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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. Nope. That's called a float charger. A properly working dumb trickle charger is perfectly capable of bringing a battery back up to charge that has been drained because some lights were left on or something. And that is the method battery manufacturers recommend. And I have done it a million times. Maybe you haven't.
  2. Sorry if my piece wasn't politically correct enough for you. Back to your safe space. I can tell you've never wrenched on anything in your life. Shop rage is perfectly normal. And the info presented is 100% correct. A smart trickle charger will not charge a drained battery.
  3. Long story short, these pieces of scrap will not recognize therefore not even attempt to charge your battery if was fully drained. So if something was slowly drawing power from your battery as your vehicle was parked for a week+, and the battery is dead, hooking up one of these pieces of useless garbage will do nothing. With the old normal trickle chargers, if you drain your battery, you throw the trickle on for 24 hours or so, and your battery will come back to life. You plugged them in, struck the leads to each other to make sure there was power, and clipped them on. But but... you can trick your "smart" charger into doing what a charger is supposed to do a couple different ways, with a small 9 volt battery or with another car battery. Anyway I already threw my "smart" charger in the garbage (after smashing it to pieces on the concrete, very satisfying) and got a real charger.
  4. A man lit himself on fire in front of the court holding Trump's trial.
  5. How much extra did the LB charge for that
  6. Ah yes. The good ol poverty and squalor in the 80's was great.
  7. Never understood the idea of ketamine in a party setting. I always did it by myself chilling at my place
  8. According to this place, all Thai and Chinese are reprehensible and all Anglos are fine citizens. Even the ones that take dumps in shrines
  9. Yeah and most of those places are overrun with homeless and drifters. You'd have to pay for a premium spot to get away from them and you'll be way past 500
  10. So this is Thailand's fault too eh. Pathetic
  11. You could easily get scammed on one of those. There are ppl who sub rent small hotels. They run them legitimately for awhile and build up reviews. Then at a busy time of year , they they exit scam. They can rig the booking so that there's an unlimited amount of rooms. So ppl keep booking and booking. Then when they get to the location , the place is locked up and nobody's there. And then the scammed people try and phone into the booking agent to explain what is going on. And the agents don't even understand and the booking ad stays up. This exact thing happened to me on Expedia. The scammers had an add on Booking .com as well It was just a one night thing. I didn't lose very much money. But the frustrating part was how dumb the Expedia agent was. He could not understand what was going on.
  12. 3 posters hit the laugh emoji. Yeah so funny! Cretins.
  13. That's a shame. For many men living in total squalor , the drug business is profitable enough to give them purpose. The govt should just turn a blind eye. Drug prohibition is pure madness brought on by the US anyway. Now the govt ruined 14722 lives. And they have to pay to charge and incarcerate them. For what ?
  14. Did you not notice him closing in on your personal space a bit before it happened ? With this poor old fella, I guess he didn't hear or sense that the German mental case was closing in on him. Unless I am in a big crowd, I usually have a close account of who is around me and how close they are.
  15. Were you checking into the room beside them ? When was this ? You should have made a video This idea that Chinese infusion of capital into a dirt poor place has "ruined" it is a bit of a contradiction. It doesn't sound like they ruined much if the development pushed some of the worst types of farang drifters along
  16. As with farangs there pub2022
  17. Kratom is not even a drug that kids or teens would find appealing. Its too subtle. Its an adult drug more akin to coffee When I was young, me and some freinds got some kratom and got bored of it right away and moved on. This tactic of making kratom a boogyman for kids is wrong. A lot of adults with drinking problems, sleeping problems and chronic fatigue could benefit from kratom
  18. I was not speculating. I was stating the official record of what happened. What law enforcement have on record as happening. I wasn't the one opening it back up to speculation by pretending to not know what actually happened.
  19. Every person involved was gangster larper scum. They transferred just $52,000 USD out of his accounts to Cambodia. That is chicken feed. They couldn't even manage to get rid of the body in time before they all got caught. The victim seemed to have the most money out of them all. He could have laid low and lived easy. But that wasn't exciting enough for him I guess
  20. But isn't there fighting over the business going on ? and lovers quarrels ?
  21. In this case if I recall, some CCTV footage collaborated with what the shooter said. What do you think happened ?
  22. You were saying how bad this is and how bad it will make Thailand look. And the legions of Thailand ridiculers here gave you a thumbs up. And yet all of you still stay in and/or visit Thailand and will continue to do so. I just find it strange. So in Finland it would have been 10 years and half that which would be 5 years. That's not far off from what this guy is getting.
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