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Everything posted by johng

  1. Of course they do AIPAC brings together Democrats and Republicans to advance our shared mission. Building bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship is an American value we are proud to champion.
  2. Do I ? hadn't noticed, but what else to call it except genocide what is wrong with calling "a spade a spade" ? and BTW I am not the one calling for genocide,signing bombs,sending vast sums of money and signed bombs for "as long as it takes" I am simply pointing out what is happening (PS I also do not have 1 bazziolion dollars) Remember "War is Peace" brought to you by the "Ministry of Truth" for your own safety.
  3. Well the of course, they do seem to be wary of the wrath of USA seeing what happened to their neighbour x 2 and considering half the US naval fleet is stationed not too far away and that they have 800 military bases around the world who wouldn't be a bit trepidatious of the worlds bully ?
  4. Well "up to you" as the say in good ole Thailand no sense in discussing anything with people who have a different opinion is it any wonder the world is on the brink yet again.. I'm hoping to be incinerated by a close strike as it will be over quickly unlike the "survivors" who could linger on for days ,months if they didn't get a huge dose then comes the economic collapse, starvation and utter savagery to survive on what's left of the food water and energy supply... Happy days !
  5. More genocide ? or they will all just roll over and play dead.. and the other Islamic countries will whistle and cheer the annihilation of their "brethren".
  6. I have no boys...who's gonna try ? well we all wait and see...so exciting this run up to WWIII Armageddon isn't it ?
  7. Won't the fries also be soggy after flying all that way ? 😋 not to mention the extortionate price tag. The "fries" of above mentation outlet in the OP do go soggy very quickly and are of tiny proportions. 🙁
  8. If the Israeli's blatantly strike Iran (they have) I believe the Iranians will make every effort to defend themself and/or take out Israeli nuclear sites. Just my opinion which is allowed on this forum.
  9. I guess you have your nuclear bunker fully stocked up gleefully egging on the Armageddon ?
  10. Well of course the best tourists would not even leave their home (pod) just visit virtually and send the money via a government Central Bank Digital Currency transfer ...so quick and convenient don't even have to get up off the sofa I'm just loving it 🤢
  11. It was/is not Russian disinformation at all !! That is just more rubbish straight from the MSM orifice in collusion with nefarious "deep state" operatives trying to keep the devastating contents under wraps.
  12. Apparently they were "mostly" intercepted by the Iron Dome and only caused one Palestinian death 🤔 yes very interesting the reporting of this incident.
  13. You of course got it all arse backwards again ! 😋 typical "MSM" believer.
  14. Please tell us how your opinion differs from that of Volodymyr Zelenskyy ?
  15. Yes just like the Hunter Biden laptop "theory"
  16. You "invert" the display by the changing orientation of the polarizing film it took a bit of experimentation as the film has glue on one side if you flip it over the polarization changes so have to think "back to front" as it were.
  17. How could he give away something that is not his to give away ? or are why suggesting that Ukraine is the 51st US state perhaps that's why the Biden regime keep sending billions of dollars there ?
  18. Thanks Julian for exposing despicable crimes against humanity committed by the so called self proclaimed "good guys".
  19. Tourists appreciate getting less for their holiday money with a firmer Baht as it helps them spend less 5555
  20. User's should also inspect pagers and walkie talkie devices !
  21. I would buy the cheaper one 3 years is about the norm before they start not keeping charge I doubt that a gel one lasts 3 times as long thus not really worth the price.
  22. Because Ukraine would be victorious over the evil Hitler Putin orks .
  23. Yes I detected no irony so will of course get to polishing the "sensor" forthwith.
  24. Ok get back to me when Ukraine declares victory...and /or NATO membership.
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