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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. How this can be addressed without subsidies remains to be seen.

    As the General says the best way may be to lower production costs and get Thailand back to a position where its rice is known as a premium quality product that is in demand over others.

    Address it by scrapping the whole darned lot of old stock storage. Forget it, and write it off as a bad loss.

    Start again, at pre-pledging prices (+ inflation), and carry on with all new harvests and stocks, and get back onto the real stage - without foreign investor worry about what exactly they are purchasing.

    Then consider production costs, but at least get everything back on an even keel first. thumbsup.gif

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  2. My wife has her masters from PSU, an internationally accredited Uni. Her degree was well-earned, however before she met me and "saw the light" she used to right theses for students for a fee.

    After we got together and she told me what she does, I told her my view on the matter. We only had a brief discussion on the long-term disadvantages for Thailand before she very quickly and genuinely changed her view too and now does not condone any cheating. She turns down the envelopes from her student's parents and is saddened for the country at how rife the corruption and cheating is.

    BTW, what do you do with plagiarised papers?

    If I DON'T re-write them for extortionate prices, somebody else will... wink.png

  3. During my sojourn at a rural university an Australian colleague showed me an essay assignment from a student that had been copied verbatim from a text book and that included references to points that would be discussed in Chapter 3, 6 and so on.

    The student concerned had simple copied every word without bothering to exercise care over what he was writing.

    Quite believable! However, I must make the observation that it's not all like I observed. 100% of the papers I receive from King Monkut's University, especially the scientific ones, are genuine hard work, original and quite unique and way ahead in latest scientific developments. The same can't be said for Chulalongkorn, however!!

    Years back the other newspaper carried a report about privilege etc in education and it was suggested that around 25 % of students at Chula hadn't earned their place. i have no idea how the figure was arrived at but can well believe it.

    I write/re-write a fair deal of the SOPs and application letters on behalf of Chula grads applying for Master's in the UK and USA. The majority (over 60%) all highlight the fact that the family owns a very large business, and wants to expand globally. I guess that would explain it quite clearly. You buy into Chula, in the majority of cases!

  4. TIT , nobody will stop you if you have any disease here, you can still drive until a tragic accident like this will happen . And the driver survived with some minor injuries. So he will be back on the roads again pretty soon.

    Who will stop him from driving ? Not the police, not his doctors. It's just another day for him tomorrow, he will be out there in the traffic , gambling with others lifes.

    Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    How cruel. Do you really think just another day tomorrow for him?


    As a school admin he will be lamenting for the rest of his life, no doubt about it.

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