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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. They weren't married. Japanese and SKorean women like the drama
  2. At least he made it to 50+. Unlike the 37 yo Korean guy who did the same a few days before. The under 50 ones are always sadder imo
  3. Link ? I agree. The chassis of the truck is a diamond shape. That was a hard hit
  4. Really ? I have no idea what "having sex 5 times" even means in that community
  5. Yeah. Imagine being 78 and acting like a 20 year old. Going to the clinic to get clap pills and all that fun stuff.
  6. Yeah because nothing says manhood like not owning a knife or gun.
  7. Funny when the big dogs get trampled by even bigger dogs.
  8. It is called inflation. Not Thailand specifically but the world. It sloshes around everywhere.
  9. So you really think it is about "poor builders" and not the climate ? There is no comparison between a western climate and Thailand and which one is more susceptible to mold The lengths you are going to cover this Ukrainian criminal is astounding. He obviously sold the cabinetry. If the reason it was torn down was for a grow op, the cabinets would be stacked in another room.
  10. That isn't posted in the article on this page. So that is on the poster of the article. Why leave a major detail off of the first page
  11. I guess he sold the stuff. For how much I dunno
  12. I actually like and respect this attitude Thai's have on this. Keep it on the sly. Everyone knows it exists but the right thing to do is keep it on the sly. Don't do it in the open. Thats crass and stupid
  13. I have cut myself on that damn sheetmetal before too. Gotta be careful around that stuff. Any quick movement that touches will slice you right open. RIP
  14. Taxi drivers and tow truck drivers get in fights all the time in Canada. Plus you don't seem to have a clue how the world economy works. Thailand was always going to be a middle economy and not Japan
  15. where is the video ? Gotta laugh at all the warnings about the video. As if it was some knife fight. The Facebook lik doesnt go to the video
  16. So you think the US blockaded Cuba and depth charged a Soviet nuclear submarine in 1962 for the same reason? Or maybe, just maybe, the USSR crossed the US's red line. Every major country has red lines. China's is very clearly and very obviously Taiwan. Russia's was Ukraine. Hitler staged his armies in Ukraine, the Japanese attacked China from Taiwan. Neither country is going to allow the next big power of the day, to set up shop in those regions. And the US is basically doing everything it can to provoke war by crossing those red lines. This is Ukraine all over again. US needs to speed up delivery of weapons to Taiwan, US general says
  17. It is not China that is trying to change the status quo of Taiwan. It is the US who is violating the UN binding 1 China agreements. Not China. Right now Taiwan doesn't have Chinese naval bases on it. But it also doesn't have US naval bases on it. This is the essence of the conflict. The US is slowly trying to change the status quo of the island and if this process is not interrupted by China, the US will build naval bases on the island. Then the US controls Taiwan. This is obviously totally unacceptable to China. Just as Soviet naval bases and missile stations in Cuba were totally unacceptable to the US. This is exactly what the US did in Ukraine too. The US planned on building naval bases on Crimea in 2014. Russia took Crimea. So the US and UK just moved them a little ways over on the coast of Odessa. 2017 U.S. Navy Seabees Building Maritime Operations Center on Black Sea Coast 2019 U.S. Plan to Modernize Naval Base at Ukraine
  18. No it isn't. They are 100% going to invade. There is no way they are going to allow the US to recognize Taiwan and then start landing US naval ships on it. This was is more obvious than the Ukraine war was. The state of war already exists. The US is crossing China's red lines and there is no negotiations. Do you want to bet if there will be a war in the next 3-5 years or not ?
  19. I always find it fascinating how people 60 or older are are worried about death. I am 39 and I am not worried at all. Is life that great ? Not really. Is the human condition that great ? I didn't think so. Not at all actually. I am doing ok financially for my age but even then, I still have many years to work. Im not particularly looking forward to it. If the plane I was flying in started to crash, I would be indifferent. It is all a meaningless exercise anyway. What are you worried about missing ? I really dont understand what motivates , people. I know older ppl with weight problems, income problems and stuff. Yet they are worried about dying and happy to be alive. I respect it in a way. But I just don't understand it. Why not just be indifferent or almost look forward to your retirement ? The real retirement ? The real rest.
  20. People jumping off buildings seem to want to feel that. How does everyone not know about carbon monoxide poisoning ? Just bring your barbecue into a small room in your house. Turn it on, close the windows , find a comfortable chair and a bottle of wine and sit down. You will slowly get a feeling of hippieness and drunkeness and then the lights will go out and you wont even know it
  21. I just thought this was an interesting story. This guy is a full blown psychopath. There's a part of it I don't get. The story says he is a wealthy dental franchise owner. Yet he risked it all to shoot his wife to get just under 5 million in insurance money ? He was probably worth 5 million+ already. So why was it worth this risk ? I guess he thought that his existing wealth would rule out the motivation for him to do this. And he did get away with it for 5 years. Larry Rudolph was arrested nearly five years after her death following an FBI investigation that sent agents traveling around the world to collect evidence and interview witnesses. Prosecutors allege Rudolph built his wealth on fraud. They say he shot off his thumb during a previous visit to Zambia to collect millions in disability insurance money; they also allege he cheated his dental patients, creating the need for root canals by not doing fillings or drilling holes in their teeth while they were asleep. Full story https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/larry-rudolph-pittsburgh-dentist-killed-wife-african-safari-sentenced-life-in-prison/
  22. from what I read, this mpox is more prevalent in the ladyboy/queer community
  23. I used to wander down there late just to feel the vibes. It feels like walking in a forest in bear season. These guys were rookies In an interview with Channel 7, one of the transwomen disclosed that they were working as prostitutes and were seeking clients on the beach. A foreign man from the group approached her and agreed on a price. However, as they were leaving for a nearby hotel, the man’s friend questioned her gender identity, sparking a heated confrontation. Feeling overwhelmed, she called on her friends for support.
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