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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. Teachers do know what to look out for, and the parents are regularly given letters (with colour pictures) to increase awareness.

    How to get into an XR3 holding 2 VCRs, is that? cheesy.gifwink.png

    OI, abusing scousers is just plain nasty!! Lucky we have more of a sense of humour than the average TV poster!! cheesy.gif

    Get down Blackler's grotto you, an touch up Santa, AN nick his beard while ur at it. On ur way back there laa, go down Hillfoot and divvie a Halewooder with a tramline Stanley... ...ger iz XR4 an swop it fer a Lada... the Buzzies never look for Lada's.. cheesy.gifgiggle.gifwai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif ............... Respect! thumbsup.gif

  2. So if one breaks the speed limit driving, one gets a reduced term if one is not speeding as fast as the next person, because the face is not observed as much, or even caught?

    Laws are laws and, until the lines are drawn equally, then the levels of breaking such will be to extremes or somewhat at the other end ignored, and only the extremes will be punished severely to set an example to those even considering breaking the laws in the first place, and those who break not to so much extent are ok. Is that a correct procedure??? I'm not so sure, as once away with it it then tends to escalate.

    What are you talking about. All sentences take mitigating and aggravating factors into account. Clearly the punishment has to be proportionate to the 'crime'.

    If you read again, I asked a question.

    Answer me this, please. When does PROPORTIONATE punishment lose all track of the original law instigated once levels have been taken to the extreme, and the original law implemented loses its reasoning because of the level of crime employed in a similar case of inclusively ignored mentality?

    When does murder by knife become more punishable than murder by bullet? Seems things are heading that way, as the world becomes more reliant upon pictures and sickening reports made more gruesome by media. There is no mitigating circumstance for murder unless one is proven to be insane, is there not? Anybody sane has the ability to pre-meditate or consider momentary actions, do they not? Care to disagree?

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  3. Most parents and a hell of a lot of schools in Thailand beat children, that can also have the affect of making the children grow up to be violent adults. Obviously methods like that can help in disciplining children but it is not as if caning children will end up with a well behaved orderly society necessarily, if only life was that simple eh?

    Spare the rod...spoil the child.

    Perhaps instead of punishment, these five teenagers just need a big hug, an explanation what the did is wrong and an hour in the "time-out" zone.

    Unfortunately, there are two ends of the scale here though, especially pertaining to Asian collectivistic ways.

    If you saw the video I posted yesterday, of the little boy being whipped to read the book by a member of family, and which was quite sickening, there is hardly any wonder teenagers fight back when big enough to do so.

    Anger can be, and indeed is, instilled by abuse at a young age, and it seems rather common here in Asia particularly that sticks, whips and so forth are used to chastise children, instead of explanation as to wrong doing as you hinted at, maybe unknowingly?

    If a child is abused, and suffers such pain and anguish, what is there to stop retribution at an older age?

    Laws are there for that, as are social services in most developed countries - to protect the child from turning out exactly as some do.

    Again, it is lack of law implementation in Thailand that seems to be missing the whole point.

  4. The twelve faces of Thailand: http://drdeborahserani.blogspot.com/2009/05/can-you-find-ten-faces.html

    "But most are expected to receive suspended jail terms, except in cases where particularly large sums of money are involved..."

    So if one breaks the speed limit driving, one gets a reduced term if one is not speeding as fast as the next person, because the face is not observed as much, or even caught?

    Laws are laws and, until the lines are drawn equally, then the levels of breaking such will be to extremes or somewhat at the other end ignored, and only the extremes will be punished severely to set an example to those even considering breaking the laws in the first place, and those who break not to so much extent are ok. Is that a correct procedure??? I'm not so sure, as once away with it it then tends to escalate.

  5. "He said the crackdown Thursday will target only at 199 intersections because police did not have sufficient manpower to regulate every intersection nationwide.

    Of the 199 problem intersections, 90 are in Bangkok and have generated the most complaints.

    Three intersections also were targeted in 18 different provinces, including Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Chon Buri and Phuket."

    Very obviously not enough police in this country, or those carrying out their duties to the full, at least.

    • Like 1
  6. Think this post would have deserved a "must read" icon...

    However, instead of having countless foreign language teachers begging for visas now and basically kicking them out of the country, officials should set their priorities straight and come down hard on those useless, jobless and clueless "Wai Loon" idiots wit their pimped up Finos and put them all in a boot camp and hard labour for a few years as soon as they are arrested for criminal activities. Parents are fined 100.000 THB and up depending on the charges. In a case like this, parents should be sentenced to pay 20k per month to each attacked homeless person for life.

    The convict "Wai Loons" though go to supermax with forced labour. After, let's say 4 years of hard labour fixing roads, cleaning up national parks and trash sites, there will be a psychological evaluation, testing for lack of empathy, chronic bad behavioural patterns and readiness for potential violence... Any "Wai Loon" who fails the test is blacklisted as hopeless case and will remain a forced labourer for another 4 years. If he fails the evaluation again, he shall remain in supermax for the rest of his life.

    HiSo brats should receive 8 years minimum and financial penalties for parents shall start at 500k THB since they would have had better chances to make a good person of their child, but failed. Honestly, I believe there are more bad HiSo brats out there than poor ones. They are just bored and start things like the OP and selling drugs on international school yards, like it happened at the British College in Phuket...

    Is your icon you? The appearance of a pissed up Billy Connolly?

    Did you actually re-read what you just wrote, or was it an intentional joke? blink.pnggiggle.gif

  7. Considering the media source and the homeless people who reported the isolated incident, as well as the small burn that had healed (a blister), I honestly have to wonder if they were simply drinking some high flash point liquid and it ignited when they lit up a cigarette.

    doused with petrol and set on fire in their sleep

    “After they did it, they laughed

    (Accordingly) five teenagers on motorcycles threw petrol bottles at the two victims before lighting them on fire.

    So the bikers threw petrol bottles in the dark at two sleeping men... in the dark... and the sleeping men got doused by the petrol. The bottles hit them and could not have broken without leaving more than a minor burn that heals within the time it takes an NGO to track them down - or - hit near them and broke, yet the most of the fluid managed to "douse" the men, even though the trajectory of the fluid would have continued in the direction of the throw. And now that this has occurred, for some reason the two homeless men are still sleeping after being "doused" by petrol after a loud smashing sound right next to them - or - still sleeping after experiencing the impact of being hit by bottles (that's plural) and emphatically experiencing the painful discomfort of having bottles smash into their bodies. And that did not wake them up?

    So, whilst still sleeping, the bikers then go over to these two sleeping men, and then go through the exercise of lighting them on fire, not knowing exactly where to place their lighters against the men sleeping on the ground in the dark, and exactly where the petrol wet spots are on their bodies versus the other wet spots on their bodies. This is in the dark, by the way. Maybe the witness should be questioned, since he is the only witness and the victims were clearly passed out and awoke to hear the story from the witness.

    And at the end of the day, only one of them suffers any burns... and that being so minor as to be described by the NGO as already healed.

    A MIRACLE!!! Praise the Lord!

    (Boonchoo) said that he left his home four months ago after contracting tuberculosis, as he didn’t want his relatives to look after him.

    And in addition to this doubtful story, we have tuberculosis being spread around the streets from these people.

    There are probabilities and there are possibilities. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

    A bit of exaggeration (a.k.a. a lie) is my guess.

    I'd stick to the coffee, if I were you. The other stuff seems to be having a negative effect.

    I guess, next, you're going to say the 13 year old girl didn't feel a thing because she was asleep?

  8. Sickens me to the bones.

    Pathetic useless teenagers. Never liked teenagers. Always something to prove and can only threaten people with less power than them.

    I'll gladly beat them to death.

    Hope these teens are arrested.

    You were never a teenager?

    Generalisations don't do much, I'm afraid.

    As for beating them to death, doesn't that make you an angry teeanger again? whistling.gif

    We're supposed to learn as we grow older, and not revert back to simplistic ways. wai.gif

  9. It's hard to believe this sort of thing happens, and unfortunately it is not just here either, I have read about the same thing happening in Australia, UK, and the US. It seriously makes me worry for the future, I know a hell of a lot of us got into trouble as teenagers, but this is not just another level as the saying goes it is a whole world away from what happened when I was a Kid.

    I hope the injured get better soon and overcome the additional trauma this will put on them, I also hope the Police catch these so called humans and send a clear message to all that this can not and will not happen again.

    We got slapped around the ear, even by police. PC has taken over, and there's so many ready to sue for the simplest gain for financial advantage, nowadays.

    I remember throwing a stone once, and was chased by a copper, and got a ruddy right slap around the ear. My Dad said I deserved it, for throwing the stone. I crapped myself, and was taught a ruddy good lesson, and I was grateful for it.

    What happens nowadays? Lawyers and solicitors, attorneys or whatever one wants to call them, all get on the case and look for money, both for themselves and the so called 'victim' (attacker). Teachers get attacked in the West and they can't raise a finger, or they are sued, banged up and out of a job!

    Until this PC malarky is re-written, the culprits will simply get worse, and get off Scott-free in the process. sad.png

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  10. Maybe a little equal treatment would make an impression.

    I agree 100%, and I did write why not put their hands in a wok full of hot oil. I was half-joking, but come to think of it... they would never burn somebody again!

    I'm sick to death of all this PC murderers'/killers'/rapists' so called human rights. Deal to them what they dealt, and have done with it. Survival of the honest comes to mind!

    If one has nothing to hide, then don't run. This applies to the West too, not only Thailand or Asia. Give them what they bloody deserve, and if it includes removal from the planet, so be it. They chose... they made choices - deal with the <deleted> results!

  11. Thailand is getting worse by the year.

    This generation of youths have brought this country into the darkest recesses.

    This is the culture that the Thai elders are wanting to preserve?

    If this was my own culture, I wouldn't be able to get away from it fast enough.

    Instead of trying to make it harder for foreigners to come to Thailand, they should be making it easier and encouraging them to breed some brains into Thai society.

    The problem is how many of the foreigners who come here who would be prepared to breed for the good of Thailand are of sufficient intellect? smile.png

    Surely, any improvement is welcomed. Then again... giggle.gif ... is intellect required, or an improvement in the general respect for others' well-being and safety?

    I'd say many farang may not be the brightest of books, but they sure as hell respect others' space a bit more than the current Thai trend seems to indicate????

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  12. Instead of trying to make it harder for foreigners to come to Thailand, they should be making it easier and encouraging them to breed some brains into Thai society.

    Well there's a choice involved in breeding brains into Thai society:

    1) Take it back 1,000 years and start again, this time without the beating sticks.

    2) Fully implement the laws and punishments applicable to all offences.

    Personally, I'd go with the latter.

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  13. The pain of being burnt never goes away, if it's 3rd on a large area. It's a gruesome pain; a hellish pain.

    I say an eye for an eye. Catch the blighters and put their hands in a wok of boiling oil.

    They'll then never forget what they did, and may just appreciate the value of life, and the value of not inflicting pain for a laugh.

    And I apply this to any country, not just Thailand. Acid burners in India need the same treatment!

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