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Posts posted by Paulzed

  1. Why do buddhists worship images of the buddha when he himself instructed people not to?

    Do any of the so-called "Buddhists" follow through with any of the instructions given anyway? In Thailand I haven't seen one, especially the monks seem to have a hidden agenda that instructs them to do exactly the opposite of what they teach. Time for reform and time for "believers" to wake up and stop bowing in front of persons who are nothing but a pretender in a colored robe, same goes for worshipping of idols, etc...

    After all what I have learned here in my 20+ years in LOS, it appears that some of the biggest crooks take refuge in temples to either hide or try to wash themselves clean of their sins by doing a few years in a temple instead of a prison. Look into their eyes and be amazed of the filth hiding behind them.

    So far we had Thai abbots collecting Mercedes limousines, travelling first class by air, owning thousands of Rai of land, abbots with huge bank accounts, gold, jewelry and other luxurious items stacked up to the roof, all paid with "alms", we had abbots and monks raping dogs (no joke!) and children, performing sodomy, sleeping with massage and bar girls, monks betting, gambling, bribing, even killing and robbing people... But still Thai people believe that this exact monk there, standing with his alm bowl in front of them in the morning is one of the good guys, someone to look up to, someone above them... It makes me sick at times, especially when I think about what a truly amazing life philosophy the true Buddhism really is.

    Good question by the way! Let's disassemble the myth of Buddhism...

    I also have 20+years experience with Thailand and I would have to say after having read the Buddhist bible and then see how Thais practice their faith, my personal observation is that Thais have no real understanding of Buddhism.

    The five precepts to be the most basic of Buddhist

    1. Don't Kill

    2. Don't steal

    3. No Alcohol or drugs

    4. No Adultery

    5. Don't lie or speak ill of others

    I have never seen anyone that calls themselves Buddhist in Thailand able to stick to all of these five most basic precepts.

    and its a shame because they are such easy precepts to follow and the ideas and philosophy of Buddhism are fantastic.

    • Like 1
  2. All I can say about that study, is that if the first two people on this Earth were Homosexual, they would have also been the last two people on this Earth.

    We have male and females on this Earth for a specific reason.

    We all have to accept that there are homosexual people, but according to mother nature its not normal.....!!!!!!

  3. If you've ever seen a Thai soap, there are often young pretty boys playing the role of the good policeman. The chicks seem to like that. However in reality, most cops are darker skinned than the lads on TV shows, thus, less appealing.

    Have you noticed on the Thai soaps, how the people with whiter skin and have had the falung nose job, are the good people and the darker skinned Thais play the villain.

    Just an observation.

    • Like 2
  4. It is sad and a shame that the education system in Thailand is this way, most Thais are not slow learners or stupid, but I can say for certain that

    whether deliberate or not the education system and the people that are providing the education are training young minds to be just that.

    How do you repair a nationwide culture of this, how do you tell the all revered AJARN, that what you are doing is wrong and has never been correct?

    And you now have to change what you have been doing for years and teach you pupils to be individuals, interact with the AJARN, question and debate what is being taught ??

    • Like 2
  5. "Dark Skin" is not a race of people, my guess one less Nigerian to worry about in Thailand, so that would make he a Negro. God rest him !!

    No I am not Racist, as a young boy in school we learned the names of different races of human beings.

    We can pick our nose, but not our race.


    Jerry, negro is racist!

    I'm A racists I love to go fast!!

    • Like 1
  6. I will agree with the OP. Have traveled and lived in almost 10 countries. Thais are squarely the most boring people I've come across. All the other Asians are worlds apart more interesting. Have had awesome friends and conversations with Chinese in Shanghai, Indians throughout my travels there, Japanese are fantastic, Koreans are OK (but a bit too serious for me), Singaporeans, even Indonesians. One of my best friends is an Indonesian guy who works in a large OG operation.

    I am not knocking Thais here but they are generally extremely boring, painfully so even. The ones who seem to have much going on are often into whatever it is they are into just for the FACE and popularity. They just want to look good. Thais are extremely superficial in my experience.

    Great with simple stuff though. If you want to talk about food or the weather or gossip, they are among the best!

    my vote for most boring would go to canadians

    French Canadians

  7. Have to agree with soutpeel.....must be something to do with you.

    My Thai is limited and have met VERY few Thai's who speak decent English ....BUT have had many conversations with Thai's (although somewhat animated at times) wherein they discuss their lives (because I asked) and asked about mine, politics, family,travels, children...etc.

    I find the Thai's very social and very inquisitive .....so I can only guess that you haven't asked the right questions?

    I also have to agree...Sorry it must be you, I think they Bua you.

    I speak good Thai and I joke around with Thai's, make fun of each other, talk about politics, talk about what was on TV, even in the villages, when talking to the in laws and their neighbours and is always reciprocal conversation, they always want to know about me and were I come from.

    As an owner builder and building a house I was the boss, no problem with the conversation.

  8. Can we do without racial pejoratives such as "Jap." It violates TV rules and offend one sense of decency.

    Aussie Pommy Yank Gerry Froggy Mongol Ruskie Argie Pakies Pick out which offends and which doesn't ?? in many cases it's the tone and way it is spoken.

    I beg to strongly differ.

    The term "jap" is not comparable to the terms you list here. Referring to a Japanese person as a "jap" has nothing to do with tone

    or the way it is spoken. It has to do with the lack of education, common sense and basic cultural etiquette of the speaker.

    Why not, I knew the term from the last war, it was a short version of Japanese.

    exactly the same as Gerry's short for Germans and so on.

    You seem to have this thing about the word. It is of course very nice to say there are so many Japanese tourists, but another person could say a load of Japs got of that JAL airliner, It is how you want to make it.

    Now there are some awful nick names we tend never to use nowadays, but did donkey's years ago it was the norm then. Same as we say Eskimo's now it's not the done thing to speak of them as Eskimo's.

    Up to you I personally never now use the word Jap, but many do and unless it is meant in a nasty way --no problem. We have to ask the Japanese their opinion if it does not hurt them ---why the fuss.

    Tissues anyone?


  9. Used cars in Thailand are ridiculously over priced. I think this is why you see so many rusted old death traps on the roads because people just can't afford to replace them.

    so many rusted old death traps on the roads ?.... Must say not seen many rusted cars/trucks here... on the other hand many new cars/truck you can buy without Airbags or ABS, and even thinner metal than the old cars/truck, so not sure which is the death trap ? of course you can buy new/newer with Airbags that don't work.. another major recall for this.

    Lets see an old 70's Volvo or 80's Benz, 1,000's of them on the road or a brand new tiny car with no safety, think I will go with the old one, thanks. seen a few accidents old v near new here, mostly the old one has come out far better.

    Todays cars are designed to absorb the impact of an accident and protect the passengers.

    Older cars were solid and didn't absorb the impact of the accident, it was the passengers that took the full force of the impact.

    Airbags wont deploy unless the vehicle is travelling at a speed greater than 60kms per hour and a front side or rear side impact wont deploy the airbags either.

    News 5 days ago, you can read it on here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/733551-toyota-recalls-227-mn-vehicles-globally-over-airbag-defect/

    The Dodgy Bastards!!

  10. Used cars in Thailand are ridiculously over priced. I think this is why you see so many rusted old death traps on the roads because people just can't afford to replace them.

    so many rusted old death traps on the roads ?.... Must say not seen many rusted cars/trucks here... on the other hand many new cars/truck you can buy without Airbags or ABS, and even thinner metal than the old cars/truck, so not sure which is the death trap ? of course you can buy new/newer with Airbags that don't work.. another major recall for this.

    Lets see an old 70's Volvo or 80's Benz, 1,000's of them on the road or a brand new tiny car with no safety, think I will go with the old one, thanks. seen a few accidents old v near new here, mostly the old one has come out far better.

    Todays cars are designed to absorb the impact of an accident and protect the passengers.

    Older cars were solid and didn't absorb the impact of the accident, it was the passengers that took the full force of the impact.

    Airbags wont deploy unless the vehicle is travelling at a speed greater than 60kms per hour and a front side or rear side impact wont deploy the airbags either.

    The Toyota Vios, which you see everywhere in asia, is not seen in my country. Check out the crash test results on youtube......and you will understand why.

    Before you buy a car check out the safety star rating!

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