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Posts posted by thairastawoman


    if he gets a single entry visa which is the only thing he can get for a child how can he get re-entry permit ? Did i miss something ? re-enty on single entry visa ???


    The Visa gets him into Thailand. It is used/cancelled when he enters. His stay in Thailand is then determined by Immigrations who stamp his passport with his permission to stay until xxx. He could then get the re-entry permit which would be valid for the length of his permission to stay (or, in the case of a single re-entry, until he uses it, whichever comes first).

    The visa becomes largely irrelevant as soon as he enters the country. The permission to stay is what is important.

    Tourist visa can also get re-entry permit ?

  2. And when you came to live there you didn't see the Mosque ? So now just move as they are not going to move it or stop it for you !


    In Indonesia it's s much worst and Chinese have to live with it but they don't have the choice that you have !



  3. VN. I live on the ground floor and have wooden windows I can modify. I am very interested in the simple alarm system.

    Cheap bike nighttime parking alarm. © vocal neal thumbsup.gif

    OK. Here goes. Assuming you can park the bike outside the window. You'll have to understand the concept and mount the stuff where it works for you!

    1. Buy a cheap window alarm. Amorn, Tesco, Central, wherever.


    Plus some thick strong fishing line, the largest fishing hook you can find and a large fishing weight /sinker. (From a fishing park or fishing shop) Filing the barb off the hook is optional:-)

    2. Drill a 1/8" or smaller hole through the bottom or corner of the window frame. (no electric drill? you can use pliers it just takes longer)

    3. Thread fishing line through the hole to the inside.

    4. Tie the hook to one end of the line outside and thread the magnet portion of the alarm onto the line inside and lastly tie the weight onto the other end. You need enough line to hook the bike somewhere with the weight above the floor.

    5. Mount the electronics on the window ledge or wall, inline with the fishing line. ( There needs to be enough room so the magnet can move away from the electronics in both directions)

    6. With the hook on the bike (mirror stalk?) and the weight above the floor (line is taught) , slide the magnet up the line until it is next to the electronics and switch on. ( the magnet is adjustable so location of the bike doesn't have to be perfect every time)

    7. At night the line is almost invisible. If the bike is moved of it's side stand (pulled away from or towards the window), someone walks into the line or the line is removed the alarm will sound.

    I made one in Indonesia and although no one ever tried to steal the bike I did sleep soundly. (Which for me was important)

    Thank you for the idea !

  4. 60 on the front and 80 on the rest is perfectly fine.

    Are you an Aussie? That's the most stupid 'advice' I've ever heard from a westerner. Anyone who puts any tinting on their screen is a bloody idiot.

    They are hundreds millions all over the world.

    80 seems super dark but still it depends on the brand.

    60 in front seems too much for any brand ! (except if it means that actually 80% of the light goes through, it also depends on the brands).

  5. You will not get 100% cover, or 90% cover. Dont even bother looking for it.

    Wrong. I have 90% at an additional modest premium. Higher can be gotten again with a premium increase.

    I have Viriyah Insurance and they were excellent in handling a claim from start to finish in an accident I was in. Dealt with the police, the other party and getting the car repaired at a top notch Honda repair center. May be difficult to find a firm that will supply a replacement car while repairing the damaged one, but may be out there.

    Thank you. I am reading everything I can find nd it seems that Viyah is a good choise, only 1 report or bad repair until now.

    Will test them about 90% cover for a German car.


    Use your smartphone then.
    Thank you for being more specific.

    How does that work if she and the car are separated?





    Any smart person hides enough trackers in a car to make sure that none of the monkeys who could steal the car could even think that there was more than 1 tracker.


    And to our rocket scientist: anybody knows that when talking about a car GPS tracker it means a device to know where is your car real time or that send you details when you send a SMS to the tracker.

  7. AA Insurance Brokers Pattaya, great service, English speaking, newly purchased scooter and vehicle both with them, Peter there is a gent, total reassurance & peace of mind.....


    Where are they located ? Do you know other brokers at Pattaya ?

    And to others, any good or bad experience with more insurance companies ?

    I made a post here:


    Thank you.

  8. Car Insurance Best Company ? Your Insurance Covers 100% 90% ? Replacement Car In Case of Accident ?


    Can you tell me which car insurance company is your favorite ? Is it because it is the cheapest you have found or because of coverage / service ?

    What is the amount insured, 90% of your new car value ? Does 100% exist ?

    And do you get a replacement car in case of accident ?

    Some insurance companies seem to offer a 20% discount on second year, is it usual ?

    Thank you a lot.

  9. Ho much for Casino pizza, pommes noisettes, pommes dauphines and French forzen fish (forgot the name, maybe Colin ?) ?


    These are the only imported French products that I find a bit interesting as everything else was already available in this country.

  10. Also the fee for cashing a cheque is written on bangkok bank website:


    Cheque Cashing (Inter-branch)

    In the same region 10Bt for every 10,000Bt (min 20Bt) Across different regions 20Bt for every 10,000Bt (min 20Bt) + transaction fee of 20Bt



    So why saying that there is not fee ? You just need to read to understand.






  11. If you are asking how long the car passport lasts it is good for 10 mnths. When I returned I was informed that there was an English language car license plate also issued for me, something that was never mentioned before. As they really didn't know much, such as what countries the passport was good for, I also couldn't find out what the deal was with the plate either. Finally I was told that it was necessary for China and I could use on Laos too, nothing definitive.

    The trip was great, I drove around and brought my Mt Bike and rode when I got to small villages.

    Also I forgot my car blue book but I had a picture sent to me on my cell phone and they were very nice and accepted that so they are not difficult to deal with, very friendly actually!

    What do you mean by 10 months ?

    It seems possible to drive in Laos only 30 days then one must go back to Thailand.

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