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Posts posted by Paulzed

  1. My wife and I lived in a Muslim village in the south, our experience with these people, has changed the way we see Islamic people.

    My wife and I have no time or patience for these people now, when ever possible we will never buy from a Muslim owned shop and avoid interacting with Muslims when ever we can.

    They don't call themselves Khon Thai, they call themselves Khon Islam, they have no respect for Thais( Buddhists) or the Monarchy.

    They were constantly trying to get us to convert  to Islam.


    They are hateful, spiteful people, jealous of each other and are constantly fighting with each other.

    They tell their children at an early age that they are

    Smarter than Non Muslims

    Cleaner than Non Muslims

    and better  than Non Muslims


    From My experience with these people, my solution to the growing Islamic Problem would be to recommend a saying famously quoted by Mussolini " Its time to take of the white gloves"


    Also get all of the history books and burn them, the history is in the past the world has moved on since then and will never be the same, crying about what happened in 1909 or in 1700's is the reason why we have these problems today.  



    Just for anyones interest...Travelled last March on flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and set next to Thai immigration officers..Really nice guys and one next to me spoke really good english and we chatted all journey...He told me then they had a massive problem with russian mafia and chinese mafia versus thai mafia in pattaya and they were

    going to deal with it this year..Russian girls working pattaya etc and russian control of areas was to clamped down on...I think relevant to whats now happening I'm sure



    Correct - if you are in Chiang Mai just now look around yourself and see what's missing.  


    It's been a good ten years or so since the Russian invasion of Pattaya started, and in the last five years got to domination point.  


    The Russians have been fully aware of Chiang Mai for a long time, and yet? hardly a foothold, hardly a presence.  


    There's a good reason for it - and the guys you were talking to last night know the answer.


    Please stayed tuned as we will reveal the answer to this and many other mysteries after the commercial break!!! facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Woolworths not sourcing internal, Ford and Toyota stopping production, China boom over for hard commodities; what is going on with the Australian economy? Case of overheated economy? or just that the government have never been business friendly.

    The Australian Government is controlled and manipulated by big business e.g. resource companies, insurance companies, supermarket and shopping monopolies etc... 

    These companies dictate policy to the government, if they don't do as they are told they find them selves looking for a new job at the next election, or like in the case of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard they get kicked out mid term.

    So much for democracy.

  4. Its a shame that Thailand has no problem throwing up the race card, children should not be exposed to something as ugly as racism.

    He was born in Thailand, he lives in Thailand and he goes to a Thai school and he was motivated to do well in a handwriting contest and won for his efforts.

    I hope that he doesn't loose his motivation to do well in his future studies by Thais giving him a hard time about his heritage.coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Whether you like it or not, Thaksin has been running Thailand, by proxy for a very long time now, even when Abisit was PM.
    This will continue to be the status quo, for a very long time.
    Money talks and bullshit walks.
    The best way to kill a snake is to cut off its head.
    Not let it leave the country to continue its venomous campaign of sytematic and deliberately mis leading and abusing the people for finacial gains.

    • Like 1
  6. When I was in high school we had a sadistic head master in charge of the Maths department.

    he liked to humiliate kids in class and pull kids out of class or during lunch break who he didn't like and give them the cane or other forms of punishment like clean up the rubbish during lunch break in front of your friends and class mates and was a right bastard .

    We had a gut full of it and we decided to fire bomb his car, after we fire bombed his car we also sent him a letter telling him that his house was next.

    He soon lost face and quit teaching.

    where was your school,the Lebanon ?

    South Fremantle.

    Where do you think a lot of the Calabrese, Sicilians, Serbians, Croats, Bosnians emigrated to after the WWII

  7. When I was in high school we had a sadistic head master in charge of the Maths department.

    he liked to humiliate kids in class and pull kids out of class or during lunch break who he didn't like and give them the cane or other forms of punishment like clean up the rubbish during lunch break in front of your friends and class mates and was a right bastard .

    We had a gut full of it and we decided to fire bomb his car, after we fire bombed his car we also sent him a letter telling him that his house was next.

    He soon lost face and quit teaching.

  8. Having worked in Kindergarten 2/3 in a large chain of Thai private schools, the behavior of some of the Thai teacher with regards to discipline is really just child abuse. Seeing a Thai teacher (if you can call her that, child abuser is more fitting) drag a 3 year old child across the floor giving the child kicks in the stomach is just plain abuse. What do you think the schools admin did about this NOTHING.

    What did you do about it???

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

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  9. The late Nelson Mandela was a Brave man who suffered and fought for most of his adult life for the freedom and equality of his people and gave up his freedom for 30 years to do it.

    Thailand doesn't have an apartied system, the people are free already, I don't see how you can compare Thailand's corrupt political issues of a few grubby men and women who are motivated only by the acquisition of personal wealth through dishonesty, bribery, vote rigging, murder and causing civil unrest and national division, to the plight of Black South Africans wanting to be equal and free in their home land.

    Just my opinioncoffee1.gif

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  10. The problem is they are always looking for a Thai to fill the position. They need to look outside of Thailand for someone who is qualified.

    First thing I thought myself, and not the first time either.

    How bizarre that one of the most popular tourism countries in the world's national airline can not make a profit.

    That's a bit like a guy with a full water truck of nice chilled Evian in the middle of the Sahara dessert can't make money from a captive audience of 1000 multi-billionaires dying of thirst.

    Corruption comes to mind.

    Just a personal observationcoffee1.gif

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