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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. This point is a known area for fatalities and bad bus driving. I recall some years ago, I was driving the exact road, circa 10pm. What I thought was a bus indicating to pull out, amongst a heavy flow of traffic behind it, wasn't infact pulling out. As I approached (doing 80Km/h of course) he only carried on pulling right, right in front of me. He was u-turning w00t.gif . If I hadn't had ABS I and my wife, and nephews in tow, would all be dead. I only managed to swerve around the front of the bus because I had ABS. (Oh! and incidentally, the only light I saw was the ruddy indicator... there were no other lights!)

    The bus driving in this area is particularly idiotic.

  2. My question is this

    If i have a party and it goes late or a partier is inebriated I give them a room or space to sleep it off. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE would i let a single woman go home alone. Curfew or no curfew.?

    That's not actually a question. Even I tried to put in a question mark and, nope, it's not a question. I admit I'd consider coming to your party though.

    I have a question, though: How much space? More than a taxi driver in the back seat, I hope?

    Also why jump in the Klong i agree that is the last place i would go.

    So, just like you, it was the last place she went.


    Actually it was a question... The poster was actually asking asking the reader, "would you let a girl go home alone and drunk?" It's not grammatically correct but I understood what he was saying.

    Agreed, as it was an inferred question. But let's not go there, as we might be banned for being grammar Nazis. Then again, Nazi references are permitted in Thailand. ;)

    • Like 1
  3. I'd like to know how a meeting can reduce tax barriers.

    Is the meeting in charge in charge of the meeting? Oh yes, it was before 10pm with less than 5 member metres.

    "as well as to attain cooperation in intellectual property."

    Well ASEAN is doomed on that one, for a kick-off.

    The West is not our uncle.

    I wish to know how many Western countries are really aligning themselves to do business with the AEC?


  4. Firstly, a vibrant civil society can only exist when individual organizations can work without fear or concern. (Which is in the process of happening now)

    Secondly, it is within your rights to sue the protest leaders for loss of revenue.

    First, societies vary by definition. Thailand is a collectivist society, as opposed to individualistic, so you can write off the first sentence you proclaim.

    Second, there are no protest leaders; thus, please tell me who you would like to sue, or is it that you live in retrospective hopefulness.

  5. I don't understand what the lover's christian (surname?) has to do with this.

    I partially understand why a poster would want a 1 minutes silence for the little girl, but not why he/she would label someone a "wumker (?)" because they decided they didn't want to comply.

    I fully understand the tragedy, how a minutes lapse in awareness can lead to death and a lifetime of suffering for the accused.

    RIP little one....................wai.gif

    1 minute for you maybe, 30 or 40 mins for most who take time to make a loving. whistling.gif

    In addition, if you were paying respects for tradgedies such as 9/11 or even Hillsborough, would you be the first to shout out if you didn't want to comply? w00t.gif

  6. This one just grabs me....... I have a little one, a little girl and she is two, same age. Not mine by blood, but rather my grand daughter by adoption of the heart. Reading this really put a pain in my heart as I could so associate.

    The mother and her friend are , no doubt, responsible. The problem would seem to be endemic as no "what if " possibilities are within the local minds. With little ones like this , you have to be alert at all moments/times/seconds.

    Whether you are a believer or not, I do ask God to bless her small but so very and special soul.

    May those on this side of the divide see to it that those responsible, are justly and suitable brought to face their penalty.

    All our love with you , little one, and may you be surrounded by peace.

    I sent prayers to her between 12 and 12.01pm. DUE RESPECT to all for 1 mins silence.

    I care not for the accusations or malapropisms directed at the parent/lover, as it is too late for the little one.

    I simply hope she is blessed now, and resting in peace.

    • Like 1
  7. Total ignorance and lack of common sense on the mother's part.

    I'm thinking tha the man..Benjamin, he may well be an expat.......either way....he is also complicit in this tragic incident....

    For once, opinions are neither needed nor are hypotheses on what happened. Most can make somewhat accurate assumptions.

    Let us respect the little girl's loss, and carry her in our hearts.

    Can we, for once?

    Let us have 1 minutes silence, in respect of a little one left alone, at 12.00pm

    I wonder which wumker will post between 12 and 12.01pm...

    Thank you! <3

  8. One long ended Empire arguing about the merits of a quickly imploding empire that has bankrupted itself is sort of funny.....

    USA right?

    Brits don't argue; we debate. Additionally, Britain will never be bankrupt, as it still has its hands in the Empire it built, as opposed to trying to take over in desperation by other said super-powers. Decendeny of value is a virtue; all American-Mexicans must understand that. Surely, Shirley?

    • Like 1
  9. Basic, initial question:

    Any chance of a copy of the map, so I know where NOT to go on my kind and delightful excusions?

    Edit: Oops, a comma needed between 'Basic' and 'initial', as they are two following adjectives. My bad. Apologies.

    So much going on with this huge (non-existent, and for the good of all of Thai people) coup, I forgot simple grammar rules. w00t.gif

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