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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. Jingthing,

    1. Who (besides you) mentioned anything about a "peacenik" being elected. Opposition leader Tzipi Livni is not a dove by any stretch, but she's also not a warmonger.

    2. You posted that my reply wasn't "as funny as you hoped for". What, pray tell, were you hoping for?

    Humor us. Spell out what you were hoping for. Thanks.

  2. Even if he wanted to, Netanyahu no longer has the political capital to apologize for the excessive and unreasonable actions of Israeli agents aboard the humanitarian aide flotilla. He's got half a million citizens in the streets protesting his policies and a historic vote coming up at the UN which will be an epic embarrassment for his government.

    If he were to do the right thing and apolgize, there's no way he could withstand the revolt from the extreme right wing of his very fragile coalition. But the writing is on the wall, and it's only a matter of time. :)

  3. No, of course they weren't spies for Israel or the US. Who doesn't enjoy a bit of backpacking on the Iran/Iraq border during a war? These 28 and 32 year old "kids" simply took a wrong turn and ended up in Iran. Ooops! Could happen to anyone. :whistling:

    Yeah & apparently there is a guy up on Martha's Vineyard stuffing his face with lobster drenched in butter who is not too concerned about it either.

    Butter? The nerve! :rolleyes:

    Are you referring to the unabashed hypocrite, Mitt Romney?


    Or President Obama who has taken less than half of the vacation time his predecessor had taken by this point?

    Obama 48

    Bush 115


    Facts are facts, snarky66. Even if you don't like them. B)

  4. Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

    Hey, I guess you're right! :lol:

    Please correct your quote of me in your reply. I DID NOT SAY THAT. Include the full quote that it was said by Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler.

    First of all, it was a post made in jest, you know, "humor".

    Secondly, I attempted to edit it, but apparently too much time has passed to make an edit (?). I did, however, change it in this post.

    As an aside, I can't help but think you're being just a tad delicate, because this type of quoting is quite common. But, if it's against ThaiVisa policy, I'll be sure to not violate said policy in the future.

  5. Repeat it enough and lazy people will believe it to be true.

    Really? That's seems terribly cynical.

    Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

    Hey, I guess you're right! :lol:

  6. I do not speak for UG but bet he meant stop the stupid useless spending & instead spend on things that produce.

    As in job creation, infrastructure etc.

    Exactly. :jap:

    So the two of you are in support of spending to improve the infrastructure in the US. Great. I'm sure President Obama will appreciate your support if he announces massive infrastructure improvements in the near future (highways, bridges, renewable energy, etc...). And I'll look forward to reading your posts in support of them.


  7. Oh, so when Ulysses G posted, "When one is broke, it is stupid to keep om [sic] spending.", what he really meant was "stupid, useless spending".

    How convenient. :whistling:

    And by the way who decides what's "stupid and useless"? Tea Party Republicans like Michelle Bachmann? Before you answer, do a search to see how much she's collected in farm subsidies and government handouts. My point is that everyone wants to cut someone else's spending because it's allegedly "stupid and useless". But not the spending programs that they benefit from, because those are smart and useful. <_<

  8. When one is broke, it is stupid to keep om spending. Blame Obama and company.

    It's somewhat shocking how utterly simplistic and uninformed this statement is. While it may be true for individual households or even small businesses, it most certainly does not apply to the world's largest economy at this moment.

    The US economy is still struggling a mere two years after a near catastrophic collapse.

    Consumers aren't spending.

    Businesses aren't spending.

    And now you want the government to stop spending?

    What do you think is going to happen if no money is spent?

    I guess you liked 1937 so much you want to re-live it.

  9. The current tax rate is not at it's lowest level in the past 60 years. You were wrong when you made the claim,but if you insist on trying to paper over your erroneous statement I will be forced to provide more links tomorrow.

    As I posted earlier (and you curiously seem to have overlooked and/or not commented on):

    Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

    Amid complaints about high taxes and calls for a smaller government, Americans paid their lowest level of taxes last year since Harry Truman's presidency, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data found.

    Some conservative political movements such as the "Tea Party" have criticized federal spending as being out of control. While spending is up, taxes have fallen to exceptionally low levels.

    Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports.


    Facts are facts, Ulysses G.

    Even if they don't provide support to your particular ideology. B)

    When you feel "forced" to provide more links, why not take an extra minute to send an email to the Bureau of Economic Analysis to enlighten them on the error of their ways. The US Today might also appreciate the scoop and will be sure to print an immediate retraction.


  10. Look under the article that you linked. ;)

    Averages mean nothing when you are speaking of individual experiences.

    Statistics can be used to present information slanted toward whenever view you are trying to present.

    If you take all of the personal income as a whole and the divide by the amount of income taxes paid,

    you are including in that total income people who do not pay any taxes at all. Doing so, of course, brings down the average.

    When you calculate in this manner, sure taxes paid as a percent of income looks low, but to the INDIVIDUAL person paying about 35-40% of their income as taxes of some sort, is that any consolation? Of course not.

    Taxes are not deducted from my pay based upon what the average ishttp://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/taxes/2010-05-10-taxes_N.htm

    You're citing the reader comments section on the USA Today website? :lol:

    Thanks for the laugh, but as far as our discussion is concerned, it does nothing at all to dispute what I posted.

    And despite all the evidence I've posted to support what I claimed (and you refuted), it seems clear that you're never going to admit you were wrong, so I'm just going to stand by the facts that I've presented and move on.


  11. You really should do a little research before making such statements.

    Taxes are not at their lowest level in approximately 60 years. In 1991 the tax rate was raised from 28% to 31% where it remained until 1993 when it was raised to 39.6%. In 2001 the tax rate was lowered to 39.1% and was lowered again in 2002 to 38.6%. It was then lowered to its current 35% in 2003.


    You seem to be ignoring this for some reason. :whistling:

    The link provided is to The Tax Foundation which is a DC group funded by Exxon Mobil and the Koch brothers. But even more important than this obvious bias, they are known for using suspect methodologies in compiling their data.


    Now, about this 'ignoring" claim. ;)

    Why haven't you commented on my post which provides evidence that local, state and federal taxes are at their lowest levels in approximately 60 years? :whistling:

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