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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. First and foremost...get her a field guide. 100x better than any website except maybe Birds of the World, which runs about $50 USD/year. The most recent and up to date guide is Lynx Birds of Thailand. Expensive but worth every baht. Get the softcover. Can order it from Asia Books, possibly. Can get it below if u order before 20 April. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/iJk64ybnUGwE4rKA/?mibextid=xfxF2i There are other good, cheaper field guides...but outdated and many name and taxonomic changes have occurred since being published. Here's a site by a friend of mine, Peter Ericsson. https://www.pbase.com/peterericsson/birds_of_thailand Also on FB I recommend Thaibirdspot https://www.facebook.com/share/fBSEEaSqJ7muGXQf/?mibextid=A7sQZp Chiang Mai Birders https://www.facebook.com/share/r4DasV85u2oCH77B/?mibextid=A7sQZp And...Eastern Thailand Birding https://www.facebook.com/share/b9f7vZo8LouS1hXp/?mibextid=A7sQZp I have posted on all of them and they are totally bird oriented and kid friendly. But really...get that field guide. The whole family will enjoy it. And get her a decent pair of 8x or 10x binoculars. There are over 1000 bird species in Thailand❗
  2. Wherever there's Trump, a gag order is necessary...'cuz everyone is gagging❗🤮
  3. No she's not...and no Biden hasn't. What are you freaking talking about❓
  4. Every year...due to it's own doing, negligence and failure to actually take action against it.
  5. It's not really any "secret", but rather most of the human animal just choose to look the other way. It's always...my entertainment...my child...my taste pleasure, etc...is far more important than the suffering of and cruelty to other-than-human animals.
  6. Yet we have to show copies for annual extension and new PP update.
  7. Amazon Cafe. Hot black coffee. Cheap and consistent...robust coffee flavor with a hint of cherry.
  8. Give him the 🥾 ❗And blacklisted. Buh-bye.
  9. Because they are an extremist Islamic terrorist group and need to be wiped out. Which is precisely and correctly what Israel intends to see through. 👍
  10. Nope. Rocking & Rolling in it❗Both THB and USD. 💰🤑💰
  11. Nope. Rocking & Rolling in it❗💰🤑💰
  12. If parking area is any indication, it wasn't. Less so than Tues & Weds.
  13. This is not new. Most hotels larger than a hole in the wall B500 guesthouse have required PP for many years.
  14. Toxins "not-at-all-secret" health scandal. An outright lie. A sham. A script written, bought and paid for before this scum sucker ever landed back on Thai soil, after being a fugitive "on the run" for 15 years.
  15. Good idea and I suggested this...but after 3 years away and waiting for his wife's Green Card for nearly 2 years, she suddenly got it recently. They were so thrilled and chomping to return that he just booked flights immediately. So answer is...not enough time. Next time he should definitely do this very thing. 👍
  16. Yeah, right on...no consistency. Korat Immigration. Wife has a house there. Only needs the additional 30 days, as they're staying just under 60 days.
  17. Great. Thanks kindly for the info. Does the extension need to be applied for in the last week of his initial 30 days?
  18. A friend from the USA is returning to Thailand after 3 years, with his Thai wife. He plans to enter Visa Exempt and is wondering if he can then extend for another 30 days❓I said I think so...but would ask. So is this possible on a visa exempt without leaving the country❓If so, what is the procedure❓
  19. Thailand claims to have the most fenceposts up it's ass, but like nearly everything else this country say...is a deception, sham, scam or outright lie.
  20. Dude...whatever whack-a-doodle mind altering substance you're on...and for many years already...please let us know so we can be sure to NEVER get anywhere near that 💩❗
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