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Posts posted by Paulzed

  1. To all of you who wish her request be denied I also hope the next time you try to enter Thailand your request is also denied and see how you feel about it.

    Ahh, the go home crew have woke up.

    So those of us that think her request should be denied should also be denied re entry to Thailand? Why is that? Like YL we raped and pillaged this beautiful country on the orders of our older, greedy brothers did we?

    Yet another sad post there bob.

    I think Bob could be a bit naïve.

    • Like 2
  2. Silencer on an M16 will only work at the shooters end.

    Anyone who has ever been shot at by a high caliber firearm or been in the butts at a rifle range will tell you there are two bangs for every shot.

    One (the second) is the actual rifle being fired, the first is the projectile passing at above the speed of sound, as in breaking the sound barrier.

    You can get low power 22 amo that can be silenced but as far as I know not 222 which is the amo used in a M16.

    Anyway great to get even more weapons off the streets.

    Isn't there a 3rd bang with an M16, as it implodes the stomach or skull? whistling.gif

    Think that is explodes.

    M16 uses .223 calibre or 5.56mm Rounds.

    With a suppressor you hear the mechanical action of the firing pin hitting the primer and the projectile zinging through the air, then the bones cracking of the animal you hit.

  3. 3,000 rounds of ammo?

    Gun collector?

    Doesn't add up.

    Your right, unless he has only just started collecting. Back home I would have at least 3000 rounds in 9mm and 3000 in 5.56mm and another in 7.62mm plus 5000 in .22....and 1000 in 12 gauge.

    You never can tell when an unusual situation can occur and you need your collection for other purposes. biggrin.png

    ".....when an unusual situation can occur ......" what world war III, come on now !

    So many Targets yet so little ammo!

  4. When the discount for a confession is so large, the obvious incentive is to confess to anything, particularly when possibly threatened with the death penalty.

    Exactly. The police are under pressure to solve a high profile case. So the strategy the police use is this:

    Threaten/torture/deprive some poor suspect and/or his family (he may not even be a suspect - just someone who would fit the picture) to the point where he will do almost anything to make them stop. Make it clear to the person that they will definitely be convicted on the evidence they have/witnesses etc and offer them the chance for the torture to stop and for him to avoid the death penalty by signing a written confession.

    Then they're off to court where the jury/judge believes no innocent person would admit to the heinous crime of murder, therefore he must be guilty. Even if he retracts his confession, it is already working against him.

    It works a treat, almost every time. The victim gets life or death and everyone, including many on this forum, feel good. The police get a commendation and media praise. Politicians talk up how they did well to get the Thai police to solve the crime. Job well done. So what's the problem. Be happy.

    In the meantime, the murderous children of the great and good are indulging in sex, booze and drug parties in Singapore until the statute of limitations on their crimes run out.

    Absolutely, the system is a joke. God knows how many plead guiilty or are set up as fall guys for others to take the rap, confess, do good behaviour and wait for a pardon a few years later.

    The police look good, and someone gets to walk away.....

    Sounds exactly like the Western Australian Justice system.

    • Like 1
  5. My best buddy in LOS is my wife.

    I have drinking buddies, talking buddies, walking buddies but none compared with the connection and friendship I have with my wife.

    Well it's just about impossible to have any serious conversation with a Thai so i can't see how the wife could be your best friend. Coming from totally different backgrounds , cultures and levels of education it's just not possible. I've never met a Thai in 11 years who would be capable of an in depth conversation. The wife ... lol , my misiss is as thick as two short planks. She's a great girl but not my best mate. More like a great shag and treats me like a Roman Prince.

    • Like 1
  6. What has Thailand to do with either WW I or WW II for that matter?? But I guess that these 2 countries are so a like

    that this must be the reason for participate I guess... Non of them speak any english...


    With a little research you'll find the following:

    1) Siam joined the Entente and declared war on the Central Powers (Germany & Austria-Hungary) on 28 July 1917. The country then sent an volunteer force of roughly 1,300 troops to the western front in France. This expeditionary contingent, however, did not arrive until late spring 1918, and 19 Siamese soldiers were killed until the war was over. The main reason for Siam to enter the war was to gain favor with France and Britain, the dominant colonial powers in the region. Siam had lost considerable amounts of territory particularly to France in the late 19th and early 20th century (Laos, Cambodia), but Britain also posed a threat from the south (Malaya) and west (Burma). But an additional bonus for Siam was that after declaring war on Germany they could simply take over the German-built northern railway line (to Chiang Mai) without paying a dime. The few remaining unfinished kilometers to finally connect Bangkok and Chiang Mai were eventually completed by a company from then-neutral Denmark. Siam also expropriated other German business concessions, interning their German owners and employees.

    2) In mid-1941, Japan initially "requested" from Thailand (Siam was renamed "Thailand" in 1939) - then ruled by an ultra-nationalist regime under Field Marshal Plaek Phibulsongkhram, a self-confessed admirer of Adolf Hitler - to be granted passage rights through the country to enable its impending invasions of in Burma and Malaya. The Phibulsongkhram regime initially refused, which prompted the Japanese to conduct an amphibious landing in southern Thailand on 8 December 1941. After a mere few hours of fighting, Thailand conceded and gave in to Japan's access demands. In fact, on 14 December 1941 an alliance pact was even signed between Japan and Thailand, which effectively made Thailand an ally of the Axis Powers (including Nazi Germany). Japan had now full access to the country and could use all Thai infrastructure, including airfields, railways, roads, naval bases, communications facilities, etc. As a reward for its "cooperation", Japan allowed Thailand to annex considerable territories of French-Indochina, as well as of British-Malaya and Burma, but practically all of these territory gains had to be returned again after the war. On 25 January 1942 Thailand declared war on Britain and the U.S., although the Thai ambassador to Washington refused to deliver the declaration of war, one of several main factors why Thailand was not treated as an aggressor by the Allies after the war, but instead came out as a "victor".

    They quickly switched sides once the Allies started to gain ground in SEA.

    • Like 1
  7. Why do some people have no issue with hitting mischievous children?

    But when a confessed rapist/murderer gets a clip behind the ear there is a big problem? then all of the do gooders and tree huggers come out of the woodwork crying foul play?

    Rape and murder of a child is one of the most heinous crimes, when confessed or found guilty the perpetrator should be given no quarter, and the do-gooders that stick up for him, should be given a swift kick up the backside and be told to thank their lucky stars that it wasn't their child that was raped and killed.

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