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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. How has Hamas been able to get so much arms, and missles etc? Those tunnels took a lot of time and money to duig and equip, where did that money come from? If Palestine gets rid of Hamas after this situation is over, that may lead to peace in the future. IMO, Hamas and its attack on Israel soil was the start and cause of this conflict. I hope the rest of the hostages do get released as well.
  2. What is TATs forecast. Economic tough times or worse. I guess we will all know in April 2024, when the high season is winding down and everyone is headed back to their home countries.
  3. If Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza had not attacked and took hostages, this situation would not still be happening. I hate the media stories that make like the poor victems are Palestinians. If Hamas is made up of these people, I feel sympathy for all the people who were taken hostage. In My Opinion.
  4. After flying and staying awake for at least 24 hours, I only get off the plane, get to a hotel or somewhere with a bed, and collapse for at least 8 hours. I never shop on arrival. I guess if you are from a neighbour coutry and fly one or 2 hours you would have energy to shop.
  5. Bob Smith must not have a home country.. I live in Canada and it is expensive. Harvey M
  6. In Canada, prisoners who need medical operations and attention, also do not pay for it. How is this a news story? Think about it.
  7. Niave traveller will always lose stuff. Why anyone would not use a money belt or a small satchel you keep on your person for packing money, is beyond me. A wallet in your pocket may be a bit uncomfortable, but is way better than having it stolen. IMO.
  8. The Hamas leader who lives in Qatar, must be a well fed fellow. Living in luxury while having the animals kill and rape innocent people is something the world should realize is what happens to the victems of Hamas and other terror groups. The ones who are being released are lucky to still be alive, and I hope that all of them are eventually allowed to go back to isreal. One can dream.
  9. Tim, Those Pattaya police looked like a well fed and watered bunch. 555. Harvey M
  10. A well fed bunch of fellows in brown. Of course the women are doing the work of carrying the goodies that are being handed out. Typical.
  11. Yes since I am Canadian, i only know British English with help. The Boot I know is what I wear when I do not wear shoes. A bonnet is for a little girl who wants to cover her head. My vehicle has a windshield. My front door has a wind screen. See what I mean?
  12. Being in a police hospital is much different than being at large. Double standard? How about two different situations?
  13. My question is. What sober person wuld be awake and walking aroun between 2 and 34 AM? Oh and how many police will be awake and on duty at that time just for patrolling the bar areas?
  14. In Canada, some Chinese Canadians were being harrassed by Chinese police, and the government is presently shutting down some police stations that were illegaly set up. Come on Thailand you do not need Foreign police in your country except to come and take home their criminals.
  15. Gold plate. Oh and I like the kangeroo, great reminder of Australia.
  16. Tim, IMO the Russian War against Ukraine is way more than a regional conflict. Please call a spade a spade. I am curious of sme of the items on your book case. The cold plate, the item on the lower left, and i do like your book ends as well. Harvey M Thanks for keeping us up on the news of Thailand.
  17. Hamas and the other terrorist gangs in Gaza are the kilmlers. I would not link them too strongly to the general population of Gaza. I have to wonder if some of these terrorists are all from Gaza, mioght be some imports from other parts.
  18. One of my Thai relatives, totaled his police chief's car years ago. He had a few drinks and admitted to me that he fell asleep and crashed the car. I think that is one of the common reasons for a lot of night time accidents. awake too long, and sleepy when driving home.
  19. It is refreshing to hear of these kinds of people getting caught, and sent to jail. Scum of the earth, don't need to be walking free. IMO
  20. Maybe the title should be, Thailand bracing for High Season, since it is November now, and some retired people start leaving the northern countries to avoid cold and snow in their countries. Of course TAT and maybe Bangkok News have forgotten about low season and high season. My Opinion of course...
  21. The mercenaries are part of the Hamas group. It sounds to me like Hamas is not just Palestine guys. I am glad that Thailand does not have Isreals style of Military requirement, since Thailand has not been in a war for nearly 2 or 3 life times. I doubt that Thai born people living in Isreal are being forced to do time in the Isreal military. Just my opinion of course.
  22. Yes, do not name these official, as it might help in their capture.
  23. The car did not escape, that is for sure.
  24. I like cool season better than rainy season. Not a lover of snow and ice and cold weather below 0C as well.
  25. My guess about the picture is that the woman is a friend or relative of the wife who has survived.
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