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Posts posted by johng

  1. 12 minutes ago, moogradod said:

    However I suspect that my reporting must be in the computer (?) and my correct receipt in somebody elses passport.

    When they scan the barcode it will show the wrong persons information,

    which may cause a bit of a problem !

    If it where me I'd go back to Jomtien immigration  as soon as possible ( hear its very quiet there now) for them to sort out the mistake..some reports of the checkpoints not really checking documents too carefully

    to see if you are really a "Barnglamung" resident or not,  also  I would have thought  going to immigration is a valid reason to let you in...try it and see.

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  2. There appears to be more "freebies"  working their way through the system   now 150 units of electricity free ( 5/15 meter if use more than 150 then pay )

    and bills after March charged at March price  (assume they mean if the bill is higher than March)

    the PEA app wouldn't let my wife pay yesterday maybe due to the above ????

  3. 7 minutes ago, webfact said:

    They wanted all citizens aged 20 to have the same right to claim the amount regardless of their occupation by showing only their ID card


    What a sensible idea !   no need for  online  registration that crash and  then refuse  because the family head is a"farmer"   just give out the money  how much simpler could it get ?

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