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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

    Johpa, we are publishing opinion pieces from time to time. This video came in our news feed from an overseas expat community. We try to give airtime to all sides, why should we not?

    If you have other (opposite side) video content to balance it out, feel free to PM me the YouTube links and we will probably publish.


    Good on you George, and rather astute if I may say.

    This proselytizing video also self-exposes its Thai-evangelical makers by showing how, at the present stage of their continuing agitprop, they plan to secure fascism in Thailand.

    A good number here at TVF already well know their barefaced lines of right wing doctrine and propaganda, the methods and means that have been exploited throughout 2014 to establish the present reality in the former LOS. So now their lines, methods, means are presented globally in a fairly smart newspeak video production.

    I like the video's focus on the United States because it both challenges its makers to engage the American people and it challenges the American people to find out what's happening in Thailand, which is one of their formal security treaty allies in this region. Anyone who thinks or believes the American people, if engaged on present Thai issues, would support a militarist and fascist takeover here is out of his tree.

    By globalizing their feudal causes, Thais here and abroad are now getting into it over their heads.

    The more the self-absorbed Thai ethnocentrist evangelicals can call global attention to their coup centered feudalism inside Thailand, the more they undermine their own little narrow minded and closed world of suppression and repression.

    Hair of the dog and you'll feel a lot better. ;)

  2. Who on earth made that drivel?

    The people that suffered for the past six months, because of the political situation in Thailand.

    The people that dislike John Kerry's intervention and comments on Thailand politics.

    The people that are happy and welcome the army, that already brought calm and justice to Thailand.

    The people that are proud for themselves and disapprove foreign intervention.

    The people that live in this country and love their country.........THE THAIS.

    Funny you should say that, as I do know a few Thais, that just as the producers of this video, live overseas. They nevertheless have a completely different opinion. I guess some Thais are more Thai then others right ?

    Of course they have a different opinion. They don't live here anymore if they're living overseas, and overseas news is vetted and as much propaganda as any news anywhere, thus what they see is half-baked truth from the OTHER side.

    At least the video does contain 1 very clear truth: Kerry doesn't know his arse from his elbow, and should clearly BUTT OUT.

    It's not a case of being Thai or more Thai. It is a case of being exposed to the real truth of events, and people living here quite clearly are, and those not living here clearly are not! What's your opinion of what's going on in Mongolia, by the way?

    • Like 1
  3. The real inflation in Thailand is at least 12 % , also for ready cooked meals at food stalls, some even 20%.

    The price of rice that the officials use to calculate the inflation is not the price to be payed by the people, the price is about 20% higher.

    If you calculate inflation with the price of meat and fish, the inflation would be even 35-50-%, but we all know that numbers given by Thai authorities are useless .

    I'd be interested to learn how Thailand calculates it's CPI figures - They probably get a uni intern to scan the Makro catalog.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gif ...

  4. I don't believe any of these figures issued by governments.

    Well there really isn't a government, so I guess you're saying the Military Junta, to which the Commerce Ministry reports, is being less than honest? But surely (Shirley) that can't be?

    In India onions are a huge part of the ordinary man's diet

    I never knew it was onions that can make you fat. I'm beefing up on onions, cos I'm a wippet. cheesy.gif

  5. He said he borrowed the compound through his connection with a housemaid of Yaowapa.

    hmm, maid, maid, connection with a housemaid. It's early and I'm on my first cup but I seem to remember something about another connection with a housemaid working for a family with the same name back in 2001 involving millions of dollars. Or maybe I'm just dreaming again.

    You made me spill my tea! :(


    • Like 1
  6. Somehow, I don't think the insurgency would be permitted to spread. It might not be under control, but it is very much contained in location currently, and has been for many years.

    Wrong, during the PDRC protest a big car bomb was disarmed in Phuket. The protest however got the headlines and not the bomb. The insurgents are getting better at what they doing and the military withdrew most of their intel officers from the south during the PDRC protest. With the clampdown in progress these officers will still be tied up and won't be able to combat Thailands true enemies.

    Let us have a link to any of the above otherwise it's pure rumour mongering.

    I haven't seen any evidence that the 'insurgents are getting better at what they're doing'. It's just more of the same.

    As far as the Op story goes - impossible to conclude it is insurgency related as it has many serious unanswered questions.

    For the car bomb http://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia-pacific/2013/12/thai-police-phuket-find-bomb-truck-2013122313610707883.html.

    For the insurgency http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/SEA-01-231013.html,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Thailand_insurgency.

    I also never implied the murder was related to the southern terrorists, I was responding to the claim that the terrorist attacks cannot spread.

    And who exactly claimed terrorist attacks cannot spread? blink.png

  7. Extensive research of Western cultures has consistently shown increased survival associated with light to moderate alcohol consumption.[22] A 23-year prospective study of 12,000 male British physicians aged 48–78, found that overall mortality was significantly lower in current drinkers compared to non-drinkers even after correction for ex-drinkers.

    But of course, if someone drinks like there is no tomorrow...

    A moderate amount of alcool has been determined as beneficial...

    A moderate amount of nicotine does ot exist...

    A moderate amount of strychnine is NOT beneficial

    A moderate amount of Ya Bah is not beneficial

    Alcohol is a hard drug and your moderate amount is 1 glass no more. Look how many people take that, i can quote studies about the damage of alcohol to society they surpass any other drug. (of course also because of the amount of users).

    It is a drug just like all those others:


    While i might not completely agree with this study there are others too that show the damage of alcohol. Anyway the law is the law and alcohol is legal.

    I agree, and if per chance alcohol had been a recent development, I am certain it would be a class-A drug. I believe 80%+ of hospital admissions and A+E treatments are alcohol related accidents or alcohol induced accidents or illnesses. Those figures would certainly make it class-A. Unfortunately, as you say, the law is the law, and on alcohol will never be changed.

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