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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. I've been here for a while and intend to stick around. I don't have much contact with other farang, so this forum sort of substitutes for morning coffee with "the boys" or a few beers after work with the Happy Hour crowd. I need the contact that Thai Visa provides.

    Of course, sometimes I feel like posting a lot and other times I simply read a few new threads and move on to something else.

    As to who else will stick around? No idea. It's pretty easy to scan a few threads and note the voluminous posters who continue to contribute. But, of the high volume newcomers? Who knows.

    That said, I've always been impressed with your posts. This one especially. Shows an interesting insight into human behavior and the needs which TV fills.


    I just wonder what thaivisa will be like in a years time. Same old posters that contribute on a regular basis or a set of bright eyed newcomers with a couple of the senior members.

    Ahh Totster :o

    You'll be on here for quite some time I predict. You make this forum a fun place to be though!

    EDIT - Yes I see what you mean about some members being banned. Without the moderators though thaivisa would be populated by quite a few trolls and the like.

  2. Upon reaching 1,000 posts I decided to open this thread.

    Thaivisa currently has 22,610 members and the number is growing rapidly everyday and so are the numbers of frequent posters. There are quite a few senior members that have managed to stay on this board for sometime and still contribute.

    But my time I've spent here so far I've seen posters only post for a few weeks then vanish to be never seen again, or some posters that post once or twice then also disapear and fade away into the black hole that must be lurking somewhere on this forum, George I'll get that checked out if I was you :o

    Some newer members (I'll include myself in this) have reached quite a high number of posts within just a matter of weeks but will they stick it out on thaivisa or fall into the blackhole? Survival of the fittest I see.

    So this is a question for all TV members really, especially the more senior ones. Which posters do you think will still be posting in a few months or even years time?

  3. :o  :D  :D  Kayo?

    Stan kills 239 in Central America

    From correspondents in Guatemala City

    October 08, 2005

    DEVASTATING Tropical Storm Stan, which lashed Central America and Mexico with five days of relentless rain, has killed at least 239 people, authorities said overnight.

    The death toll in Guatemala surged to 140.

    Stan also left 67 dead in El Salvador, 11 in Nicaragua and 21 in Mexico, according to authorities in each country. Officials feared the death toll could rise as emergency workers searched for the hundreds who remained missing.

    The storm slammed ashore as a hurricane in Mexico's state of Veracruz early on Tuesday.

    Dozens of landslides were reported causing many of the deaths blamed on Stan. The Panamerican Highway leading to the capital of San Salvador was cut off by mudslides, as were several other roads.

    The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30, has been one of the deadliest and most active on record. Stan was the 10th Atlantic hurricane this year.

    Hurricane Katrina, which slammed the US Gulf of Mexico coast August 29, ravaged New Orleans and coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, killing more than 1,200 people and becoming the deadliest storm to hit the United States since 1928

    Oh gosh thats not very good news.

    I hope you are okay Kayo. And I send my deepest sympathy to all the people and family and friends of these that were affected by this hurricane.

  4. Canadian-Jesse - Only joking  :D

    Okay whatever you say skater hehe. Yes a shortage of snow here... No shortage of ice though  :D

    You were only joking?!?! :D

    Ha are you saying you're so huge you cover the whole kingdom? :D

    Didn't say I was huge, It's quality not quantity! :D

    Ice and Canadian-J are in the tree :o


    And Bambi annnd...... Nah I won't say it :D

    I was only joking around with him nothing serious :D

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