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Everything posted by johng

  1. This brings us back to with the virus or because of the virus..perhaps its better to wait for the figures for total excess mortality and compare them to previous years for a clearer picture. Also some serious studies into the effects of lockdowns on health physical ,mental and economic.
  2. Did your extrapolation consider the possibility that the virus is more widely spread than is known ie: not 100 % of the population has been tested to see if they had or have the virus. When/if ever they declare the pandemic over then the "real" figures can be calculated until then its just "best guestimation" and "questionable" computer modelling.
  3. He said "I refuse to put myself or anyone else at risk, the rest of the family have all been jabbed," So he is scared/afraid of the risk ?
  4. If asking questions and raising doubts = anti-vaxxer in your book then I suppose I must be ! As a "pro jabber" you are aware that even without a vaccine approximately 98% of Covid infections ... do not result in death. Even the "fact checkers" agree ( who checks the fact check checkers ? ???? ) https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2021/why-the-covid-19-survival-rate-is-not-over-99/ "Most people who get COVID-19 will survive. Of roughly 35.2 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States, around 614,300 people, or 1.7%, have died, according to Johns Hopkins University’s mortality data as of Aug 6." Yes, yes "Long Covid"
  5. If you and the rest have been "fully jabbed" then why are you afraid of MIL ?
  6. There will be plenty of "donuts" on here claiming it's not coercion but the best thing for humanity since the invention of sliced bread ! ????
  7. ironic that the ex mayor of Pattaya now says that "Culture is more important than freedom"
  8. Perhaps they "forgot" that being vaccinated does not mean Covid free ? Getting back to the "New Normal" feudal times lifestyle where every serf knows their place.
  9. Yes good to get the smokey vehicles off the roads but no mention of the decrepit public transport buses still in use in BKK spewing their black smoke as always for years on end ( LPG buses still stuck in customs ? ) an no mention of the crop and forest fires !
  10. How will you determine that your associates are healthy and jabbed, portable MRI scanner DNA and blood testing lab ?
  11. The other day I saw that the TAT had also recruited the famous Thai band "F***ing Hero" for a promo video !
  12. I notice that saliva is mentioned but is it used ? anytime I see tests being done on TV it's a brain tickler being stuffed up the poor victims nose...saliva would seem to me be the easier,safer more dignified approach.
  13. Where is the bit about if you take a test and prove positive ? does it mention being whisked away to "hospital" ?
  14. It's said that you can renew your licence at any DLT countrywide but I'm interested to know whether Rayong would accept a "certificate of residence" from Jomtien immigration and whether they accept a "Yellow book" as prof or residence ??
  15. I agree that downloading is the better option...nothing worse than settling down to watch a much anticipated "something" and the picture freezes,stuttering and buffering ( always at the best bit) no such problems if you download the whole thing first and play it back from your local copy.
  16. Sorry already plans "afoot" for Jomtien many trees massacred in the last "norishment" plan and I expect more of the same this time.
  17. The reason is because huge numbers of transfers from people playing the "underground" lottery. When/if ever they fully modernise the state run "legal" lottery then the problem will abate.
  18. johng

    Internet Cafe

    couple of places to try on South Pattaya road https://www.google.com/maps/place/Focus+Color+Lab+โฟกัส+คัลเลอร์แล็บ+พัทยาใต้+บริการถ่ายรูปโปรไฟล์+ปริ้นเอกสาร+ปริ้นรูป+ขยายรูปใหญ่+ใส่กรอบ+Photo+Service+in+Pattaya/@12.9239144,100.8804278,3a,75y,335.89h,93.34t and https://www.google.com/maps/place/Jirawat+Clinic/@12.9240324,100.8791956,3a,15y,140.27h,96.29t
  19. Except the unvaccinated are not lepers and just as "healthy" as the " multi jabbers" discrimination pure and simple ????????
  20. About a week ago The PEA had a speaker truck going around the estate I live in saying that they where going to start/resume removing meters of non payers.
  21. The lower toll this year is most certainly due to the mandated wearing of face masks at all times while driving ????
  22. like this maybe ? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/testing-firm-can-profit-from-sale-of-covid-swabs-w6vkb2f2f "A large Covid-19 testing provider is being investigated by the UK’s data privacy watchdog over its plans to sell swabs containing customers’ DNA for medical research."
  23. Yeah you need a real one to get in to buy the fake one..hold on I had a thought, they could send some fakes out by carrier pigeon
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