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Posts posted by johng

  1. 3 minutes ago, maxisrael said:

     Get a digital TV and use the simply small digital antenna and you're wife can watch the Thai channels in HD

    It will depend on where in the country you are as to how big an antenna you need for Digital Terrestrial TV

    some places are still not really covered and never will be.

    there is a web site to help find your nearest transmitter location,frequencies in use antenna pointing direction.


    • Like 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    It isn't normal for power to go out this much, and I've tried telling them that when I lived in the US the power maybe goes out 3 times a year,

    In London England the power would be up for years without fail..here in my Thai (man)cave the frequent power glitches/brown/black outs play havoc  with  all the "IOT"  and computer equipment  not to mention  the ants that love making nests in anything electronic that are on 24/7 (except during power outs)

    Thailand 4.0 ????

  3. You said

    3 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Bought a new one, didn't make any difference. The PC and the laptop both recognise the WD My Passport in the USB port though, just can't access the files.

    so what do you mean by recognise ?.. anyway if disk management doesn't see it on 2 different systems then its probably kaput..so take it out of the plastic case and have a look at separating the actual hard drive from the USB portion  before buying any SATA/USB adaptor, they aren't that expensive  about 500 baht but no point  buying something you can't use.

  4. 5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    According to bangladeshis authorities she is not a Bangladesh citizen

    Well apparently she is until 21 years of age.



    Lawyers have told the BBC that under Bangladesh law, a UK national born to a Bangladeshi parent is automatically a Bangladeshi citizen - a dual national - but the Bangladeshi authorities assert that's not the case for Ms Begum.

    Under this "blood line" law, Bangladeshi nationality and citizenship lapse when a person reaches the age of 21, unless they make active efforts to retain it.


  5. 13 minutes ago, samran said:

    um, cause she isn't a citizen there. The British government have just assumed she is.

    I thought it was because they didn't want her either ?


    4 minutes ago, Morch said:

    As far as I understand Bangladesh declined already. Similarly, it would be nigh impossible deporting her to Syria, Iraq or similar destinations.

    Nobody wants her !  and after watching the video interview   where she says seeing decapitated heads thrown in a dustbin  didn't phase her  is anyone surprised ?

    • Like 1
  6. From the BBC website


    How do you lose your citizenship?

    In the UK, someone can have their citizenship stripped by the home secretary, for the following reasons:

    • It is "for the public good" and would not make them stateless
    • The person obtained citizenship through fraud
    • Their actions could harm UK interests and they can claim citizenship elsewhere

    Ms Begum was stripped of her citizenship for the public good reason.

    Under international law, it is legal to remove someone's citizenship if they are entitled to citizenship of another country.

    In February, a tribunal ruled that removing Ms Begum's citizenship was lawful because she was "a citizen of Bangladesh by descent".

    So why has she not gone to Bangladesh ?

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, fdsa said:

    It's easier than it sounds. Open the WD enclosure

    Getting the drive out of the plastic case is the easy bit, like I said before the WD "Mypassport" drives (reportedly) use a proprietary USB to SATA bridge built right onto the harddrive control board so it would not interface to a normal SATA/USB enclosure....take it apart and see  take some photos and post here, before buying any new enclosure or docking station.

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