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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. This place never fails achieving new levels of absurdity, even when it seems impossible to go any further.
  2. Still Trump by far...even if your absurd false statements were true.
  3. This deranged, lying, corrupt, insurrectionist imbecile outlaw says alot of things. Vast majority of them false and most of the remainder unintelligible.
  4. Well that's odd. Sorry was certain the link was included. Thanks for the heads-up. Here ya go. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1327221348184142/?ref=share
  5. If you simply enjoy nature and/or are interested in nature photography around Pattaya/Jomtien and surrounding local areas...please join and post your pics. Or just appreciate the fotos and findings of others.
  6. So the giant new 2m tall crook-in-charge is using this as his adopted catchphrase for all future government extortion...Income Inequality. Same as the new foreign income tax starting 1 January. This guy should be called Big Joke.
  7. Not sure anyone lives totally alone, unless stranded on an uninhabited island. Think Robinson Crusoe or Cast Away. I actually met this guy Steve in Chiang Mai last year, through a mutual friend, before he settled in Turtle Beach. Had lunch with him. He had just returned to Thailand after 20 years. He was on his way up to Phrae to fulfill his Thai amulet mission, which be got from an Indian (Native American) woman in New Mexico. Nice guy and interesting fellow, but like most "loners"...they are not quite as alone as they claim. Sure it's okay for a stretch, but ultimately gets to almost everyone. While he certainly is isolated more than most down there, it's far from complete isolation and absolute solitude. That takes a psychological toll after a while. He's very interactive daily with the locals as well as with the other foreigners choosing to live there.
  8. Didn't her big bro order lots of Muslims gunned down in south Thailand❓ Did she condemn or speak out then❓ She's also a fugitive on the run. She needs to <deleted>.
  9. No prob with blackface however... DON'T support animal prisons and exploitation❗ It's cruel, stressful, unnatural and inhumane treatment of these magnificent creatures.
  10. This is the Typically Thai way. Never take charge, assume responsibility and open the vast Thai coffers making renumeration from within when you can deflect, deny and extort money from others to foot the bill or place the blame. This is the same tactic the new giant imbecile PM is using...tax all foreign(ers) income to foot other Thai problems, projects and the graft that'll go with them. Those in need will see little or none while those in charge will reap the vast majority.
  11. Birds Nature Our non-human fellow earthlings Vegan food
  12. Seems you did your part, so now 'up to them' to do theirs. Can't do their job for them. Meantime enjoy the free service.
  13. Put this insane murderous prick down...now❗
  14. Confused much❓ You got the wrong guy. Pure projection of your party and your orange cult leader hero. It's your maga cult way. Spin the actions of your patry and guy on the other side. Totally detached from reality & completely devoid of integrity. Pathetic, insecure and weak.
  15. Don't know (nor care) which side of the bed he got up on, but that dude lives on the wrong side of reality every day.
  16. It's intentionally and blatantly out of context and therefore libelous. There is no limit to the depths these lying maga cultists (and their leader) will sink. All to protect and deflect away from their leaders' improprieties. Lies, crazy and no integrity is all they've got. Zero redeeming qualities. Sadly these awful traits resonate with a significant portion of the world nowadays. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/10/10/fact-check-joe-biden-quote-age-wrongly-associated-his-wife/8178528001/
  17. Not surprised. I always loathed any and all dealings with CW. Always "baditude, unhelpful, unfriendly, throwing curve balls and making things unnecessarily more difficult. They are incapable of processing online 90-day Reports. Jomtien gets online 90s done same day, every time. Been in Jomtien 4 years now and everything here is easy-breezy. Love BKK but glad to be away from CW.
  18. As @SoilSpoil mentioned above, did this in 2018. Huge female with calf. If really lucky, can also see Irrawaddy (beakless ) Dolphin too. Great day and well worth it.
  19. Does 17th floor Bangkok balcony in 2000 qualify❓????????
  20. Lived like a rock star in Thailand for 30 years, without having to play the gigs❗ Also for a time in Manila and a bit in Gouanzho, Beijing and Shanghai. I choose...MYSELF❗ ????????????????????
  21. I did not "imbibe"...but have helped a few homeless girls over the years. One was a drinking buddy on the beach during Covidiocy. Gave her money for food and beer and we chatted often + gave her my old mobile phone when I got a new one. Even gave her a cheap dwelling's monthly rent twice. She offered to "repay" me but wasn't interested in her like that. Just wanted to help her a bit. Still run into her occasionally and always say hello and give her some lunch money.
  22. Almost anywhere, if he's smart about it.
  23. Been a couple other mass shootings in recent years, so they're actually slower than knee jerk. Still jerks, but even slower than you give credit for. ????

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