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Posts posted by johng

  1. 6 minutes ago, rambling said:

    so when we (me and buyer from another province) went to do the transfer we couldn't do it at any other Bangkok DLT office (such as HQ Area 1 at Chatuchak) and were sent to Area 4 office.

    Same in other provinces, they too will have a main/ head DLT even though there maybe other satellite DLT's in the province  you have to go to the main DLT for many things..

    for example in Chonburi there are at least 3 DLT's that I know of  Barnglamung/Pattaya ,Siracha and Chonburi    but only the main DLT in  Chonburi  will deal with change of ownership.

  2. 13 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    The funny thing about the US IDP is much of it is in French.

    Even funnier is that none of it is in Thai !!!   if you have a licence with your photo on it  and writing in the internationally recognised English language then the IDP is rather useless , however it has been reported

    (here on TV) that some "jobsworths" have used not having an IDP as an excuse to fine them..though i have never experienced that before  when using my UK licence  even an ( unintentionally) expired one they looked and where satisfied at the  road block  obviously if I had been in an accident then an expired licence could well have caused some "problems"


    Also remember there are 2  IDP treaty standards  Thailand only recognises 1

  3. If the vehicle is say for example registered in Bangkok ( Bangkok number plates)

    and you live and bought the vehicle in Chaingmai  there is no need to go all the way to Bangkok to register it in your name...you can goto your local main DLT (without the current owner)

    and inform them that you want to "move" the registration to the province you are living in

    ( and have certificate of residence in) there is a desk especially for this

    called "jeng yai rot plai tarng" ( or something close to that, old brain)   they will want to inspect the vehicle to check the chassis,engine numbers colour etc match what's in the book  then you can have all the details in the book updated  and most likely have to go back another day to get new number plates.


    from my notes yet again


    Thai seller needs to supply
    Signed copy of  ID card  front and back ( not expired )
    Signed copy of house registration ( not always required )
    signed  " nungsue moub umnart  หนังสือมอบอำนาจ ( if seller is not going with you to DLT )
    signed  "beb  kum kor own le rup own  แบบคำขอโอนและรับโอน    ขส.บ. ท. - 11
    green/ blue book signed by current owner

    Foreigner seller needs to supply
    certificate of residence from immigration ( should be free at immigration but varies from place to place )
    For foreign seller, instead of certificate of residence also work permit or yellow housebook is accepted in certain provinces
    if foreign seller has left Thailand then a signed copy of the exit from Thailand stamp in their passport instead of residence certificate and valid visa stamp.
    (Certificate of residence not required in all provinces ?    / DLT's Pattaya requires it )
    sometimes the police station will give you this document too.
    copy passport photo page
    copy of visa page and or extension  ( not expired )
    signed  " nungsue moub umnart  ( if seller is not going with you to DLT )
    signed  "beb  kum kor own le rup own ( if seller is not going with you to DLT )
    green/blue book signed by current owner

    and a zip file with all the forms Vehicle_Transfer_2.zip 

  4. There is no need to goto the original owners Department of Land Transportation (DLT) everything can be done at your local DLT if you have all the correct paperwork from the current owner   I've posted the list of documents many times on this forum unfortunately the search function is still as useful as a chocolate fireguard so maybe ill post the list again when back at my PC 

    • Like 1
  5. Yes you will need motorcycle entitlements to get a Thai bike licence without taking all the tests...but the tests are quite easy

    except for the illogical correct answers in the thoery test, the actual practical test is a doddle (compared to the UK)  then you can jump right on that 1300cc Suzuki Hyabussa and zoom off into oblivion.

    • Haha 1
  6. DVD's I left all of mine  by the rubbish bins ...someone ( probably kids)  threw them all over the road like frisbies but I believe some went  onto a new life as reflective safety devices on the motorcycle sidecars used by the  recycling scavengers,  you can also use them as part of a DIY Wifi Antenna.



    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, giddyup said:

    I have used first optic and wasn't very happy with result. The lens keeps falling out of one pair, the other frames are on a standard with 100 baht pair of sunnies, The pair I got for the computer are useless for anything other that close reading of a book.

    I've never had any trouble with First Optic.


    Some of those half frame (no bottom portion)

    with nylon clear "string" holding the lenses in are prone to letting the lens pop out

    I always buy full frame now.


    Didn't you pick the frames you wanted whilst in the shop  ?


    surely you tried  reading something at the distance you normally sit from your computer with the

    "mock up"  /test glasses when he tested your vision in the shop ? 

    if the "lab"  made a mistake and the actual lenses didn't turn out correctly I'm sure he would  remedy the situation for his customer.

  8. 18 hours ago, Hal65 said:

    I'll test that room probably next month. 

    :crazy:    why go to the hassle of moving to another apartment...find the breaker for your current apartment and turn it off then go check if the meter is still running,if not running then with the help of a friend turn on every appliance individually until a "culprit" can be seen that makes the meter spin fast.


    You might have to check the meter (with your breaker off) a couple of times during the day/night as if someone is "borrowing" your electricity they maybe only doing it at certain times for example to run their airconditioner during the night.


    If you keep a big bucket  in case of water outages  check  the water heater/ shower make sure to fully turn off the water heater before filling the bucket as even on "low" ( not even warm)

    setting  some heaters use a lot of power.

  9. There where 2 web cams on Walking street     and quite a few others  all  "mysteriously" disappeared around the same time.


    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Retox inside
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Retox outside
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Retox Darts
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",I Rovers Outside
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",I Rovers Inside
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",I Rovers Darts
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",I Beach Road
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Walking Street 1
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Walking Street 2
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Football Court
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="PattayaCams",Castra Gym




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