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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Oh you people have the funniest sense of humour!  :D  Crack me up!  My sides are splittin'!  :o

    We try our best Jesse :D

    So bringing that skateboard? I heard recently that Bangkok Airport are letting valley boys bring them on board as hand luggage :D

    Anyway where is Kayoooooo? I'm staying young and innocent for you :D Maybe I'll spend my holidays with you in Guate when I'm at Uni. Gives Khall and Bambi a rest dosen't it :D

  2. The greatest moment in sport...

    Has to be when upon watching a football game you get a perfect view of Owens legs. Ahh...

    Hey Icey, welcome to the Sports forum. It's the first time i think i've seen you here and what do you do? Talk about Micheal Owen's legs :o Get back to Hong Klaay Korrat :D:D Only messin babes :D


    Thankyou for the welcome. Yes it is the first time I've posted in here. Haven't seen any threads about Tae Kwon Do or Karate. Seen a few about boxing though, not sure why I haven't posted anything in here. Maybe I shall :D

  3. The funny thing is I wasn't trying to speak TH at the time! And I thought why the need to speak TH language in an american restraunt? The waiter was also doing a good job of his English when he asked me if I'd like a drink... Until I asked for diet coke :D

    On another note though I've noticed in some restraunts the waiters and waitresses are learnt English but don't know the meaning of what they are saying somethimes :o

    The worst word they are taught how to say is "Yes". Many a time I've ordered and the waitress has just said "yes yes yes" then brought the wrong food.

    Another funny one I've noticed in Pattaya is in hotels and and restraunts and other places for that matter they are learnt how to say "Sir" many times they've said "Thankyou sir" or "Hello Sir" to me and some female friends of mine :D

  4. I can speak very basic Thai to my Step-mums family and friends and order myself a drink. I'm learning my Thai at school and practising with the family but I wouldn't say my main motivation was because of the little confusion I have now and then with Thais :D

    Tytus you're on a role!

    And Taxexile I wouldn't even dare ask... :o

    Lampy that must of been fun! At least you'll know for next time ! :D

  5. Well I would suggest that you avoid having any contact with her in the future, you never know. I have heard too many stalking stories here for my liking. As to here wanting you to pay money to her mother before marriage, I believe that, that is called Sinsot. A topic that has been discussed here regularly in various threads.

    As to understanding women, who does? Do women understand men?

    I believe we don't understand men :D

    Sorry Icey, I didn't understand you then :o:D:D

    Ahh selective hearing (or reading) I can do that as good as a male :D

  6. Don't worry, you'll grow out of that  :o

    No teenage boys that are bigger than you .... what a pity  :D  I guess youth really is wasted on the young  :D  And how is it that only older men are bigger than you - many boys in the 6th grade are already bigger than me.

    And yes, personality is a given.

    Maybe I used my wording wrong there Kat. I meant a slightly bigger build and yes many boys in the 6th grade are taller than me.

    But older men are just a prefrence.

  7. Yeah, no teddy bears  :D  It's not even an aesthetic thing for me, but more of a female/male (sexual?) thing.  I just like the feeling that he can physically or sexually dominate me, but doesn't because, you know, he's a decent guy  :o  :D

    I find that I can't really get that feeling from a man that is much smaller than me or petite.

    Agreed once again.

    Smaller men remind me too much of my brother or the horny school boys. They do nothing for me.

    Since we are only talking about physical apperance in this thread It's got to be older men that are slightly taller and bigger than myself. But I will say personality is also very attractive given it is a good one.

  8. Well I would suggest that you avoid having any contact with her in the future, you never know. I have heard too many stalking stories here for my liking. As to here wanting you to pay money to her mother before marriage, I believe that, that is called Sinsot. A topic that has been discussed here regularly in various threads.

    As to understanding women, who does? Do women understand men?

    I believe we don't understand men :o

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