Agreed and gave a 👍...but captive breeding and conservation efforts to save or maintain a species is a totally different topic. I was referring to exploitation for profit, only.
The corrupt, biased, rookie Trump appointed sycophant judge Aileen Cannon in the South Florida Classified Docs slam-dunk guilty verdict case...if not for her bias, ineptitude and stalling tactics.
I agree and gave your post a 👍 HOWEVER it's an insult to animals. Trump is a freak...a monster. Everything wrong with the human animal, all stuffed into one fugly specimen.
Sad. Our fellow earthlings do not deserve to be exploited and imprisoned in zoos, or cages or relocated out of their natural ranges for greedy human profit and ogling by the ignorant masses.
Right on❗Or to the Olympics this summer, just like in 2008 when he was permitted to flee and promised to return (wink wink)...then a fugitive "on-the-run" for 15 years. The legal "miracles" are strong with this scumball.
Toxin already received abundant legal "miracles" including a miraculous healing while in "heavenly" detention. The Thai justice system soon to be canonized as Saints for the rich and infamous❗
I mostly agree with your post above. However, the article I referenced was fair, factual (at least for the present) and painted a solid picture for the boxes of rocks out there. Disagree❓
Good. Even though I disagree with this type of law, the former fugitive on-the-run and multi-decades criminal must be held accountable for at least something.
The USA needs anything Thailand like someone needs genital warts. 🤣
Here's a comprehensive and currently realistic view from last year...
Couldn't care less what Frank says or thinks. Same old fool who says a dead 15 y.o. performed 2 "miracles".🤣 The first fantasy was attributed to the dead kids T-shirt❗Gimme an effin' break.