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Posts posted by johng

  1. 11 hours ago, SAINT THOMAS said:

    since she has been hit by 2 cars and 1 motorcycle, by drunk and speeding drivers who All ran away.

    They hit a dog on the road...where is the dogs owner ?...oohh its not my dog  I just feed it ! sorry for the damage to your car..sorry for the damage to your motorbike  and broken leg when you fell off after hitting "not my dog"  compensation ?  go talk to your insurance company.

  2. 41 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Yes, it's very interesting to watch as a show, how many of the population are so brainwashed to believe the media propaganda.

    It's even worse than "the millennium bug"  remember how the whole would collapse when the computer clocks ticked over from 1999 to 2000 ????

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