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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. We have drunk idiots that have zero clue of the concept of gravity. We don't have a low balcony rail problem. Its a myth. Post a half dozen pictures of these allegedly low rails that are much lower than European or N American norms
  2. You should be able to find a few pictures of these allegedly low rails in Thailand. Post them. It is mind blowing to me that you somehow don't think Thailand has building codes.
  3. Take some pictures then. I have traveled all over and have yet to see any of these allegedly low rails
  4. Even the allegedly low ones weren't that low. Indian people aren't that into suicide. Its rarer for them. RIP
  5. Helmets are cheap and not that inconvenient. If parachutes were as cheap and convenient, everyone would have one when they fly. And people would think it is insanity to fly without one. But they aren't so we convince ourselves with some statistics that we will be fine when we fly. But if someone has been motorcycle riding for 20 years with no accidents, someone like you thinks its insane if they dont wear a helmet every time.
  6. Nothing is more frustrating than logging in here, seeing a story like this. And then being provided no video link
  7. Damn.... But Asian ppl are naturally a bit less masculine than say, central Europeans. So there are environmental reasons why it happens Plus it also happens in Brazil. Maybe it has something to do with the equator. On the surface, I agree. Its a travesty. But female beauty does open some doors for you. Just think of it. If the kid grows up, he might be a beta male in a 3rd world country anyway. What opportunity will he have other than living and working in squalor ? They did have the sense to know the other kid was too masculine. I think we are going to start seeing this more and more even in the 1st world as it merges into the 3rd world. As there are less and less opportunities in the post industrial hellscape.
  8. I sometimes went down there right at the strike of 3 am just for the rush.
  9. Nah it counts for something... It doesn't replace the real thing but it counts for something
  10. What's wrong with that ? At least they are outside having fun.
  11. Good to see that Thai youth still have it in them. They are actually going outside and doing some battle like normal teenagers should. Instead of sitting inside on social media and playing video games.
  12. They may have been dumb. Just not as dumb as the people blaming faulty construction for this.
  13. You are actually getting upvotes for this nonsense.
  14. This happened to me. Its must be pretty common I would think. we all been here no ?
  15. Some drunken dispute gone off the rails.
  16. Concrete structures are being pancaked worse than almost anything seen in the Ukraine war. Most of the damage in Mariupol was cosmetic in comparison.
  17. Why did they choose Israel. They were offered a part of Russia at one point to make a homeland. That would have been better than this.
  18. So you are 100% on the Palestine side? Why did they start this 2 days ago ?
  19. The imperial sponsors of both sides do not want to solve the conflict.
  20. There will be more civilian casualties in the Israel Palestine war by the end of this week than there has been in the 1.5 year long Russia Ukraine war.
  21. It was best to be a boomer. Grew up in the post war peak of western civilization. Entered adulthood at the bottom of the biggest financial ponzi expansion in human history. Ride said ponzi. And cash out at the top and exit this life. It is the beginning of history all over again now.
  22. We don't know for certain where they were swimming yet. There will be an investigation. Judging by the picture, thats a huge swimming area. How are the boats supposed to come into shore? Theres probably more to it than some boat going over the ropes and into the swimming area and hitting swimmers. But that doesn't make it a good black and white story with good guys and bad guys.
  23. Either way it is sure trendy in Britain to blame the host country for any conceivable mishap. And of course on this site , 80% of the commenters are here to blame Thailand for whatever the story is. I just don't understand why they don't bugger off back to where they came from and never associate with Thailand again if they don't like the way Thai's operate.
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