinkling (more effective than botox, very easy, inexpensive and only positive results)and helps bring out facial beauty better than cosmetics IMHO.  Including both ghee and turmeric in your diet as well is also very good for the skin.

    Of course there is more to maintaing youthful beauty and great looks than just ghee and turmeric and I know I have oversimplified it here.  Healthy eating habits and lifestyle and things like meditation all contribute wonderfully and easily to ones natural beauty.  Do a search, check it out and enjoy the results.

    Sorry if I went on a bit here.  :o

    Great advice thankyou :D

    Of course you're welcome on this forum as long as you behave yourself (Boo's words :D ) This ghee sounds amazing. I have a few freckles that appear when I am over exposed to the sun on my cheeks so I may just try that. You have been very helpful thankyou and I hope I see you contribute more often in the ladies forum.

    By the way I like you're avatar, it's very pretty.

  9. I think you have misread Bambi's post Madness. Bambi was simply offering advice as a thai local to a farang that is obviously new to Thailand and this information would be to his benefit.

    If I misread then I apologise.

    Bambi when she was a newbie on thaivisa and the photos she posted in my eyes isn't relevant on this topic. And since we are being honest I think you're having a crack at Bambi because you're bored tongue.gif
    It is relevant if you take it as she was moaning about his post which of course I may have misunderstood. :D

    And yes, I am bored. Whos in the chat room? :D

    You misunderstood indeed. So your second point isn't valid. Think over.

    And go and check yourself you lazy mofo! :D

    Mofo?! Well I didn't realize Ice was jive turkey! :D

    Ice is no jive turkey, more like a spring chicken. :D

    Anyways Icey, not sure I did understand to be honest, no confirmation from Bambi yet. I was under the impression that her point was about the post, coz it would be a bit crazy if the guy just came over here and started asking random people for nud_e hangouts right? :o

    Ohh jive turkey thats what it meant. That isn't me :D

    No you didn't understand I've had a personal confirmation with Bambi just waiting for her post. Yes it would. All this is a little confusion. All better now...I think.

  10. I think you have misread Bambi's post Madness. Bambi was simply offering advice as a thai local to a farang that is obviously new to Thailand and this information would be to his benefit.

    If I misread then I apologise.

    Bambi when she was a newbie on thaivisa and the photos she posted in my eyes isn't relevant on this topic. And since we are being honest I think you're having a crack at Bambi because you're bored tongue.gif
    It is relevant if you take it as she was moaning about his post which of course I may have misunderstood. :D

    And yes, I am bored. Whos in the chat room? :o

    You misunderstood indeed. So your second point isn't valid. Think over.

    And go and check yourself you lazy mofo! :D

  11. But when you joined Bambi your first post was about being a farang sex toy and soon afetr you started to post pics of yourself in a bikini on the forum.  :o

    (great pics I should add :D)

    Do you not worry about how the ladyboy community looks as well, surely you are in a bit of a same same situation? :D

    Lets be honest, you wanted to have a crack at a newbie about his first post.  :D  :D

    get my point?


    1 yes i was a sex toy for farangs

    2 im not a ladyboy

    3 i dont wanna sh@g with The op , i m not a gay

    4 i dont wanna sh@g with you either

    get my point???

    Bambi :D


    I think you have misread Bambi's post Madness. Bambi was simply offering advice as a thai local to a farang that is obviously new to Thailand and this information would be to his benefit.

    Bambi when she was a newbie on thaivisa and the photos she posted in my eyes isn't relevant on this topic. And since we are being honest I think you're having a crack at Bambi because you're bored :D

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