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Everything posted by NE1

  1. I see the pictures of the vehicle , there didn't appear to be a lot of tread on the tyres. But nobody is ever concerned about things like that. Keystone cops stop have check points , but as long as you have a tax disc then your vehicle must be road worthy.
  2. Is there a possibility that he was dead before the vehicle hit him ?
  3. They have been reading in the newspapers that they are No. 1 quality tourist in Thailand.
  4. It was supposed to be cynical/comical based on corrupt uniformed personnel ,not to be taken to seriously.... but obviously you did not see it that way.........????
  5. If you read the second line you will see , maybe I should have put a smiley at the end of it.
  6. It's obvious from the story that the Plumber was to blame....... The Teachers have 500,000 baht , which will soon be 400,000 after the Plumber goes to court...
  7. I am the same , but when you are a tourist and everything is new to you , who knows.
  8. I think they are all using the same necklace , first one pretends he has had it nicked so loans it to his mate to use. Rinse and repeat.
  9. Obviously I don't know the whole story , but living in Sweden , wouldn't she be used to the traffic coming from the other way when she steps off the kerb ?
  10. So after the first time , why didn't they go to the police ? or was the 800 baht a time to good to give up.
  11. So why is the video pixelated , don't they want the public to see who it is ?
  12. That is the key to get them toget off their ar5es and do something. 3 months passes before anything happens , there must be a back story to this , They know the guy who took her , (or did she voluntarily go with him and Mum ain't happy )
  13. The problem with u turns here , they are not meant for buses and trucks. These vehicles have to take up 2 or 3 lanes of a highway to swing wide enough to make the turn.
  14. I think we will be in for a price hike also. My Mrs says that there hasn't been any of her normal cooking oil on the shelves for weeks.
  15. My wife is the same , will go round the village to her different friends house , sit and gossip , Then returns home and will phone her sister about all the gossip. She can't half rabbit. Sometimes I think of taking the phone off her and buying her a bull horn or microphone and amp. and strapping it to her motor bike..... Lottery day is an entirely different animal. I would say 80 % of the village are ringing each other up or visiting each other. It gets her out the house though......
  16. When he says he , does he mean somebody new on his team and he is going to take the credit ( and money ) for it ?
  17. That means somebody has to get off their arris and do some work , ( not a lot of officials like doing that ) when it is much easier to sit in an office and wait for the " Postman with the Brown envelopes "
  18. As Lacessit posted , HasFit , but I used this one after an injury layed me up. , as strenuous as you like and at your speed .
  19. They don't have any credit cards , I was just wondering if there was a way to simply receive and send sms text messages on an Ipad.. Thanks for your help.
  20. Thanks for your reply. To set up an Apple ID , don't you need to link a credit card and does it have to be done through Itunes ?
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