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Everything posted by johng

  1. It's beginning to look like that's what is planed...remember though it's only 2 weeks to flatten the curve
  2. They did my bike wheels ???? they even ordered the tyres because the ones I wanted weren't in stock.
  3. Don't forget the ongoing Fukashima Daiichi disaster ,they still have no idea what to do with all the contaminated cooling water the reactors themself and contamination removed from top soil, deadly radioactive for thousands of years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster
  4. They might think that, but I don't think it would be at all wise to actually publicly say that, unless already safely back home in Switzerland/France ????
  5. This place in North Pattaya will do it. https://www.google.com/maps/place/พัทยาการยาง+Pattaya+Tire/@12.9661682,100.9101032,3a,75y,339.27h,90.46t
  6. We hear this every few years and every few years later the cameras are non functional endlessly..yes spend the money on homeless instead and a few millions to clearing up the stray dogs too another endless problem. They have such cameras on a few of the major roads already, I don't know if they still work and have not heard/read about them producing any traffic violation prosecutions mostly seem to be used to track other sorts of "crime" and accidents.
  7. Yes the repair station has gone but Amorn is still there and they still carry a wide range of spare parts for various electronic devices.
  8. Oops bit of a mistake there,always best to take lots of photos before disconnecting wires I learnt that lesson myself too the hard way !. Hopefully the other "electrician" is a bit more honest and knows his "asp from his elbow" ????
  9. That seems way too high ! at the most maybe 100-200 for a new switch ( they do look a little bit special but bet they can be found at the electronics shops on Theprasit road and may be even in Amorn in the basement of Tukcom ) I assume there are no integrated circuit/chips on the other side of the board that might have warranted the inflated price ?
  10. Looks like almost 100% not wearing a mask and lots of booze too ???? girl in red bra talks about "onlyfan" not that i would know anything about that of course ????
  11. That should be a simple, quick and cheap fix with a soldering iron then.
  12. Here is what they have done at Bahn Amphur beach the next most popular one going south from Jomtien regimented palm trees ! all deck chair vendors gone all the small restaurants and snack vendors gone along with the toilets.. there are some mobile food vendors in the car park ready to scarper when the "gastapo" show up.
  13. Call the "gastapo" ( in hazmat suits) or not let @Dancer57 in ????
  14. shhhhh don't say that you'll be branded a conspiracy theorist ????
  15. A strange thing I have observed during this whole debacle is that even during the curfew and beach closure times one type of business was always open and that being shops selling beach wear,buckets and spades,rubber rings etc
  16. Find alternative IPTV provider or watch the "official" stream direct from ITV which will require a VPN as it is geo restricted to the UK.
  17. Can't say I've ever heard of that rule/hours before..not even during the "curfews" which have now been relaxed if not totally removed...anyway in Pattaya there is not supposed to be much opened in those hours anyway no bars,pubs,clubs,discos,soapy massage supposed to be open but still there are some of these activities going on risky to get caught in one at a raid !! Perhaps the hotels has its own "in house" entertainment they want you to use ? ????
  18. Yes it seems then the problem is your IPTV provider server was swamped with to many people trying to watch at the same time.
  19. And after further "research" I found I'd forgotten that using "Thunar" file manager on my linux pc works just fine when an Android phone is connected to usb as opposed to "Dolphin" file manager which doesn't recognise the devices at all.
  20. At the inspection place I go to the whole process is video recorded and from what I saw this information along with "test" results are all sent to the DLT they seemed a bit less strict on bikes than cars..I'm sure some results could be "fudged" if someone had the right connections...but don't think they would want to risk loosing their licence for some random stranger. Last year they refused to test a Mercedes Benz because the first test couldn't be carried out due to the headlights not working the owner tried to plead for an exception but the testing center owner said not possible due to the video evidence. I'm not sure if all inspection places are now required to save/send video footage but suspect they are...whether that actually happens or not T.I.T Take it to "Bira" https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bira+Circuit/@12.9218222,101.0057634,17z
  21. I think I'll start building my Faraday cage bunker and stock up on "essentials" ???? Talking of the sun how do we know that the sun's output has not changed or is changing ? how do we know that the earth has not crept closer to the sun due to the slow down of orbit vs gravity ? ...we have only very recently ( compared to Earths age) been able to accurately measure these parameters.
  22. No one can help you much because you fail to provide the relevant important information..such as where you watching ITV direct from the official website/player or through an IPTV 3rd party supplier.. and less important what equipment, Wifi or Wired, VPN or not, ISP speed. But as @worgeordie suggested if not the "official" then more than likely just too many viewers overloaded the server..could happen to the official site too but less likely.
  23. Hey I remember that show "Why Don't You" I don't remember ever doing a single thing they suggested though.
  24. From that description I have a strong theory that the problem is ants in the switch...they love to get inside electronic stuff I don't know why maybe they are attracted to electromagnetic fields..anyway ants make an incredibly good electrical insulator !!
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