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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. They were probably completely ignorant about rip currents. Like all of us were at one point. The water probably looked calm enough and they just assumed someone didnt remove the flags yet.
  2. Yeah. Word on the street is that the Thai's are happy that the Anglo era is over for that reason. Chinese and Russians mind their own business and are hesitant to escalate. Where as the Anglos make a sport out of escalations about minor issues
  3. https://www.ewdn.com/2019/03/12/russian-founded-global-web-server-leader-acquired-by-us-company-for-670-million/ Nginx is one of the most successful Russian Internet technologies of the past twenty years. Its solution is currently used by more than 374 million websites across the world, including two thirds of the highest‑traffic sites. “Whether you know it or not, you use Nginx every day of your life when you post a photo, watch streaming video, purchase goods online, or log into your applications at work,” the company justly claims.
  4. Really. Is that all you have to say ? I educated myself on what Russia really is and not what CNN , BBC or Fox claims it is, through investing.
  5. Umm sometimes balls bounce off course and hit people adjacent to the field. It is just pure chance and not the negligence of anyone. Pretty soon we will have to sign waivers just to enter public parks. Because of complete and utter nonsense like this.
  6. Russia has a tech industry that nobody knows about and a flat 13% personal income tax. It isn't just this corruption narrative that we hear in the west. Yandex is the Russian Google. It is the 5th biggest search engine in the world. It is the biggest tech start-up in all of Europe by market cap. Kaspersky was the biggest anti virus in Europe. Telegram is a top 10 social media app in the world. There's plenty of Russian crypto bros too
  7. Obviously you don't have a clue what you're talking about because Moscow is one of the most well ordered metropolises in the world. Lol at someone expecting me to believe that.
  8. Yeah. I just try and avoid all the topics to do with Russia. The level that some ppl understand the world is so shallow it is just cringe.
  9. Rivers have hidden dangers. Maybe this rider had a cardiac event and fell into the water and drowned sadly. It happens a lot these days it seems
  10. I am not the one misunderstood at all. It was public space understood to be used for a specific activity at the time. If people were playing cricket at the field, and she got belted in the hand with an errant cricket ball, should she get compensation too ?
  11. She doesn't deserve anything. Read the article again. The incident occurred at a field near Bang Bua Thong School in Nonthaburi, a popular spot where people play with RC planes. Pornphat, the woman who sustained the serious injuries, said that she had finished her company job and stopped by the field,
  12. The western way. See how much fun you can ruin with bureaucratic nonsense. And even with all the rules and bs, there is still incidents. If you think you can bring your hobby drone to the outside of an airport in Thailand, you'd be mistaken. It is obvious from the article that the woman was in an area understood to be used by hobby drone flyers. It was an accident. Nobody is obligated to give her compensation.
  13. Soon we will need 3rd party insurance to step outside.
  14. Ah. So the family car was an open playground for boomers. But the road deaths per capita was lower so it was fine. I have just heard stories from boomers who have told me that seat belts weren't a thing and weren't used
  15. So like the US when Boomers were kids
  16. Some Chinese poser just had to have his Bentley in Thailand. He just couldn't stomach the taxes so he tried fixing that. The guy is just 34. He's the type of person that makes it big in his 30's, spends it up, and will end up being average to poor by the time he hits 55. There is a documentary on Youtube about guys like this from Japan in the 90's. They were highrollers, but the high times didn't last
  17. Watch the same posters grind the poor old lady for not wearing her seatbelt!!!! These same posters are typically the age where overloading cars and not wearing belts was commonplace when they grew up.
  18. Kinda sad. Someone probably told him to head to the tourist areas where all the work is. And he ends up shilling umbrellas for Pattayas finest. Going nowhere and making nothing, he asks wth he's doing here. And just has the urge to escape.
  19. Sick wierdos giving farangs a bad name. What else is new
  20. These tour operators have been milking that thing forever. Its just as much their fault for not consulting with the local govt for a plan
  21. Not a good time to be bragging about policing in the west. It is a total disaster.
  22. Ah here we have a goodie 2 shoes boomer who never did anything bad as a teen.
  23. But many end up on the wrong side of the road and into oncoming traffic because they cant steer at speed.
  24. You cant compare being a piss drunk 20 year old on a bender of a trip falling off a balcony to walking down the sidewalk and dropping your leg into a hole that shouldn't be there and rolling your ancle. You already can get insurance for everything. The premium is just higher. But ppl just get the basic coverage and think they are good to go.
  25. Been a lot of terrible accidents recently. Anytime a motorcycle ends up head on into a truck, it is usually because the rider doesn't get their tracking and leaning angles right, and just doesn't turn when they think they are going to.
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