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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. I'm not a tourist either so I often get immune to the feeling of the hot air touching my sun starved skin.

    But I am reminded of this each time I visit England and I return.

    ok ,  gimme a  chance  for this topic

    i love the smell  of floor (or  field)  while raining

    i love the  smell of  winter wind(even its still hot for farang)

    Since Bambi has started sharing with us what smells she likes I'll join in too...

    I like the smell of the jungle. The air in the jungle seems to caress my skin like velvet and leaves it's beautiful scent behind.

    When the night kicks in I can almost sense it. My skin absorbs the cool breeze and the smell of the night has subtle tones of midnight stars.

    Words can only describe so much.

    Edit - Isn't the smell of rain also great? It's refreshing. My body awakens when I smell it.

  2. What have I contributed? Hmmm...

    I have given my opinions on quite a few threads and sometimes added some of my humor even if it wasn't needed :D

    Sometimes I've been argumentitve also apparently :D

    Kan Win - Been reading quite a few of your posts recently. I like :D

    Aswell as your beautiful photos :o

  3. I've been here a while - see no reason to stop visiting. Still shy of a thousand posts though - just don't get the time to post as much as some of you - Can't believe Icey made a grand so quick. Us older ones take our time and plod along - we get there in the end.

    Wonder if I'm the oldest member (er, I mean been a member longest of course!) with the fewest posts? Inverse of Icey with over a grand in a few short weeks.

    <----985 and counting plod...plod...plod :o

    Try months, been here since July :D

    The thing is about your posts they probably actually mean something other than my rubbish ones :D

  4. Bambina has effectively declared to the world that she's fallen in love with a member of this forum. Rather than show mercy for her late night indiscretion, lets latch onto the gossip like the gaggle of old ladies that we are. Who is it, and why? Who has she been playing favourites with?  :D

    Will Bambi kick me if I say what I think? :o

    I'd say all of them but I must decide one... The Moogy thread hmmm that just made up my mind and all that constant flirtation going on :D

    But isn't that with everyone? :D

  5. In two years we may have to add yet another server to accomadate Totster's 374,234 one liner posts made by then.  :D  Moog, it ain't always easy wearing jackboots, especially now as workplace safety guidelines say that they must be steel toes. :D

    By that time many will come and go, a few will stay, and Icey will still be quite young but nonetheless still out-thinking posters three times her age.


    Steel toes for kicking :o

    Ahh Dr Patty knew you'd join in sooner or later... :D

    ...Mr One Million posts... :D

  6. Does that mean people read my posts and think "who the h*ll is this guy?"?

    I've seen some of your posts and I've also seen you read so I don't :o

    Saying that though there are usually more guests than members online! Maybe they like the whole anon thing or something. Or just like reading. I notice some new members say they have been reading for a few months and only just decided to join.

    Well all you guests out there, just sign up! What are you waiting for?! :D

  7. Jesse VS Ice Maiden

    First round.... first minute...

    Jesse VS Bambi


    All that Muay Thai sure pays off.

    Hmmm , and you're 19 , must be well experienced at MT.......... :o

    Well it is the girls you're fighting I suppose , but I would back Icey and Bambi to kick you in the nuts before you could dye that spikey hair :D

    Come back when you have 10 years more experience sonny jim..... :D

    Don't forget my age though :D

  8. Hi All.

    ( I wrote this on Friday 7th October. Today is Sunday 9th.)

    It´s been a rather exciting week, I might say:

    It started raining on the Monday. This prevented me from taking my first night away from Panajachel. My Colleagues were invited along with me for a night away from the bar and Panajachel last Monday to a very beautiful hotel, called the Posada de Santiago. I expect that this is now gone... Disappeared into oblivion along with so much else.

    The eye of the storm beholds us now (on Friday) and wonders if we have had enough.

    By Thursday -yesterday- half the village was gone, swept out onto the banks of the lake, creating a drifting carpet - floating persian rug - of debris from hundreds of homes, rolling gently in the softly forceful waves and swells.

    A Fender Precision Bass guitar sticks out of the mud on the river´s new, self-styled bank; A childs tricycle; Toilets, toilet seats, toilet bowls, toilet tanks, and the toilet tank plastic shut off thingies; Gutters, pipes, mattrasses, two small cars, countless motorcycles and bicycles; Hundreds of yards of finely polished lumber, lots of wood recognizable - "Hey! That´s from Georges house; That teak balcony is from so-and-so; That mahogany from one of the residencial complexes up beyond the big federal bridge, up the mountain" - Trees, Shrubs, half the big new paint center that opened up two months ago on the riverside; A bedroom, a kitchen table, a hand, a chair, plates,... - A Hand!! Look again, but see nothing. Nothing but everything.

    Then there is a screching, metal tearing, stone against steel. The two pedestrian bridges are already gone -as is our villages little vehicular bridge here near where I contemplate this - so what could it be? Surely not the massive big federal bridge from up the mountain?!


    "Get Up! Turn! and Run!" are the first three thoughts that enter my mind, and I scream at myself to do. Yet I helplessly stare, as a deer in the headlights of a semi-trailer.

    It is no longer a river, but torpedoes and explosions; A constant, napalm wall of dirty, muddy water that is all around and unless I move to higher ground a great big 100 ton bridge is going to smack me in the face throught this wet,. dirty brown mud and I won´t ever know what hit me, until they find my body at the bottom of a four hundred meter dep lake in ten  thousand years and they comment on how ugly and apelike their ancestors were.

    Our village - Panajachel - not only was cut off, but the neighbourhood itslef of Jucanya, where I live, was cut off from the village itself.

    The bridge - linking our little Macondo to the main center of the village - the bridge was swept away early Wednesday morning.

    On the junction of the bridge extends up the hill and another access road out of the valley. This too, was destroyed.

    The island - as I often refer to our lakeside crater away from the world - got torn away from the rest of the country, and those roads all now lie at the bottom of this majestic Lake.

    The pedestrrian bridges disappeared first, and that big large screeching noise I had heard: It was a big village Water storage tank.

    The large bridge, although inaccesible, stayed its course after all.

    Friday saw most indigenous out in the lake, salvagin what they could. Many of these "salvagers" were people who had not suffered the losses of those who had unwillingly put all this trash in the lake.

    Chairs, tables, that bass guitar, everything was reclaimed by others, and will continue to be done so for some weks I imagine.

    Now is the harder part. Supply shortages, water especially, are affecting people already since Thursday. Stores are rationing, and only one or two are open a day at the moment, alternating with eachother.

    Five thousand people stuck in this little neighbourhood across the river with three shops, no running water, and a lot of tension. The neighbourhood is calling for vigilante patrols effective starting immediately to ensure some peace is kept. Last night two places were raided by a gang of about thirty.

    I actually feel safer now that the elders are taking control. They are capable men who have managed, if nothing else, at least to maintain our elctricty links, and this is a blessing in the chao.

    Hungry, but happy and healthy.

    Kayo, the ping Chang CHompuu Klazy Krown.

    :D  :D

      :D  :D  :D  :o

    Thats terrible news... Glad you're okay though :D

  9. Do you think only in Thailand sex addicts have to pay for having sex? Let me tell you something that any stupid people would know, there are prostitutes in every country, even the country where you come from.

    No I don't think that and thankyou for educating me about my home country. However I mentioned the words "I don't want to jump to any assumptions about Thailand" because I didn't want anyone thinking I was ignorant enough to think this way about the whole of Thailand and the expats populating it.

    It is just my opinion of what happened to this man. You may think different but I was only sharing my opinion.

  10. A doctor, called from Patong Hospital, said that the death was most likely caused by overdosing on the sexual stimulant, leading to heart failure.

    Okay so the man suffered heart failure. Don't you think he would of made quite a reasonable amount of noise? But this being a hotel surely somebody would of heard him. But it depends what time of day it would of been. If it was in the daytime the tourists occupating the rooms would likely be sightseeing or something to that effect.

    However be it night time some people would more likely be in the hotel sleeping and this noise may of alerted people in nearby rooms.

    And lets just assume this man took the viagra for some sexual intercourse with a woman for a moment. The man was 47 years old and I don't want to jump to any assumptions about Thailand but I'd make a pretty good guess he was paying for sex. Now bargirls usually hang out at night time don't they? Pointing toward his death being at night time. Couldn't someone of heard anything?

    Something isn't right here.

    his hands still tightly gripping the bedsheets.

    If he was gripping bedsheets then he must of been suffering from such a pain that caused him to have a grip. So that may of been followed by some noise. But it may of been a sudden death so no noise may of been heard.

  11. There is a circle of life here.

    Just look at a topic started say a year ago. You see that a lot of the posters there have 'banned' against their name.

    Eventually, you meander into dangerous territory, unwittingly or deliberately, and then get crush-crush-crushed by the jackboot of the Authorities.

    Unless you never say anything even remotely contentious and just go on and on.

    < Totster for ever !... (and ever and ever!) >

    I've just been browsing some threads and posts from a year back Moogy and I see what you mean about most of them having the "banned" label.

    Some humorus posters and great personalities on there.

    So will we all just burn out one day or get banned? Hmmm :o

    I can see myself being a longterm poster though.

  12. I used to go to there website and read the articles, but now britmaverik reposts them all on this forum.  Is that good or bad-Mai Lu :D  No wonder his post count is so high. :o

    I personaly don't see anything wrong with Brit for posting these news articles on TV. I can see why some people wish to ignore such topics but I don't hide from them or ignore them. I think the information is valuable in a way.

    Living in Pattaya myself I read these posts and if I don't I see them on the televison or in the newspaper.

    Maybe reading these posts or taking notice would cut down the number of vulnerable tourists being to victims to certain crimes. Just maybe.

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