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Everything posted by johng

  1. So you support free speech ? I'll have a couple of "Save the frogs" and "Alex Jones was right" t-shirts thanks.
  2. Search your memory it seems to have been erased !
  3. Yes I do agree with his statement the government closed schools they closed parks and open spaces they closed shopping malls, they told everyone to work online lest you "kill granny" there was an overwhelming doom machine played out on every media source...surely you have not forgotten this ? I provided a few images of the Pattaya lockdown I have lots more, the Covid measures caused immense damage and hardship to millions of ordinary citizens who could not conduct "normal life" during the restrictions many lost their whole livelihood business that took generations to build they didn't have the reserves to last 2-3 years of no profit like the "big boys" did coming out the big players gained immensely and the small guys are devastated. Covid, probably the worse debacle in history but certainly in modern history.
  4. Edward Snowden ? Julian Assange might have faired better there instead of trusting the UK..what a horrible betrayal,glad he has finally found his way home.
  5. I did not say persons where locked indoors for months on end, go back and read what I wrote...I do agree with the sentiment that @JonnyF was making about locking society down for months on end and have provided photographic evidence in above post..the Covid debacle is the worst atrocity we have witnessed in our lifetime in every single metric of being an atrocity.
  6. Hey that kinda sounds like a "natural immunity" "conspiracy theory" !!!
  7. Yes yes Putin is the new Hitler ( or is it Trump must be clones) no negotiations with him under any circumstance....but completely forgetting that Hitler did not have the worlds largest nuclear arsenal and control the largest country on earth....folly to even contemplate talking to such a looser !!!
  8. It has as much convincing arguments as your assertion that Trump is an an "insurrectionist" where is he charged with insurrection ???
  9. You are referencing the wrong person I did not state that "everyone had to stay indoors for months on end" but do agree with that sentiment there was incessant pressure to "not go out" huge fear mongering as to killing granny if you did...they did close most outside places that people could go and exercise enjoy a few hours to relive stress from the constant fear mongering which I believe caused much more damage than anything else. Here to refresh the memory ( the world class tourist resort) Pattaya locked down.
  10. More phoney baloney !!
  11. Better to jaw jaw than war war talking to others and trying to understand their differing points of view is a good thing. Censorship of other opinions,closed ears and refusal to talk or even listen has lead us to where we are now closer to another world war than ever before and guess what its not Trumps fault 😋
  12. Ohh boo hoo go cry in the corner. Obviously …no names…but seems a lot of people don't quite understand what "free speech" is (supposed to be) are all for censorship,shadow banning deplatforming,debanking etc etc when they don't agree with a certain view point are quick to accuse persons like Trump for example of being a fundamental threat to democracy and call have him eliminated by any and all means...does he go cry in the corner or stand up for his right to speak ? You must stand up for other persons right to speak their mind no matter how much you disagree with them or else the very concept of "free speech" is gone for everyone not just those you disagree with on today's issue gone for everyone on all issues !!
  13. Sorry I'm washing my hair ! I fully understand questions,statements and opinions thanks very much for your dumb assumptions.
  14. Why are you getting so worked up trying to stop persons defending Trump and others free speech ?
  15. You asked "is it the Jews" I didn't mention them at all. If you think its them then "up to you"
  16. Yes espouse rhetoric right there but are seemingly oblivious to the fact.
  17. I am all for free speech for everyone even left wing loonies like you !! 😋 Are you disputing that Alex Jones has not killed anyone ?
  18. Why do you think it's them are you antisemitic
  19. I'm pretty sure the rhetoric of "orange man bad" "threat to our democracy" "must be stopped at all costs" has led to 2 (possibly 3) assassination attempts,and that rhetoric is not coming from Trump and his acolytes,pay attention yourself !
  20. The same as you know that "violence, political or otherwise, comes from Trump and Vance and their acolytes"
  21. No calling Trump a threat to "democracy" that must be stoped as if he were Hitler has lead to 2 (possibly 3) assassination attempts so far that rheteric doesn't come from Trump and his supporters.
  22. No need to hint at where it should go ... you're all for free speech after all ? just say it out loud.. . no not much for free speech at all really.. Alex Jones has and continues to state his opinions despite anti speechers such as yourself who want to silence him with gleeful vitriol....dystopian beyond belief. I state again Alex Jones has never killed anyone...why the hatred towards him?
  23. No to all of the above by the way I also don't have 1 gazzziloiin dollars to pay reperations for hurt feelings to a family and FBI agent who's family members I didnt kill.
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