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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. Scaly-breasted Munia nest
  2. Right...and I offered up a compassionate alternative to shredded/minced swine flesh & innards, without any of the unnecessary suffering. Should give it a go.๐Ÿ‘
  3. Schemes, scams and fiascos. FUBAR and SNAFU. 5 of the most common terms in Thailand.
  4. Legal abortions are now available at 110 locations in Thailand. https://www.pacificprime.co.th/blog/legal-abortions-are-now-available-at-110-locations-in-thailand/?amp=1
  5. You should have started a poll/survey on this topic. Easier, more enjoyable and everyone can see the results. That said...I'm here full-time/round-the-clock/24-7/365
  6. And does so in only a few daysโ—Amusing Thailand.
  7. I live in a condo and the security guard was able to accept it. Sorry, not sure if he had to sign or not.
  8. Is it? I hope you're correct. Time will tell, but I don't have anywhere even close to the level of confidence in anything Thailand which you seem to possess. Always scheming to extract more money from us. And usually it's clear as mud with zero consistency and no real explanation. We don't know what they're doing...and most times don't think they actually do either.
  9. Sooo...in other words SNAFU, TIT, business as usual.
  10. This is one dangerous loose canon with a very short fuse. Total whack job. Should be charged with attempted murder and locked up for a long time. And pay a lot of money to the poor victim.
  11. By putting undue burden of taxing expats. Cha-CHINGโ—๐Ÿ’ฐ
  12. Oh my effin god which I don't believe in. This ๐Ÿ’ฉ-show would be hilarious if not so pathetically bad and predictable. Yingluck on her way back yetโ“๐Ÿคฎ
  13. Thx for the info. Have had my US credit card on file with them for years. Will be removed promptly and replaced with my Thai Debit Card.
  14. FACTA requirements of Thai banks. They would rather not.
  15. Truth hurts. Swampy was never great even when brand spanking new.
  16. Lots of great beaches around the globe. Very subjective. No Florida or California beaches listed either and only 1 Hawaiian...doesn't mean they're not great.
  17. Don't know the dates, but last year Jom Imm was closed for 6 consecutive days. I know because I can see it from my condo windows. Couldn't believe they would let it be closed more than 4, INCLUDING the weekend. TIT
  18. Pretty damn smart, if I do say so myself! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  19. We ALL knew this was coming months ago. Just a lot of bad acting and the next scene in this totally predictable, pre-arranged BS Tale.
  20. WTF?!? Are you for real??? Your ignorant, nonsensical, off-topic, non-answer is gross and your Thai ass-kissing ASTOUNDING.
  21. Really SMFH at anyone taking the side of Immigration on this and debating/disagreeing/condescending @shdmn
  22. First time doing this and needless to say a bit anxious about the outcome. I followed the instructions on the US Embassy Bangkok website 100%. Double, triple and then quadruple checked the contents and for accuracy. Satisfied I'd gotten it all prepared correctly. Dropped it off and the Thai Post in Jomtien on 8 Feb. The tracking showed it was delivered and accepted at the US Embassy by the security guard on 12 Feb. Then the wait begins. Much to my delight it arrived yesterday 8 Mar, exactly 1 month from sending. Everything was pretty clear and easy. I paid for the Courier Pass Back Service online with my credit card. It was quite simple. EXCELLENT Service all-round.
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