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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. I went to see a friend near Mall Ramkamhaeng and walked passed a dental clinic on the other side of the road. Since I may need a root canal for my back tooth and several cavities so I decided to get it checked. I was thinking the small clinic maybe cheaper than bigger ones.

    Okay, the older lady docter attended me and checked and told me to take some X rays. Each slide 200 bahts. Then told me I need to get a crown for one of my tooth that received root canal 2 years ago. She said it will be 6000 bahts for the non metalic looking one with same color as tooth. Then she said I need a root canal for another tooth in the back. She said 5000 for root canal.

    So she went to work and the root canal treatment for this back tooth really hurt me like crazy. I had to stoped her a few times due to extreme pain. My last root canal treatment 2 years ago at some large clinic did not feel any pain at all. I wondered if she did not inject enough anesthetics(save the cost??), or she has a bad skill? or this is the physical price to pay for being cheaper than large clinics??

    Then she filled and replaced 5 of my old cavities fillings (Without my consent actually). 700 bahts each.(seems a little expensive than other clinics??) I had one done 1 years ago at other location for 500 bahts.

    Okay, I paid her most of it today. I need to go back in a week. She put in temporary crown, and temporay filling for my root canal today.

    My bill for this treatment.

    Crown            6000

    root canal        5000(really jeb jeb maak-hurt so bad, anyone knows why?)

    X ray 3 slides    600

    5 fill cavities    3500(700 each cavity filling, is it a little too expensive??)

    pain killer          200(i never asked for it and i think its not needed)

    Total 15300, paid 10000 first and pay remaining at finish of treatment. More problem than I expected. Lots more pain than I ever experienced for root canal.

    Too late paid already otherwise I would still stick with the big clinics that can speak better English and less pain too??

    You've just been ripped off... :o

  2. @ice: Where was I changing the story? To the cheating: I will tell both girls about this, just tomorrow. I just wanted to have some time to think.

    But maybe u guys are right and I am making a really big mistake.

    Whatever happens, I will let u know. But as I said, I will take my time and relax a little bit.

    BTW: I am a guy from another country currently studying in Australia.

    And to the sex thing that the especially the male people here are referring to: I had lots more sex with my girlfriend. In fact this was the only little bit disappointing thing with the thai lady. I think most of you would even judge my girlfriend to be more beautiful than the thai girl. Sex is not that important for me (and definitely was not the reason for the travel to thailand)

    But dont know why: This thai girl just broke my heart. Maybe just because I felt sorry for her, maybe because I just needed a girl I could spoil or maybe because she is the one. The only thing which drives me crazy is that I might not find out.

    I'm too tired to explain myself.

    Off to sleep :o

  3. If I was you I'd stop what you were doing with the Thai girl until you have told the girlfriend or at least stop having sexual contact with her, your current girlfriend deserves that much. And how do you know this girl will stay with you when she sees your true colous and that you have cheated on her?

    fact is

    1 u re not him

    2 his TGF need ATM

    3 just phunk him off... you know ... the word "troll"

    Yuppers. I've given up on this guy now.

    And you know the word mofo don't you Bambi? :D:o

    EDIT - Farangone just read your post. You said she used to live in England before so she'll already have a visa won't she?

  4. most women go for white rich guys. im sure bambina does also  :D

    uh ha .. i did , do .so what ... wanna pay for my sick buffy??? :D:D


    i've seen some of your posts and they make me laugh, this one well.

    if you were on television you'd make a fortune, bella

    un journo qaundo io parlo l'italiano alora io parlo con te

    any way back on topic

    give the guy a break girls and boys i,ve seen some of my best fiends do this, first you try to warn them but love is blind, and it has worked well for a couple of my fiends but be warned falang one it is a long and hard road that you walk

    But this one is chaging his story all the time and dosen't even have the guts to tell his girlfriend or the Thai girl that he is cheating :D

    Just a mofo troll :o

  5. Okay so don't sugar coat it. You cheated on your girlfriend and you're STILL cheating.

    And I didn't misunderstand, I knew the TH BG had a boy I read your previous post. The reason why I assumed she was a stripper was because you said something along the lines of your current girlfriend knew you were going to a strip club and had let you before.

    You seem to change the story every few seconds :D

    Anyway so you called your girlfriend and told her you'd tell her later. So you didn't really confront her about it then did you? I was right, backbone of jelly :o

    If I was you I'd stop what you were doing with the Thai girl until you have told the girlfriend or at least stop having sexual contact with her, your current girlfriend deserves that much. And how do you know this girl will stay with you when she sees your true colous and that you have cheated on her?

    And if you have cheated once will you cheat again? Once a cheater always a cheater I say.

    Now we have got down to the nitty gritty you are in quite a state arn't you. And rushing it a bit. A week and you are already thinking about taking her to England. My advice for you - wake up!

  6. No job no money ?  I'm wondering how this girl is gonna live.

    No, she will work in the shop in which she was working before. Actually I was with her while she was signing the contract. She is going to start tomorrow.

    But you said at the start of the thread you don't want her to work in the bar anymore and that was one of your main worries. Snoophound even suggested you tell her to work elsewhere and you agreed. Now the story has changed?

    TROLL :o

  7. So how exactly did you fall in love with the Thai girl then? Just stare at her whilst she danced? Unlikey. You must of spent some time with her. That part wasn't clear.

    The rest is not so crystal either. So you told your current girlfriend you fell in love with a Thai female but like I just said there is no way you fell in love with her just by watching her dance. And I think I noticed in your other post you know she has a child? If so then my point proven exactly, you had a little relationship with her.

    But you still say you didn't cheat? :D

    If she was a stripper she would earn quite a wage. Spending time with a farang she'd want money for I'd assume. If no money then she might as well go back to the strip club hadn't she. So the point I'm getting at here is if she openly spent time with you when she was supposed to be working (or in her free time) then this girls feelings may be mutual.

    However if you paid for this then that is cheating is it not? Regardless of having sexual contact with her you handed over some money to spend some time with her without thinking of your girlfriend, and without this stripper knowing. And I seriously doubt you didn't have sexual contact with her.

    That spells out the word "cheater" to me :o

  8. "Yep Icemaiden

    Its too true

    First time I went to Thailand on business 10 years ago ,I was married.

    Got the drug in the vein.

    Got Divorced,

    Do I regret it?

    Very Rarely.

    At least he told his girlfriend,that shows some Backbone."

    I'm happy for you then. But you say at least he told his girlfriend. He said that he was "doing nothing wrong" so he didn't mind telling his girlfriend. But I'm curious, what exactly did he tell his girlfriend?

    I'm quoting from my other post again but was it something like this "Hi honey I took a trip to LOS met a BG didn't do anything though". Very unlikely.

    If he told her the truth I would doubt very much she'd" be dating him still.

    .. Bet his backbone is as strong as jelly...

  9. "Well theres a lot of hard bitten krusty old know it alls on this forum.

    Prob I am one.

    Many have been there and been done too,just cant admit it.

    You need to put things into perspective.

    Holiday romance you will remember for a very long time or True love at first sight.

    If you believe in the love at first sight aspect,and it seems she may not be the usual bargirl,its a lot of hard work and heartache ahead.

    I suggest you keep the dialogue going,toll calls are dirt cheap now from Aus to Thailand....just buy a phone card and you can talk for hours and regularly.

    The more you communicate the more you will be able to work things thru.

    You must try and put the working in bar out of your mind as she needs to survive,... try and encourage her to get a real job.

    Book another hol at xmas to see her.

    Then you can see if it really was the "Real Thing".

    I it was your first trip to Thailand you will also have been caught up in the surrealty of the place.

    Its all fantastic ,but nothing is as it seems.

    I know heaps of guys young and old that have fallen in love in Thailand.

    My ladies extended network here in Sydney is over 50 gals,couples,some have great relationships but many havent lasted more than a year or two.

    Focus on the study ,Stay in Touch ,Talk things through,Get back there at Xmas iif you can.

    And above all try and let the head rule the heart."

    If this guy thinks the girl may be the real deal and he is going to do as you've said Snoophound then I urge him to split with his current girlfriend because it is plain and simple - not fair.

    And something had to be wrong with the relationship with the current girlfriend if he found happiness (or thinks he has) elsewhere. So why he thinks she may be "The One" as he quoted is far beyond me.

    I'm not against the love at first sight stuff but I am against cheating. And like I said in my previous post. What was he doing in a bar in the first place? Some business venture that was.

  10. "Actually I told my current girlfriend about it. At least I told her that something was going on. I am not cheating on her. And if (but this is not going to happen I think) I will see the thai lady, I will tell her before that I was not honest. I dont want to cheat on anyone since this is not the base of a relationship for me.

    And to the "most BG's are taught to say they haven't worked in the bar a long time". I even read this before I came to LOS."

    Okay so you spent some time with a BG, barfined her I take it and spent some time getting to know her better in the bedroom? :D

    You told your girlfriend about it? What exactlly did you tell her. "Hi honey I took a trip to LOS and spent some time with a BG didn't cheat on you though" sure...

    And you say you are someone that thinks he dosen't fall for anything too easily? From the sound of your posts (or the parts I read) that isn't you.

    Anyway what was you doing going on holiday alone to LOS taking a look in bars, huh? What was it, a business meeting?! :o

    Your type won't get a lot of help on here.

    EDIT - Zazzer I wouldn't wanna hit you honey. Just this guy because he is a cheating mofo :D

  11. Thanks guys.

    I know you are right. But I just cant forget her. And if I think of her working in a bar again.... this really makes me feel sorry.

    I would at least like to have the chance to get to know her more so that I can decide whether I really like her (for a longer time) or if it was just the "new" feeling.

    I mean, even if she did not work in bar for a long time (she did not even know where to send me to. She sent me to the wrong place. Was hard to find for me to see her again) and even if she really fell in love with me: I dont know if she is the right one for me.

    But it drives me crazy that I do not have the chance to find out.

    If you get to know a girl in your country you can just get to know her, then start a relationship and then decide if you want to have her for a longer time ("to have her" is not to be meant rude and refers to "stay in relationship with her because you have strong feelings". Sorry, but I am not a native speaker).

    I'm going to be blunt here.

    Get a <deleted> grip! You are cheating on your girlfriend and this new found Thai beauty. You carn't have your cake and eat it, choose one :o

    And I thought you'd like to know most BG's are taught to say they haven't worked in the bar a long time and all that love you long time crap.

  12. bkkmadness - a friend of Thai men in toilets. 

    ..And sometimes more than just a friend... :o

    totster :D

    Yes, like I said I heard this from a secret source who wishes to be unamed for personal reasons :D

    I bet you'd find a boyfriend quicker if you spent less time on the playstation and more time with Thai men in toilets making a face like your smiley ie. puckering lips and eyes looking happily upwards. :D


    Thai men and toilets... Wouldn't wanna give you too much competiton Maddy :D

    And anyway I'm not looking for a boyfriend anymore :D

  13. hi leezer is online typing something rright now, so my salutations to her...

    I{ve gotta be real quick... I{m mailing only my paretns, closest friendms and yous... Remember the rains that prevented me taking my long deserved night out of town on monday...?

    Turned into the biggest thing to hit since, BEFORE hurricane mitch....

    At least for our part of the storm. We were pretty much hit by the full wrath of god and god was not  a happy bunny...

    Most of houses, belongings, just about everything was swept out as all the rivers flooded by over ten feet, New rivers born, waterfalls, and basically complete and utter carnage and chaos...

    I´m fine.

    My clothes didn´t dry too well.

    Chaos folks... No pics, and unknown when the connection will go, but I will update you as soon as possible if I get cut off.

    Glad you're okay Kayo :o

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