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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. up-country_sinclair

    I personally don't think Israel is an apartheid state, but just because you copy and paste an editorial from an ultra right-wing blog doesn't mean it's not. And putting quotation marks around certain words doesn't mean they're not legitimate. It's actually quite juvenile.

    Is it safe to assume that you are just trolling?!

    You stated that I copy/pasted text(which I did and did post link to source) but you then state that I put quotation marks . But if it's copy/paste that means I did not and the author did.

    If you actually took the time read what I posted, you would see that I wrote "certain words". What I was referencing was putting quotation marks around the word Palestinian. The abhorrent implication being that Palestinians don't exist. This despicable attempt to dehumanize Palestinians is similar to what happened to another group during World War II.

    You then go on stating it's right-wing site, which only means you did not even read it, because if you open the site you would learn it's a magazine not just the site!

    Just because the name of the blog is 'frontpagemag', doesn't really mean it's a magazine. You can't buy it at a bookstore or newspaper stand. It's an online blog put out by ultra right-wing zealots.

    It does have anti Israel , pro Iran and whatever else pieces !


    Perhaps it's time to stop trolling and start reading!

    Physician, heal thyself.

  2. I personally don't think Israel is an apartheid state, but just because you copy and paste an editorial from an ultra right-wing blog doesn't mean it's not. And putting quotation marks around certain words doesn't mean they're not legitimate. It's actually quite juvenile.

  3. I fly AirAsia frequently, and more often than not I am quite happy with their service. When something doesn't go as I'd planned, I always remember that AirAsia is a budget carrier, and you get what you pay for.

    If you think it's too expensive, take the train or the bus. If you expect better service, fly a major carrier.

    Simple, really.

  4. In factIsrael has agreed in principle, somewhat foolishly, to the erection of such a Palestinian state

    This is because Israel can see the writing on the wall: in 40 years there will be more Arabs in Israel than Israelis, which will inevitably put the "democratic" in democratic Israel into question. The two state solution is their plan to maintain a Jewish majority nation.

    And regarding the title of this thread, "Israel rejects U.S. call for 1967 borders". The US gives Israel $3,000,000,000 every year. Perhaps it's time for the US treasury to forget to write one those checks.

  5. In my opinion, these parents are incredibly selfish.

    They've essentially decided that ruining the meals of everyone else in the restaurant isn't as important as their own meal.

    Purely out of consideration to other diners, parents should leave their babies at home.

  6. Had my first root canal appointment today.

    She drilled a hole, scraped out the pulp, put in antibiotics and put on a temporary filling.

    Cost: 1000 baht.

    I have to go back in one month for the next step which will cost about 2,000 more.

    But here's the interesting part. Step three is putting on the crown, and that is supposedly going to cost 12,000 baht.

    There's no way I'm paying 12,000 for a crown. Once she's done with the second step next month, I'm going to start looking for another dentist.

  7. Has anyone here had a root canal done recently? If so, what was the cost? I need it done, and would like to have an idea of the cost before I go in and talk to the dentist.

    I know it will vary based on the dentist and location, but I'm looking for a rough figure.


  8. What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

    I thought the guy was a foreigner---but the reaction of the police makes wonder if it's not a typo in the OP.

    And to the OP, I probably would have done the same as you, but also would have regretted it later. In my experience, it's just not worth getting involved in things like this because it rarely (if ever) ends well.

  9. I really don't care if people drumming up war in the Middle east take offense.

    First you compare me to a nazi and now you claim I'm drumming up war in the Middle east? And neither of these slurs is based on even the slightest bit of evidence.

    This is exactly why I normally don't post on political threads. <_<

  10. Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

    Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'.

    Since Israel was created 60 years ago, there have been nothing but problems in the Middle-east.

    Have you ever asked someone to define what they meant by "Palestinian problem"? :whistling:

    I ask because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

    I take offense at your crude and baseless implication. :realangry:

    And by the way, there is quite a bit of difference been Israel, Israelis and followers of the Jewish faith.

  11. We are not sure if TQM has explained to your wife what this 'low cost' insurance is and what it covers ? This type of cover is between 1st and 2nd Class and can be viewed as 2nd Class with an added 'damage to your vehicle' should you be involved in an accident with another vehicle i.e. if somebody damages your vehicle in (say) a supermarkets car park with a shopping trolly, you get nothing.

    We feel what you have been quoted is rather expensive and if you get in touch with Thai Visa Brokers HERE we are sure we can offer a better rate.


    Thanks for your reply. I just completed the quote form you linked to.

    BTW, TQM said that dents due to shopping trolly's and the like would have a 3,000 baht deductible.

  12. Hi,

    I was hoping for some advice on what to do regarding car insurance.

    I've had my Honda Jazz for 5 years and always used Viraya 1st class--and been generally pleased with their service.

    But now that the car is 5 years old, I wonder whether it is worth staying with 1st class at a cost of 17,000 baht---it went up a bit this year because I had a couple of dents taken out last year. The total coverage for the car is 300,000 baht.

    My wife spoke to our insurance broker (TQM) and he recommended Thai Wiwat Insurance and their "low cost 1st class" plan. My understanding is that there is a 3,000 baht deductible for any accident that I cause and the total cover is 200,000. The cost for this plan is 9,000 baht.

    So basically I'm wondering if I would be better off switching to the low cost plan, or it will just end up being more trouble than it's worth. I know it's my decision to make, but was hoping for some advice based on previous experience of Thai Visa poster.

    I should note that we don't use the car very often (the car only has 45K on it after five years), and my wife and I are the only people who drive it.

    And finally, does anyone here use Thai Wiwat insurance? If so, what has been your experience?


  13. it is against airline regulations to fly with them either as carry-on baggage or checked baggage.

    And most of the US and European companies I've checked with online won't ship them overseas.

    i rode w/the gang from khu khot a couple of times last year & they told me they were using "expired" life vest inflators from a certain airline.


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