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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. It's great that the clean up is making good progress no doubt about but why do i have the feeling not much will happen to him apart from maybe he will retire.

    Because your a victim of your own propaganda--- 10 million baht houses are being burnt, plantations are being chopped down, beach front properties worth millions are being cleared, Taxi mafia leaders are in jail or being hunted, but to some people with their head placed firmly up an orifice --nothing much is happening----everyone's getting away with it.............coffee1.gif

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  2. Sixteen Thousand foreign inmates seems a high number of people , although adds up to what I have thought for long time , lots come to Thailand to carry out activities they wouldn't dare do back in their home country for one reason or another, especially the sex trade side, they abuse Thailand's hospitality , thinking that because I am not at home I can do what I like, you can till like at home you get caught.bah.gif

    That's 0.69% chainarong....& its all the foreign prisoners but I think your spite is aimed at Caucasians (if its not then my apologies) they make 110 people out of the 16,000---I see "otherstuff1957" has already posted the figures --Thank you ,

    That in anyone's mind--are tiny figures --maybe I read you wrong chainarong & you feel that the Burmese/ Cambodians & Laos people are running the "sex trade inside Thailand"

    That must be it, because I am quite sure your not the kind of person to put the boot in to an entire race because 110 of their people are in Jail.......................coffee1.gif

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  3. Found the English Embassy in Bangkok very good, they seem to be always very busy---Kwasaki

    Wow , you really may be an endangered species Kwasaki,

    I can access 3 embassy's , but always try to keep away from the UK one if possible--sometimes its not possible, just 2 examples & I know of a lot more, but these 2 happened to me--I was visiting a person in Prison about 11 years ago who had some major problems, the UK embassy provided him with a short list of Lawyers, he picked one out made contacted & basically he was robbed by them, I guess a warning sign might have been the first question, How much funds do you have with you $us9,800---well amazingly that was their fee. but they never turned up for any hearings. I reported it of course---so was quite surprised when 2 years latter a friend told me that their name was still on the embassy list--the embassy then told me that they don't recommend anyone, just provide a list---but isn't someones name on a list given by you a recommendation ?? & aren't you going to at least remove it--short story was that I wrote to F.A. in the UK (no that's not the football) & I am told it is removed.

    Last year I had booked up for a months holiday in the UK with my wife, got a umbilical hernia a week or so before we left, so wrote to the embassy about the possibility of paying to have her Visa extended or renewed, it wouldn't have upset me if they had replied that under rule -This-& section -That- it wasn't possible, but it was a really arrogant letter that stated we understand your position but your wife isn't sick she can still go , replying to them that we were staying with friends who she had never met, was to no avail, so her 1 month dream holiday, looking round the UK was reduced to 10 days.

    ​I know of many other 3rd party instances-- but they didn't happen to me .

    ​I have had to deal with quite a few embassy's in the years that I have lived here-- & If I rated them the best 2 are IMO.

    ​The Irish & the USA embassy's. ..both seem to go that extra yard for their citizens, the Irish always follow up when there is someone in trouble, & even have a small fund if you are incarcerated -300 baht a day. The USA is equal to that, you never have to chase them--- & they are the only embassy I know that travel everywhere --it would take a major effort to move someone from the UK embassy out of the BKK coffee shops / Bars

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  4. Been reading on here about foreigners coming to Thailand and ending up getting killed because they didn't know about and respect Thai culture.----manxcay


    where--where --where---you te ni

    I know I shouldn't respond to Trolls, but its not them that gets me going so much as the Loons (people) that live here & write in agreement.

    So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

    Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.


    Wow I cant believe I am getting wound up by a 15 post Troll its time for my medication ...........coffee1.gif

  5. It should be blocked in Britain too.

    Yer its not exactly an in depth publication ---& the 2 brothers that own it (Known as the Barclay twins) were exposed by Panorama...last year for using thug like tactics on anyone that came to the adjoining islands Jersey etc & made any inquiries about them---- I guess that would be OK if they didn't try to hug the high moral ground all the time. Panorama looked into their property portfolio in London which included large Mayfair hotels which through a myriad of shelf companies made it possible not to pay any tax for the last 17 years....... well to be fair they are flat out exposing tax cheats in the UK for us, & yes they are friends with Mr T ....hence those photos which were shot in BKK & were all over the internet 3 years ago..... & them pretending it was now & at a hotel in England.


    I did used to look at the sports page...... their football coverage was good. so for anyone who is missing them too much, the easiest way is to just down load ex-pat shield ..... gives you an ip number in the UK, I use it to get BBC 4 & listen to their football coverage instead of the Thai commentator who always seems like he is going to commit suicide when some one scores against Man U. ............coffee1.gif

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  6. thairowe, on 30 Aug 2014 - 21:24, said:

    Corruption has gottin worse under the Junta, not better. It is all threw the government.

    As already said, what's your evidence?--scorecard

    Please don't embarrass thairowe with actually asking for facts scorecard, This how it works, you come on and basically dam everything about the country that you worked so hard to live in--then you make statements that have no basics in fact....& do a big avatar of someone clapping hands ...like you have exposed them, then just ignore anyone that asks , Oh yer where did those stats come from ---there just trying to spoil the party.



    ​you really shouldn't let facts get in the way of a good slander.............coffee1.gif .

  7. It was interesting listening to the morning loudspeaker announcement in our town earlier this week.

    A long list of names and amounts of people with outstanding debts for loans taken from the "village fund" was read out for all to hear. Some of the amounts were 1 million baht.

    I guess they will have to refrain from this practice once the bill is passed into law.

    Farma---just out of interest, what is the (dock-beer) % rate for funds lent from your village. How long are the loans lent for.

    What are the guarantees in place for the village if they default.


    PS...oh yer & where can I get a loan from , because I had a dream about a Loto number............coffee1.gif

  8. I think I have worked it out for you....with nearly 4,000 posts on Thai-Visa, you just don't have any time for anything else in your life.......w00t.gif.


    Just joking benalibina....my kids (who now have kids of their own) tell me that the period after I broke up, was for them a time that they look back on with affection, because I only had them 2 or 3 days a week, we always had to do something---wake up get breakfast at Mcac's, do your homework, lets go to the movies--Sunday, lets go swimming I was never that proactive when we all lived together, I loved them of course, but there always seemed to be other priorities, & we were together all the time--we can go swimming another day. My life was richer also --though certainly not in $$$ that was a struggle . Peace of mind Vs Stress --you just don't realize how bad stress is for your body, & how nice peace of mind is----but you don't get that instantly , you have to wait until the heat goes out of the broken relationship... but it will come. Small things can make your decision for you, I had just reread the R,Frost poem “the road not taken” it’s a simple poem, that’s been around for years. (1916) It’s about the reality of every human being who has to make choices during their lives, about facing the fear of that choice. And in our lives, indeed the choices are not always easy, because either we win or lose a lot because of them. The metaphor is he comes across two roads & doesn’t know which to take.


    "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,---And sorry I could not travel both”


    Both roads could have a satisfactory result, but only one can be chosen. One road is well trodden & you can see the way, the other looks a little more difficult & you really don’t know where it will end.


    Good luck with whatever road you chose


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