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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. "Thai authorities have tried to solve the problem..."

    My ass have they. They've done nothing but cover up.

    When have the fishing owners, as one example, based in Samut Sakhorn, ever been truly investigated and shut down? NEVER!

    All hush hush as the authorities are all on back-handers.

    I'll believe an inch of this when we see a second arrest after the first arrest... which will come.. just to give some coverage that something is being followed, even though they haven't got a clue what or how to do anything about it. :(

    • Like 1
  2. I still can't get my head around all these figures spouted about. 350 billion baht is 10 billion US$.

    Then we have the 2.2 trillion for a bit of high speed rail track. 68 billion dollars US.

    The PTP government must have thought they were cruising to being the richest <deleted>ers in the world.

    It's completely bizarre how they thought they could really get away with it.

    Guess it's a result of narcissism oozing from Dubai. bah.gif

    • Like 2
  3. Every time we pump petrol, we are giving money to the LPG/LNG/Diesel users.

    Even rich people buy Benz that run on Diesel & LNG, using my money.

    Buying a petrol or diesel car is a matter of choice, and not limited to elite cars, plus there is no or little difference in price.

    If you bought petrol, that's your prerogative.

    I drive petrol, by choice, for performance. I have no qualms paying for petrol, and I never consider I am giving money to gas/diesel users - that's just illogical.

    Each to their own, I say.

  4. Great. Wouldn t it be nice if all over the world politicians were actually being held responsible for their actions. But then again, a responsible politician is an oxymoron.

    So far, I am loving it. Just now, get rid of the curfews, stop ridiculous projects, get money flowing to the people and finally enforce the laws for loansharks and high interest rates (believe it or not, they are in place!) and Thailand will soon be way up there again.

    Again? w00t.gif

    • Like 1
  5. both sides?

    afaik since 2006 there was only one side in government (except about 1 year). Of course the democrats should be accountable, too. Guess who caused the bigger havoc

    You don't know much about recent history do you? Abhisit was PM from 2008 to 2011 and corruption was worse than ever, especially from his pals in the Bhum Jai Thai party. You can be sure the Democrats and their allies won't be held to account though.

    You're having a cheesy.gif , yeah?


    This is a brushover .....the volume of hi-end vehicles bought into Thailand...whether in bits or full units, still pass through undetected....and NO!!...I don't have any further proof of this....but as we all know, it continues.

    A few beat up Hiluxes and Nissans is hardly breaking news!


    [sorry, I can't get my comment out of the original box]. However, no proof, no story!...and no need to be so aggressive.

    w00t.gif Aggressive? You on the ale or something?

  7. attachicon.gifmk1.jpgattachicon.gifmk2.jpgattachicon.gifmk3.jpg

    A wonderful little area of Thailand that the majority of tourists miss seeing. A world away from HST. Charming. Amazingly few reports of people being killed on the tracks, just a few squashed vegetables.

    Well worth a day trip from Wong Wian Yai.

    I used to live in Mahachai (Samut Sakhorn)... and the market on a Saturday was always very exciting. You wouldn't know there was a rail track running thru the centre of the market until a train comes. A sudden whistle, and boom... the tables pull back 10 feet.. everything opens a hole wide enough for the train to go thru, and once gone everything moves back and market back to normal. It's a wonderful experience, as you've seen. I'd recommend it to anybody, and it's not far at all out of BKK. ;)

    • Like 2
  8. "up to 17 towers in the capital would topple over, as they were built without appropriate safety measures"

    Why claim 17 buildings ad not name them ?

    Which are the 17 buildings ? Please name them Thai Visa News.

    I hope Bayoke Sky is among the 17s.

    I was just about to write about Bayoke. The article says "The ministerial regulation of 1997 requires that |buildings with five storeys - or a height of about 15 metres - to be installed with quake safety measures."

    Guess what year the Bayoke was finished, when this quake safety measures came in? Yep... 1997.

    The steel and concrete construction was all Thai tendered. Can you imagine all the crap rods and air-filled concrete in the Bayoke?

    For sure it would go, and probably very easily. That would be a horrific day!

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