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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. I know it's now been resolved, but IMO a man who's had a vasectomy has a responsibility to inform the woman before having sex. But this only holds true if it seems like she's interested in a long term relationship and not just a one time or casual thing.

    But as I mentioned, it's all been resolved so I wish the OP and his friend good luck.


  2. Many years ago there used to be smoking sections on flights. IMO they should do the same with babies. Quarantine them all to one section so they don't disrupt the other passengers. Probably not economically feasible, but perhaps it should be an enclosed area.

  3. A couple of more questions if you don't mind (and a bump for the Qs in the OP).

    Can someone recommend a hotel within a kilometer or two of the SuanSon Pradipat Army Building?

    Finally, Here's a photo of the bike course:


    If you're familiar with the area, could you tell me about the hills on the course? How many/How steep?

    Thanks very much.


  4. A couple of points:

    1. Yes, happycow is an excellent resource for finding vegetarian restaurants.

    2. The address given for Khun Chern in CM likely wasn't wrong per se. They moved to their new address within the last two years, so the book was probably just out of date.

    3. I've been to Govinda, and to be perfectly honest, I found the food to be less than delicious. And I'm not a picky eater, so I usually am quite happy with whatever is put on my plate...as long as it's vegetarian.

  5. I don't consider myself to be rich, and depositing 800,000 baht doesn't seem like too much for a foreign country ask so that I can retire there. If you are over 50 and want to live in Thailand full time and not work, just put 800,000 in the bank and leave it there.

    There have been several posts on this thread about not trusting Thai banks. Are there any documented cases of foreigners having money taken from their bank accounts (by the banks, not less than trustworthy partners)?

  6. Has anyone been recently? I Would be most appreciative of a review, as the wife and I are considering it when we're in BKK next week. We're particularly interested in trying the fondue.

    Please provide any thoughts and details about your visit including taste, value, staff, ambiance, etc...




  7. In the article linked above, the former head of the Mossad say the current Israeli govt. was "foolish" for not accepting peace on the 1967 borders.

    Be honest now. The Palestinians have never agreed to that deal and it has been offered numerous times by Israel and I'm pretty sure that he knows that. :whistling:

    Three times the Palestinians have been offered exactly that formula, 1967 plus swaps — at Camp David 2000, Taba 2001, and the 2008 Olmert-Abbas negotiations. Every time, the Palestinians said no and walked away.


    OK, now I'm starting to think that I've entered some sort of bizarro world. Am I reading this wrong, or are you now in agreement that returning to the 1967 borders were part of the negotiations during the Clinton and Bush 43 administrations? Because unless I'm losing my mind, I'm fairly certain there are several posts by you on previous pages of this thread stating exactly the opposite. :whistling:

  8. I'm sure that the opposition leader is very sincere and not just trying to make political points! :lol:

    Kuffki requested names, and I provided them. It's unfortunate that you doubt the sincerity of Tzipi Livni. But as you posted earlier,

    It is funny how some posters are full of support for every Jew who supports their agenda. :lol:


    And I feel I must add that we seem to be straying off topic of late. This thread is about Israel returning to the 1967 borders. This afternoon I posted that the former head of the Mossad called the current Israeli govt. "foolish" for turning down a peace agreement with the Saudis which included a return to said borders. Surely this is worthy of debate and simply can't be dismissed as one man's opinion. He was the head of the Mossad for eight years, for God's sake.

  9. Many others like who?

    Please post names and links confirming what you said .

    Several former Israeli govt. officials names are included in the bottom third of the link posted above. I can not quote the article because of the fair use policy. Also, the opposition leader Livni spoke out strongly against Netanyahu last week about putting the US/Israel relationship at risk.

    And I must add that I find it hard to believe that are unaware that many people find Netanyahu's actions to be recklessly dangerous.

  10. Under fair use policy, you may quote the first three sentences of an article and then a link to the article. This rule has been violated multiple times in this topic.

    Apologies. I was unaware of this policy.

    Here is the link to the former head of the Mossad calling for a return to the 1967 borders.

    The man who ran Israel’s Mossad spy agency until January contends that Israel’s top leaders lack judgment and that the anticipated pressures of international isolation as the Palestinians campaign for statehood could lead to rash decisions — like an airstrike on Iran.

    The former intelligence chief, Meir Dagan, who stepped down after eight years in the post, has made several unusual public appearances and statements in recent weeks.


    In the article linked above, the former head of the Mossad say the current Israeli govt. was "foolish" for not accepting peace on the 1967 borders.

  11. You're probably right, Wallaby.

    But Netanyahu's actions are so recklessly dangerous we can only hope for someone in Israel to take control of the situation.

    Recklessly dangerous in whose opinion? Yours or .....?

    As Uly pointed out, just because someone does nor like an opinion or action of another - it does not make it right or wrong for that matter.

    Mine and many others. Including the former head of the Mossad. And as you and "Uly" pointed out, just because someone doesn't like an opinion or action of another - it does not make it right or wrong for that matter.


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