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Everything posted by Digitalbanana

  1. As mud. You've lost the plot. 15 days has always been 15 days. So just subtract that off 10-Jan. It's not rocket science.
  2. Why on earth would you do that if you know your window is 15-7 days before and the 90day ends 10-Jan? Makes no sense. Stick to the window.
  3. https://assets.aseannow.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2024_12/XmasCharades_TVShow.jpg.8b4aef38167c28e9a695b27df12ec167.jpg
  4. I expect this thread to be full of left vs right conspiracy nonsense with nothing objective to point out, so I won't read any of it.
  5. Why bother keep posting complete and utter nonsense conspiracy theories. Seek therapy would be my advise.
  6. So what do you think he is? The net worth of President-elect Donald Trump is not publicly known. For decades, Forbes has assessed his wealth, currently estimating it at $5.5 billion as of mid-November 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_of_Donald_Trump
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