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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Okay so I walk in a restraunt and I'm greeted by a waiter who asks me if I'd like a drink.

    So I answer with "Yes. A diet coke please."

    I assume the waiter in question understands the word coke because after all he is working in Pattaya which is one big tourism spot. Also I'm in a popular shopping mall with english speaking tourists and I'm sat in an American restraunt. He has also made a good job of his English so far and coke is probably the most popular drink around.

    I was quite shocked to see him squint and reply with "Ha?". After fifteen mins he decided to get another member of staff she also didn't understand. At this point another member of staff walks past and says "Oooooooooh you mean cooooke" saying coke in that Thai accent of theirs.

    Then they all seem to understand and start nodding their heads and smiling. It seemed I didn't say it in that Thai accent so they didn't know what the heck I was on about.

    Strangely this Isn't the first time I've had the "Coke incident" whilst in Thailand. Is this just me or have any of you also had this problem?

    I thought it was just with coke except today when I went to Maccy D's I asked for a Taro Pie. Confusion set in and even my step-mum didn't know. The funny thing is my Step-mum ordered exactly the same thing for herself just last night.

    She then asked for the till guy to say in English what pies he had avaliable. The first one he said was "Tarrrrroooo pie" I said yeah thats the one I would like and have just been on about. "Ooooooh you mean Tarrrrroooo pie" he replyed in that bleedin' Thai accent. Then my Step-mum and the till guy began smiling.

    All because I didn't say it in the Thai accent :D:o

    Is this really just me this happens to? Ahh I love this crazy country sometimes :D

  2. conrad - Just pweasssse promise me that you'll warn me about sending me photos of the ugly you :o

    Better still don't send me any at all. Anyway, I heard from an unnamed source that bkkmadness likes a bit of both so try your luck with him :D

    No harm in trying a bit of everything is there? :D

  3. Didn't get a chance to post my reply to Maddy did I.

    Thanks for thinking of me, I'm touched. But I'll be thinking of you next time I'm out and about in Pattaya and I next see one of those Katoeys that looked like the operation was done by a drunken friend in a very dark alley. I mean I'm going to have to help you out on this litle mia noi search you have going :o

  4. Agreed Ice. No doubt some hardliners will call you naive for saying this, but if so, they could use a little naïvity themselves.

    Muslims are not out to get you. A minority of hardliner religious fanatics are, and because of the ignorance and double standard displayed by hardliners on the side that claims to be moral, they get more people to their cause.

    What is being started now cannot be finished this way, it will be an endless lashing out at different states, in the process killing and alienating more and more potential allies, both among muslims and non-muslims.

    You are not the only ones to hate and despise the terrorists. We all do. But you are the ones creating excuses for them.

    I don't believe the answer is to be ignorant. Maybe. Just maybe I wish to hold no negativity against the majority of muslims.

    When taking a walk in the street I'd like to say "Hello" to a person without questioning their religion and motives. But in todays society that seems to be impossible. Caution is an absolute must now.

    This behaviour is now something that everyone should own and if one dosen't they are said to be naive.

    Being naive is not the answer and although I may seem it from my previous post I am far from it in my opinion. I will not excuse the terrorists but just show the rest of the muslim religion something I'd like to have if I was in the same situation.

    But are we not all naive? The truth is none of us understand these terrorists. If we did the problem would soon be sorted out by now. Because we face the unknown that is why there are many mixed opinions on the matter.

  5. This act was terrible and I send my deepest sorrows to all the victims aswell as their familes and friends.

    But now when the word terrorism is mentioned why the relation to religion? And a certain religion too. Okay there is obviously a connection between the latest acts of terrorism and the muslim religion but how narrow minded can one be and genralise the minority to the majority.

    This is beyond me. It unfortunately reflects a part of society today.

    Surely resorting to violence against all muslims is not the answer. Doing so will be the cause of more terrorism acts and racism. Is that really the world you wish to live in?

  6. A word to the wise….

    With all the news on television lately about the extreme weather conditions affecting the East Coast of the US, the thousands of people killed in New Orleans, the floods in central Europe, we shouldn't forget that Ireland has its share of devastating weather too. I've attached a photo illustrating the damage caused to a friend's home from a storm that passed through Southern Ireland earlier this week. It really makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us not to take things for granted.post-21330-1128111097_thumb.jpg

    Terrible :o

  7. Depends on what kind of love. Love ya tonight , love you in the morning, love you always or married kinda love. Love in all the right places! Fall in and outta love daily. :D

    The word love is abused daily. I rarely use that word unless I truly believe I love the person in question. So far I have used it with my family only. To me I believe the word love has lost it's meaning so in order to try and keep it alive I use it when I mean it.

    Lady In Red - I don't agree love can be faked. Ever seen a couple and saw love written on their expressions, their eyes, their actions? I know I have. But on the other hand seeing is not always believing is it. For all I know it could of been some lusty couple. Both terms are often mistaken for one another and I think neither can be faked.

    :o Shot on. Got a good life ahead of you.

    Thankyou :D

  8. There is also an implant which lasts for a good few years too which is something that maybe you would possibly want to consider. There are side effects though. Everytime I have taken the pill I've suffered from weight gain but as soon as I've come off the pill I've gone back to my normal size. But also some people suffer from weight loss.

    My doctor in England thinks this is a better option for me so when I pluck up the courage I'll get the implant done.

    Local anasthetic is given to you in most cases when the implant is inserted and it is said to be pain free just a little sore in the healing process.

  9. Never had this problem at Don Muang but I have had a similar problem at Amsterdam airport on the way back from Thailand.

    I was minding my own business and I was going into the departure lounge when a custom came up to me and asked where I'd come from. As soon as I said Bangkok he took me aside to a room called some other customs and they checked my hand luggage. They then asked for my passport and took a copy. Then if that wasn't enough they grilled me with questions for 15 mins.

    One of the customs said it was enough because I was only 17 but the guy that stopped me still wasn't done. They ended up letting me go though but why they did that I do not know.

  10. Depends on what kind of love. Love ya tonight , love you in the morning, love you always or married kinda love. Love in all the right places! Fall in and outta love daily. :o

    The word love is abused daily. I rarely use that word unless I truly believe I love the person in question. So far I have used it with my family only. To me I believe the word love has lost it's meaning so in order to try and keep it alive I use it when I mean it.

    Lady In Red - I don't agree love can be faked. Ever seen a couple and saw love written on their expressions, their eyes, their actions? I know I have. But on the other hand seeing is not always believing is it. For all I know it could of been some lusty couple. Both terms are often mistaken for one another and I think neither can be faked.

  11. Turning the question around to suit a female I couldn't say that I could fall in love with two males. However I could lust over two males anyday. Notice the words I've changed?

    I think if I was in love with one male I'd be able to lust over another but I'd always know who came first. The male I loved.

    Typical eh? :D

    Typical of what? A 17 yr old teenager who has had very little experience of loving men so far during her short life? :o

    17 yr old?

    No , my post was a cheap attempt at inneundo based on the wording of the post that clearly didn't work and lookin' at it again, I'm not surprised.

    No offence meant and apologies if any taken.

    I'm assuming that Ice Maid is the 17 yr old in question?

    I'll get my jacket now.

    Was that before or after you saw my edit?

  12. I use the chat and I guess I'm a regular on there. I usually go on the chat late at night and sometimes I go in the chat early morning and thats when I talk to you Yorky!

    But I enjoy the chat, aswell as having some laughs on there I've gotten to know thaivisa members quite well and also a few members I didn't even know existed! I think the most in chat has been about 12 and again, that was at night.

    I've been in BKK chat before and I don't know why it attracts as many people as it does but I would of thought more people to be in thaivisa chat. Less of the "A/s/l" rubbish :o

    Anyway if any of you members have some free time to waste you know where the chat is :D

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