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Everything posted by Digitalbanana

  1. I booked an online appointment as a backup plan. The earliest date I could get was 4 days over the 7 day limit, so I'll do that if online fails to approve. I am hoping to get the online approved and then I cancel the in person appointment. I don't like doing appointments as it takes up others space, but my friend recently spent several hours in person at CW doing the 90 day report as there were no appointment slots, and due to the crowds he came away with a bad cold virus that took him out for a further two weeks to recuperate!
  2. Similar to me before: CW filed Sunday 20Oct - 8am approved Monday 21Oct - 6.41am but this time its different 8 days pending! Haven't moved or traveled since last time.
  3. This is a first for me at least, but maybe its been reported here before? I have been on their web site Pending for seven days yet on 7th day waiting get an automated email from them to apply!
  4. Jomtien Office? I am still pending at CW and submitted before you last Sunday.
  5. What does the Channel Tunnel have to do with any of this? Leonardo is a publicly traded company - today valued at 15.7 billion on London stock exchange.
  6. E-bikes. Brilliant! OK found it https://www.swytch.com/
  7. Is there an option to block all discussions started by someone you have blocked in the topics column? That would be useful?
  8. These work well for me when I have a cold or runny nose. Otherwise I don't need them.
  9. Observe the stock derivatives, they will give you the probabilities of where a price will move between over a period, and always realize the volatility will always revert to a mean.
  10. One doesn't need to be old fashioned to say that. Investing and trading are two distinct activities and both complement each other.
  11. Thank you for this info. I never knew about these pins, and indeed the pin was different to the text input address I have been using for several years, so I moved it. I only have ever used the web site before but like the mobile app both have pin's in the account settings. I wonder if pins were introduced later than when I originally opened my account? I suppose this one order is the first time in hundreds of orders where the delivery person was only using the pin and not my address as printed on the parcel.
  12. My conspiracy theory is that because they couldn't deliver on schedule and a voucher would need paying out they decided to cancel the order with the pin excuse.
  13. Shopee I would guess? Been using them for several years at the same address.
  14. Rule number one in trading is no one can predict the future.
  15. Call the service provider and ask? But don't even do that until you have rebooted everything and confirmed it does not work.
  16. When I did a KBank debit card renewal last year, unlike before when I needed to go to my branch, this time it was all mailed to my residence with security covered by my mobile phone app. It was a much better renewal experience and no time wasted with a trip to the bank.
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