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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. This should serve as a lesson for everyone, (they should know better already) that you don't go flipping off, screaming, hitting or losing your temper at people in foreign countries like Thailand over minuscule traffic disputes. But it will probably happen again next week.
  2. And yet you're still associated with it. The west has even worse sentences so Im not sure what the point is. The sentence was probably low because they expected better behaviour from the foreign victim who did start it by initiating the road rage.
  3. So you are defending this piece of sh**s hissy fit ? Does having a hissy fit help the situation ?
  4. And just like I expected, ppl are actually defending this sack of human garbage
  5. Har har ! Dross like this and ppl like you who defend them makes me embarrassed to be a white person in Thailand These blobs of fetid afterbirth. Thankfully most of them were priced out of Thailand long ago
  6. Im not sure why ppl keep saying NZ. It will get smoked just like everything else in the region. All thanks to the US. Who guarantee a Taiwan war
  7. What was hotel prices like in Palawan ? The unspoiled islands are the bright spot for the Philippines for sure. And everyone knows that. I just question how many ppl really realize how behind Manila and provincial towns are. And how it effects you in your travels when you are there.
  8. To be fair , I didn't feel in danger anywhere I went compared to 2014. There's cops , military and security everywhere
  9. With Thailand less than 3 hours away , other than some select islands , I have little interest in coming here again. And even then , the islands have come a long way since 2014 but are still expensive.
  10. The comedians have lots to say like usual. But I was gonna say , anyone who can swim should be able to cling to the edge. But there's literally nothing to grab onto
  11. Did the mad kraut tell them he was an engineer ?
  12. The fact that this seems to be news just shows how far Thailand has gone in the right direction in the last 15-20 years.
  13. The scum still finds a way. All that does is make normal ppl jump through hoops. Plus sadly , forex grift is an IQ test. And we can't save some ppl from themselves
  14. Much of the bird sh** farang dross that used to wash up on Pattayas shores in the early 2000's have either died off or been priced out. But there's still some that can afford a 2 week holiday
  15. Exactly. Thailand's hotels are way better and better priced
  16. We all know how ppl drive here. Can you enlighten me as to why the farang wasn't aware and alert to take slight avoiding action ?
  17. This doesn't explain the accident at all really. Just a typical cheap shot at the Thai rider. It was a big bike owned by a 70 year old farang and being borrowed by a younger farang
  18. In some ways , Manila is 30+ years behind BKK. I remember being impressed with the 1990's view tower. Now they have that newer one which puts the old one to shame. What does Manila have ? This is why i want to bring my wife to Thailand. I think she'll really like it
  19. I prefer the distant planet feel to the Mexico in Asia feel. I feel 10x safer here than Mexico but safer still in Thailand.
  20. Im travelling w/ my wife and I'm happily retired from mongering. But i went for a couple walks by myself at night here in Subic. Maybe I was in the right place at the right time but 2 real hotties came down the sidewalk and gave me the business. Another time , i seen some ladies walking down the road and assumed they were just going out at night. But one crossed the road right away and i had to wave her along. Again, early/mid 20's and hot. I have no idea about prices but they looked fine indeed
  21. The rub with the Philippines is it's not actually cheaper in many cases. It should be but it isn't The inflation is brutal. Lots of stuff costs the same in Canadian , just converted. I was paying $90 Canadian for a pretty bad hotel in Marinduque. Granted it was holy week and hyper busy
  22. That has nothing to do with it. There's bird sh** farang DJ's with legit papers.
  23. Im new to the forum. I assumed he was half FOS about being "hyper successful " with his hyper successful wife. But the way it was worded , i should have known that it was pure bs
  24. Yeah it's obvious that the poverty is worse. I was surprised how annoying the street sellers were. In Thailand , they don't waste too much of your time if you aren't interested. Here in subic , there's an idiot sitting out front of the hotel all the time. i can't go out for a puff without him yapping at me. Even if you give him rude body language and short answers, he doesn't just bugger off. With the poverty difference , one would think mongering would be cheaper and better here. but i don't know if it is
  25. The slums are called subdivisions. There's different ghettos all over the city. bkk still has its ghetto slums but i don't think they are this numerous. But 20 years ago , they probably were
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