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Everything posted by johng

  1. No calling Trump a threat to "democracy" that must be stoped as if he were Hitler has lead to 2 (possibly 3) assassination attempts so far that rheteric doesn't come from Trump and his supporters.
  2. No need to hint at where it should go ... you're all for free speech after all ? just say it out loud.. . no not much for free speech at all really.. Alex Jones has and continues to state his opinions despite anti speechers such as yourself who want to silence him with gleeful vitriol....dystopian beyond belief. I state again Alex Jones has never killed anyone...why the hatred towards him?
  3. No to all of the above by the way I also don't have 1 gazzziloiin dollars to pay reperations for hurt feelings to a family and FBI agent who's family members I didnt kill.
  4. so will "anti speechers" as yourself reap what you sow !
  5. HaHa ha of course you would advocate mandates and all sorts of authoritarian "interventions" for those who disagree with your opinions...
  6. Nope not necessary or required to quote the whole post just that quoting not change the statement which I have not done I have quoted for brevity and in no way tried to change your comment.
  7. Fringe - 2x07 - Of Human Action
  8. Everyone should be defending free speech no ?
  9. Yes you support Harris and don't like Trump ?
  10. Again I quote the whole of your post in lest being accused of altering meanings in a dishonest way !. (no I am quoting for brevity.) Yes Alex Jones has been proven correct time and again..what has that to do with Trump being a better leader of the USA than Harris/Biden ? I "truly believe that Trump would be a better leader of the USA" that Trump has a proven track record of actually being the president and performing better than Biden IMHO.
  11. Look I quoted your whole post so you can't accuse me of altering it happy now ? Yes Harris has never been elected Biden was unceremoniously removed from the race...Trump has a proven record of actually being the president he did not enact dictatorial powers to end elections,start any wars or end civilisation as we know it.
  12. There is no cognitive decline except in your addled mind his policies are fine and his jokes are quite funny/scathing but deemed sick by you as you are sick and loosing touch with reality 😋
  13. Yes they did closed the beaches,parks,gyms most anything except fast food outlets ( even those eventually forced to online ordering and home delivery) closed the schools closed the businesses and said you can work online as you are not essential workers... screwed over the essential workers when they said they didn't want to take experimental medical concoctions and asked for a pay rise ( yeah so essential then but not now ) one rule for thee and another for me as evidenced numerous times the hypocrites making laws for the plebs breaking them without a care in the world over and over again. The Covid debacle is the worst atrocity in our lifetime so far but have no fear WWIII is looming to erase the memories.
  14. Blinken,Nuland,Biden and Netanyahu are of course saintly entities never to be criticized war is peace !
  15. I'll snip out any part I want to thanks, there is no point quoting the whole post when a brief snippet will suffice.
  16. Are you watching the news ?...this exact playbook ongoing as we speak remember Trump is not in power.
  17. That would be great.. but they are trying to prevent that by trying to appropriate those intellectual properties including all his archive material...he is encouraging everyone to download and share his material before it is "disappeared" PS: Alex Jones was right !
  18. Rubbish of course, same as blaming a women for getting raped she should have worn the burka if she doesn't want to be violated ?
  19. You are a horrible "specimen" Alex Jones did not kill anyone or call for anyone to be killed....all he did/does is voice his opinions...despite despots as per yourself calling for the removal of his (everyones) free speech...not realizing that once his free speech is removed yours will be too...
  20. Ha ha ha ridiculous the incesent war mongering and threat of Nuclear war is far more likely to destroy us than "climate change"
  21. You don't stand a chance because you believe/support them and their crazy policies covid lockdowns enforced medical procedures,censorship,war mongering instead of negotiations etc etc etc
  22. The world was more peaceful with Trump...the current war mongers have us at the brink of WWIII and nuclear Armageddon.
  23. Trump already proved he was a better leader.
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