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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. I'd really looking over that guest list if I was him
  2. She was probably too dense to comprehend what was going on. She sensed some resistance so she pushed the gas harder
  3. Russians are slowly getting the hang of things. Pattaya etiquette in the eyes of the Anglo Saxons
  4. oh god. So you've never ever done it ?
  5. Some female drivers have a strange sense behind the wheel. The more anomalous something seems, the more likely they are to hit the gas. That's where all the strange car fails on Youtube come from. She probably felt something and did just that. Terrible. Feel bad for both of them.
  6. Loytoy bucket factory ? Ah nevermind. Its a car part factory
  7. If the Brit just sat on his bike, didn't honk at the car in front of him then nothing would have happened. Right ? The Thai man being beyond redemption notwithstanding. The Brit should have pulled out his phone and checked the football scoreboard or something. Thats what I would have done. Sometimes you just have to wait.
  8. He seemed to be in an open and truthful mood when he turned himself in. And cameras most likely caught it all. Why would he make up this detail?
  9. Can we see pictures of it ? Sorry to hear about the accident.
  10. I think you are over stating it. Come to a west coast N American city if you want to see addicts and homeless out of control.
  11. The lunatic did say in his testimony that his car was hit. And he did turn himself in and is fully cooperating. I don't know why he'd fabricate a little detail like that. The cameras probably have it. I have no reason to believe that didn't happen. And it was a little over the edge. Which pushed the lunatic over the edge. And I agree that its always farangs. Road rage is a national sport in the west. It isn't in Thailand.
  12. It sounds like the victim here wasn't even overtly wronged. Being mad at someone who cuts you off or something is one thing. Being mad at someone because you thought they had enough time to turn but didn't , thus holding you up for a few seconds is another thing all together.
  13. That is really really annoying when ppl do this. They want to be the judge as to when you should make a left turn into oncoming traffic. In the highest risk part of an intersection. of course there's no excuse for what he did. He's still dumbest one in the situation. Why not just some warning shots to put the scare in him ? Or shoot and intentionally miss ? You idiot!
  14. God gave Pattaya beach a perfect natural half circle. This is a very desirable feature for a beach and also makes it more photogenic than other beaches. And is most likely what put Pattaya on the map. But hey it sucks! What a dump!
  15. There is 2 lessons here. Don't ever react to petty road incidents in foreign countries. Or even at home. Just eat it. It is not worth it. And also. It is easy to sit here and dunk on this guy. But imagine you just had your worst day ever at work, and you are driving home. Some foreigner cuts you off, fingers you, blasts you with his horn and hammers your front fender as he drives by. You might be the one with that gun in your hand, if you are the type that owns guns. Leave your guns locked away at home.
  16. From the news clip, he honked his horn and "smashed" his car. I think this probably means the victim smacked or hammer fisted the front fender with his hand as he was crossing the front of it.
  17. I was rather skeptical of the road rage suggestions. But I will allow for a week to pass before admitting I was wrong. Another shoe could very well drop in the case. I mean, does this guy literally have a loaded gun in his glovebox with just the safety on, ready for these moments ? Or did he load the gun while he followed the victim.
  18. I read somwhere else that a lot of farangs get dispatched in the boonies too.
  19. A different news outlet is reporting this: "It is believed that the murder was motivated by an adulterous affair. The police are currently searching for the gunman."
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