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Posts posted by ColdSingha

  1. Thai logic again.................

    If they can't demolish the buildings but allocate to other people to run, why don't they leave them to the current occupiers and ask them for a certain rent?

    May be my logic is wrong..............as usualsad.png

    if they leave the original occupiers in they'll be rewarding illegal occupation which is what most of the complaints have been for

  2. [... related threads deleted due to being buggered up by following poster...]

    It is absolutely on topic and in context. The obvious point is that 'exerting energy' is not necessarily 'work', and that the legal definition is as much use as a chocolate teapot. So why bother even bringing it up? If 'work' means 'exerting energy' It LITERALLY covers breathing, I am not overdramatising.

    You brought it up and intimated that because people earning money online were exerting energy, they are working. Everybody alive in Thailand is exerting energy, so either everybody is working, or 'exerting energy' as a definition is a vast oversimplification. In fact the law also says 'or using knowledge, whether for pay or benefits or not' not that this adds any clarity.

    Neither is my retort to another poster who claimed "try being a DN, in the west you would not get the visa in the first instant." irrelevant. I have in the past, thousands (at least) are right now, I have never seen a single prosecution for this internationally, and my reply is wholly relevant to the assertion the poster made.

    The quote from the Phuket official is interesting- first time I have seen any granular assessment - of course they are not a judge (though they can send you to one), and it's a single province. Will be interesting to see if anyone ends up in court.

    Painting a picture is exerting energy.

    Painting a fence is exerting energy.

    Driving a car is exerting energy.

    Driving a taxi is exerting energy.

    When taken out of context (that you appear apt to do), all of the above can be construed as work or like breathing and shitting... if we use your rather broad classification.

    However, if you are painting a picture because it is your hobby then who cares? What is totally different is painting a fence, either for financial gain or because it is your fence as you are WORKING and/or DEPRIVING A THAI LOCAL OF WORK.

    If you drive your wife to the airport, that's exerting effort but it isn't work at all. Now, if you pick up your mates at the airport and charge them a tenner each, then you are WORKING and/or DEPRIVING A THAI LOCAL OF WORK.

    Still with me? Good.

    The fact that European countries don't give a toss that you have patched some code in your hotel room, poolside at your mate's house or waiting in the lounge for your flight out IS irrelevant because.... now don't miss this important bit, IT IS NOT THAILAND.

    Thailand is the land that has finessed the 'path of least resistance'. If someone at the Labour Office wanted to get specific with exactly what kinds of work are prohibited, they could have pages and pages of occupations versus the paltry 3 score and 10 or so that have been on the statutes for decades. It's an easy-out and it's their country so why should we get all uppity when they refuse to be drawn into anything that resembles logic, reason and sense?

    This IS Thailand at it's very, very best.

    i just washed my car, is that considered work because i deprived the local carwash of the job or is it not work because i had no intention of GIVING THEM THE JOB?


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  3. so,, basically, (as someone said earlier), they are making it harder and harder for people to STUDY thai language, but all these people that didnt mind studying Thai, will now have an EASIER RIDE if they Dont study thai and just be a normal Tourist.

    seems a bit silly.

    well when you put it like that, lol, yeah its very silly. go get a tourist visa and if you still want to learn thai buy the book "Thai for Beginners" it costs 199 baht and save yourself 60K baht or so :D

  4. imho the problem with the minimum wage is that complete unskilled worker have to get the 300thb minimum wage which is a big increase from before but skilled worker haven't got a significant increase though the salary gap between unskilled and skilled workers is minimal...

    our village's security guards just got replaced by a gate as unfortunately they didn't provide enough value to justify their new minimum wage (rise) for the coming year

    i wonder how many times that or similar has happened up and down the country this past year :(

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  5. It looks like it should be the schools to rebel against immigration, as it seems that they are being targeted. Their students are merely collateral damage.

    well if the schools had taken some responsibility and kicked out the students when they knew they were gaming the system by not attending lessons then maybe this stuff wouldn't be a problem with immigration.

    instead they took the low road, let their students run amok and we all blamed immigration LOL

    100% attendance signing was always going to end in disaster. they chose the baht over integrity and now everyone is paying

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  6. last year i took some friends on a boat trip to Ang Thong, while we stopped at one (pristine) beach i swam around to the next bay and got greeted by ankle deep rubbish all over the beach. it really was heart breaking, the water was full of crap everywhere and there were huge floating debris islands offshore as well. samui itself and most of thailand for that matter has rubbish dumped all over it, the rivers are disgusting.

    i can't really understand why thai people do this, i thought they loved their country?

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  7. Put them in prison and let them have rehabilitation treatment there.

    Who are they kidding?

    Or the police are so naive as to believe them?

    If you are addicted on drugs there is no rehabilitation for you.

    Just excuses to get away..........

    oh jeez, thousands of addicts get and stay clean or sober every year. its small minded individuals like you who treat a health problem as a criminal problem that perpetuate the suffering. get a grip
    • Like 2
  8. Thailand's tax system needs major reform where by those who can afford do pay, and to eradicate the grey and black economies...

    Just too recap, remember the billionaire Trillionaire businessman turned PM, now PM in exile sold off his telecom's empire without paying any tax on his gains?

    He did say he loves the poor, and did distribute part of the country's tax collection to them and... wait a minute, money from others, but never from his own wealth...

    What was that song from the BeeGees?

    Oh yes...How Deep Is Your Love?

    Just as well , he loves poor people , because there could soon be a whole lot more.

    There are already a whole bunch of taxes on a local level especially for businesses.

    I am beginning to wonder whether this is a last ditch bid at face saving. Because it doesn't seem any of his numerous foreign "friends" have been very forthcoming with the cash for the mega projects.

    totally agree, many are already struggling with the high rises in living expenses over the last few years and now dumping property taxes on them is going to be crippling for some. i'm all for fighting inequality but this stinks of taxing the poor. 1 million baht wouldn't buy a shed in any place larger than a small town these days.

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